Tuesday, March 29, 2022


 This is an interesting development, if true.  Who knows with the amount of disinfo flowing out of both sides' propaganda organs:

Us poor above ground suckers will all have to suck it up and take the vladiation like a man.  Do you have your KI pills if you have young ones with developing thyroids?  That is potassium iodide that you give your kids after a larger scale nuclear event to load their thyroid so that radiation does not load it up during an event.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 Great commentary I lifted from a Ukrainian FB acquaintance:

One man, called Jeff Nyquist was trying to tell truth for a long time. Not many would listen. These are his words, which I copied from his  comment to his post:

"NATO’s ability to defeat Russia depends entirely on the war being non-nuclear. Well, why would the Russians allow the war to be fought with mere conventional weapons? Once you introduce nuclear weapons the balance of power tips in Russia’s favor dramatically. Why is this so? Because they have built their country so that they can absorb nuclear attacks without losing tens of millions of people. They have blast and fallout shelters in all their cities. They have massive ABM defenses. Nearly everyone in America believes in Mutual Assured Destruction. I can argue until I am blue in the face, but your average American will never understand that Mutual Assured Destruction is an obsolete theory that our military abandoned in 1978. As a Russian general recently asked, “Why should the city of Kiev exist?” Indeed, why should the United States exist? No particular reason, really. Have you inspected your fallout shelter lately? Where are our ABMs? We have 70 or 80. The Russians have 10,000 – 12,000 dual purpose SAM ABMs — S300s, S400s, and the new S500 systems. For 35 years people have told me I need a more positive attitude. I am told that I am not giving my country the credit it deserves for its nuclear capabilities. We have nukes, too, they say. But we have neglected our nuclear arsenal. I know this because I have kept up with military developments and have talked with experts. I know how things have developed over the years, and I know the attitudes, myths and misconceptions people have. The truth is, we have not built defenses against nuclear weapons that amount to anything. Worse yet, America elected Clinton. They elected Obama, and now Biden is president. These “leaders” sabotaged our defenses before our eyes. They opened our border to terrorists and spetsnaz infiltration. You might ask: Are Americans blind? I have been writing this message for decades. And very few people are willing to listen. I have always asked myself if this is my own fault. Recently I was told it is my fault, and I need to do some soul searching. Of course, I have done a lot of soul searching, for 35 years. But in the end, you can only say what you believe to be true and let the chips fall where they may. People should have written their senators and congressman about this long ago. Almost nobody took responsibility. All we needed was a loud 100,000 people, but there was not even a loud thousand to yell and scream until the defenses were built. What did we do instead? We allowed Marxist treason into our schools, into our government and the media. We let our enemy subvert us and disarm us, intellectually and militarily. Americans want to be comfortable. They want easy and simple solutions that will not involve sacrifices. Too bad. The world does not work that way. Everything is hard. Now the sacrifices will be enormous, and we may not survive. Someone recently told me this was all my fault because I was not clever enough to sell my message to the people. That is putting an awful lot on me, and leaving nothing for anyone else; and I do not accept the responsibility of correcting the grammar of the universe (to use a metaphor). I was told that I should have altered my message, made it more acceptable, more sugary, etc. But I watched several other people, who knew exactly what I knew, doing exactly that very thing. And it did not work. I knew it wouldn’t. As Marielena Stuart used to say in her amazing commentaries, “Somebody has to say the truth.”


 So, I have exchanged some words with some DoC folks over our current Temple endowments and its "perverse" nature.  All of which I do not support.

The general belief (as I understand it) is that they think that our current incarnation of the Endowment is perverted and filled with Free-Masonry.  We have had an uncomfortable relationship with the Free Masons going back to the Nauvoo days.  Because FM was co-opted by the esoterics in the 1870's (Aliester Crowley and company).  As with anything, the devil took something that goes back to those who built the Solomonic Temple and perverted it - much as the symbol of the rainbow has been taken by the perverts and perverted and co-opted for their twisted use.  We experienced the same thing with almost every other gospel symbol including the sickos taking the innocence of children in a mirror of the temple setting.  Read up on those LDS who have endured MK Ultra experimentation.  Instead of just leaving us alone, they have to shit upon everything that is sacred including attempting to co-opt and shit upon the sacred union of marriage.  

If I were an impartial godless minion, I would conclude that there might be something to the restored gospel simply based on the attacks against it by those within the "Christian" world and by virtually every other creed out there other than Hinduism and Buddhism....  Study what your enemies are attacking to know where they sense the greatest threat, right?!?

