I was visiting some family (members of the restored church of Jesus Christ) who’s house had recently been burned and while they await the construction work their neighbor (across the street) allowed them to rent their house while they are on vacation, perfect timing...
While there I had quite the experience they wanted me to come over cause they knew of my gift( seeing , feeling, hearing, smelling devils and unclean spirits) and they said they had experienced some bad things happening.. noises in the middle of the night, walking around when no one is there, bad dreams, waking up to seeing someone laying on them or covering their mouth, bad thoughts .. depression, suicidal thoughts..
I walk in and felt the air