So, for those who constantly attack everything that Brigham Young did (post 1834), they have to ask themselves whether they honor the works of Joseph during ALL of his days or just the first few years of his ministry.  Was he a fallen prophet in the latter years?  Was George Washington (a high order Mason) one of those that was also deceived by Masonry (if it was always evil)?  Do most of the Founding Fathers also fall into that category, all the while concocting the Great Experiment - the greatest movement of light and goodness to hit the earth?  How do you section that corpse?  How do you divide the cancer from the healthy flesh?  

I have stood upon the steps of the Masonic Lodge in Nauvoo and preached hell-fire and damnation to a few "missionaries" from Texas who said we were out of the way for our beliefs (during the Nauvoo open house) and told them that their only salvation was to repent and actually seek the things taught within the walls of the temple that they were railing against.  In the end (after a crowd of about 50 people had congregated around the spectacle), their handler came and removed them because they were getting their arses handed to them.  I was not happy by their presence and spreading partial truths (salacious details about Joseph having sexual relations with 14 year old women instead of the accurate fact that he was sealed to this gal and many other women - when he in fact had no children by them in a day when Emma could get pregnant pretty much just by looking at Joseph).  In that lodge, Joseph ascended up the stairs of Masonry.  He MUST have approved of it - because he was there.  

Once you throw one under the bus, you kind of have to consider it all while you live under the umbrella of enlightenment created by those "evil people"....  It is a conundrum that every "under the bus thrower" must ask themselves as they arrogantly throw people of a higher paygrade under the bus.  It takes a particular kind of arrogance to do so.  THIS is pride.  This is a form of mockery being hurled from the Great and Spacious Building.  This is illogical unless it is all looked at in the same, unfiltered light.

If you decide you must throw one thing under the bus, where does it end?  If you throw the temple endowment out, do you throw the rest of Joseph's teachings out?  Or just a bit of it?  Does it finally end in Jesus?  Does it finally end in God?  I have seen the godless shrink down until they are almost nothing (spiritually, at least) because they have decided they were more wise than the wisdom of God.  Many that I have seen, have been made an example for others to avoid like so many lepers clamoring from the curb at the passers-by.  How then shall I assess this?  By the fruits - and none of them look to be too good.

While highly imperfect, I would rather keep company with the Saints who are striving (while possibly even blindly and even following some or many blind guides) than to venture into the mists of darkness alone and Comforter-less....  It is so hard to witness the spiritual carnage and wreckage.

So this is my word of warning to those who claim to know more.  When does the arrogance stop?  Where does it stop?  Likely like that of Martin Harris and others who came crawling back after a thorough schooling by the Master who will let us kick against the pricks in order that we might learn all things according to our Agency and according to buffetings of the evil one.


I cannot imagine a more terrifying ride than this one from 30,000 feet up.  Just nasty for those people....

A commenter asked me for my perspective on this.  This airplane was a 737-800 which is not the infamous 737 MAX that had two nearly identical crashes related to some bad software and system architecture that was driven by greed (read; bean counters instead of Engineering) at Boeing.  Most engineers with a conscience resent the bean counters because they throttle back on sensible design and often push cost and schedule over quality and sound engineering judgment.

Having briefly looked at the flight profile data, it looks like they had marginal control over the aircraft as it went in.  Therefore, it appears that the horizontal stabilizer was functional (or at least the elevator was).  The elevator/horizontal stabilizer was my system on all Boeing models for about a decade.  Most all models were water tight, but the 737NG (predecessor to the 737MAX) was the one with all the problems.  It came down to 60 years of changes to the legacy airframe while making few updates to the Hor Stab to accomodate those changes.  As changes to the wing were made to improve efficiencies, air flow across the wings became turbulent off the trailing edge and produced a condition called flutter in the tail feathers.  Flutter cycles the structure at a very high rate and causes it to age prematurely.  Steel is great at being able to handle high amounts of cycling, but aluminum is not so great.  The result is that the material fails prematurely and cracks and pieces depart the airplane.  While I was there, I flight tested the 737NG and we found the condition but did some minimal things to address the flutter.  But, as we chased the flutter from the elevator tab, it ended up in the elevator itself.  From there, it was chased into the Horizontal Stabilizer.  It was then chased (dampened) until it found itself into the airframe where it could dissipate or disappear.  Not a great option - but it worked.  It took a decade to sort it out without a major update to the aircraft.  The solid solution would have been to move the entire horizontal stabilizer up and away from the turbulent airflow coming off the trailing edge of the wing.  But this requires a massive change to the airframe.  Tens or hundreds of millions of dollars.  The chance for this change came when they brought in the 737MAX, because they completely redesigned the wing, the landing gear, propulsion systems, the empennage (tail feathers) and so much else.  The only thing that is remotely similar to the NG is the fuselage, whose base design goes back to the late 1950's and was adopted from the 707.  

With the MAX redesign, they moved the Hor Stab up several feet and changed the design to something more robust and aerodynamic.  Something they should have done my lifetime ago but did not have the fluid dynamics software that they have today, so they just went with what they had at the time and kept re-warming over the existing designs.  So, my guess is that the airplane either lost an elevator tab or elevator due to flutter.  It is also possible that there was a force fight between the pilot and copilot in a suicide situation.  The only way to tell if that was a situation is to see the CVR (cockpit voice recorder) or the FDR (flight data recorder) to see what inputs were given at each control column.  There is a shear mechanism between the two control columns that allows for separate inputs in the event of a control cable jam or in the case of a force fight between the two sides of the cockpit (in a suicide situation, like there was on an Egypt Air 767 a few decades ago).

So, yes in spite of this incident, I would fly on either the 737NG or the 737MAX on an airline that I know does not cut corners on maintenance and training.  Statistics show it is the safest airplane out there based on number of takeoffs and landings and flight hours/passenger miles.  The 737MAX was just fine with proper flight crew training (which Boeing opted out of to save money and avoid a new TC - Type Certificate) on the MAX, instead arguing commonality with the older 737NG.

It will be interesting to follow this case and see what comes out of it.  In the meantime, prayers for the families, knowing that their loved ones endured minutes of screaming bad terror!  Just horrible.

Monday, March 21, 2022


 My usual DoC detractors showed up on the latest polygamy topic on FB and set about telling me that my experiences were all a crock and that I am deceived.  Basically, I have to break the news to them that they are damned; ie, they cannot move forward in their eternal progress until they begin to believe.  And that they need to quit throwing people of higher paygrades under the bus until they can settle the West, inspire tens of thousands to follow a particularly hard belief set, etc.  Basically, eradicate arrogance from their lives.  For that is what it is.

Here is a quote that has inspired this blog.  I would rather be guilty of gullibility, than of a closed mind.  Many languish in unbelief precisely because they would rather not take the chance of having taken a chance:

“I never hear of a man being damned for believing too much; but they are damned for unbelief.”10  says Joseph Smith (History of the Church, 6:477; from a discourse given by Joseph Smith on June 16, 1844, in Nauvoo, Illinois, Grove East of Temple; reported by Thomas Bullock)

Sunday, March 20, 2022


 If ever there was a dead horse topic, this is it.  And it is amply beaten to death....  People go round and round about it but I have been led line upon line to believe in it or to at least be open to it.  Here is my portion of a fakelook thread on it:

I have gained a testimony of the Principle long ago and look forward to living the full Law of Consecration on the near future. Possibly the next life.
  • Polygamy has everything to do with Consecration.  My wife and I had our middle child taken at nine months to perform a mission on the other side. We quit mourning over time and gave him over to the Lord.
    My wife developed mental illness from that and other life stressors (child sexual abuse), in my frustration, I was mistreating her when she was accusing me of things I was not doing when our young girls reached the age she was when the trauma occurred. After calling the cops and CPS to clear my name, I threw her out of the house because I could not live with her under the same roof.  Through the next few months, I was clearly shown that; if I did not treat her right, she would be given to another far more worthy of her. That it was her that was far above me and chose her trials to perfect her. I learned the true meaning of the ten talents parable. Consecration. When we put it all on the altar, the Lord magnifies us. We all live well below our means.
  • Mr Wood Zone, I am so sorry for your loss. I dont know what to say, other than I pray that angels abide in your home always and may you be blessed with continual comfort and peace. God bless you both ❤❤❤❤ Thanks for sharing your perspective.
  • Mr Wood Zone, do you think polygamy is important for living in the celestial kingdom and why? Why should a man have multiple wives? I don't understand why it's the law of consecration? It appear as if only the women have to live that law and not the man in a sense. Do you mind explaining your thought more on this 😊
  • I cannot say for certain just that the Lord has led us line upon line and has made my wife and I aware of some women that I will be sealed to through the eternities. Nothing going on in this life…
    My mother was very against Section132 and all that. She often told my dad that he was not to remarry if she went first. Right after the funeral of our SIDS kid, I told my mother she was next in line to go, in about six months. She died one week shy of six months, about two weeks shy of Thanksgiving that year. The night our kid died, I had an AMAZING dream wherein he said goodbye and I was shown that there would be a sign of comfort for his grieving mother and it was related to turkey. Six weeks later, my mother appeared with my son to my father in his room at night on Christmas Eve. My father related the experience the next day to me after I had just finished de-boning the Christmas turkey...  My mother said she was “wrong; it is different over here”. She then told my dad that should he find a suitable companion, that he should carry out the rest of his days in a non-lonely state. He eventually did and was sealed to a second woman for his remaining 14 years. He is what I call a “linear polygamist”. In the spirit of Consecration, I give my wife over to her greatest joy and if I go first and she finds someone that loves her better, she goes with him. She does the same for me. In a truly consecrated state, the needs of our brothers and sisters come before our own. Self is given away to the Lord and we allow Him to decide instead of acting in our own interests. No
  • Mr Wood Zone, I understand the concept of multiple companions for this earthly life. I wouldn't want my husband to be alone if I died. I don't wish that on anyone. I'm just wondering if its necessary for entry into the celestial kingdom.
  •  Mr Wood zone, it also gets complicated if a women is married to more than one man, what happens then? Is it poly relationships of all kinds or only polygamy and why?
  • yes, this is the question. Is it a requirement? I am not sure. It is not a symmetric law - and this is where the rub is for most women that I know; and I totally get it. I would not like to be asking the questions from the other side of the equation.... I tend to think that all things are equal and that there will be NO inequities on the other side. All things will be made right, etc. I know that we should NEVER have to sever ties of those we love whether with children or spouses. Whether the man or the wife is sealed to more than one person. We all should have a fair shake. Should we have to choose? Possibly. If you remove the sexual component, I think it becomes a MASSIVELY different ballgame. We, by nature of this fallen world (with hormones and greedy eyes, etc) are jealous of what we gotten ahold of - so it is natural to grab onto something and be overly protective of it (houses, land, spouses, material possession, children even). When you remove scarcity from the equation and you replace jealousy or greed with the Pure Love of Christ and Consecration - the whole field of play is changed in an instant. But it takes a herculean effort to get to that point.
  • (Mr Wood Zone) on the second question about polyandry, I would not be surprised if it exists. My wife took a class early on in our married years at BYU and it dealt with plural marriages of Joseph. The prof was a radical feminist and was excommunicated for her teachings that Joseph was sowing his seed all over the place including loving on a 14 year old, Fanny Mae Alger and that all of these kids these women had pre-1844 were his. Truth is, NONE were and likely all of these unions were non-sexual in nature. He was sealed to tons of men, too. Post-humously, he was sealed to over 2,000 women who hitched their wagons to him. It is all about getting access to the highest blessings in God's kingdom, so the short answer is that this may be a requirement? Just not sure at this point. Some things may not be answered in this life. I DO KNOW that we need to have humility and just accept Father's will, whatever it is.
  •  Mr Wood Zone, out of everybody here that supports polygamy, you sir, have the best answer. I like the thoughtfulness you put in and the open ended nature. I much prefer an answer that builds on universal principles such as equality and choice rather than "because God wants it that way". I still don't necessarily agree but I can appreciate your perspective and see how it makes sense for polygamy to exist in some fashion. I still don't think it's necessary as we determine worthiness.
  • Wow, I find polyandry fascinating, and the fact that he sealed himself to men as well. The fact though that he seems to be the only who did so raises some questions. That and the fact we aren't still sealing ourselves to dead prophets means, to me, that we don't understand and we didn't back then either. Almost seems like people were just experimenting and seeing what sticks, or doing things for "just in case".
  •  (Mr Wood Zone) Yes, I know it does not matter other than it is my will. Part of my journey at arriving at my less-than-popular opinion of marriage is that the Spirit whispered to me while on my mission that I was talking to one of the daughters (progeny) of Jesus. Of course, I was like, "What?!? Jesus was married?!? Jesus had kids?!?" From there, I learned that he not only had one wife, but he had at least three wives and many many children.  Read a book called "Mormonisms Holy Grail".   Line upon line, the Lord led me/us to the reality of where we are now including when the sister missionaries were over at our house a decade ago and we were talking to them (my wife and I) and the Spirit was there in spades as we discussed the topic and we were all told simultaneously by the Spirit that she would be part of "us" at some point in the future. We all just looked at each other in bewilderment and then each asked what everyone else felt. It was amazing - a Day of Pentecost moment with what I described as the Rushing of Winds. We never saw her again but have talked about it since. I would never attempt any of that in this life because I can barely handle the logistics of telestial living with one wife, kids, house, blah blah blah. But, the Spirit does not lie to me. Never has. So I just treasure it up and marvel at what the Lord has in store for those who are faithful and who are willing to not throttle themselves back - but accept all that He has in store for us.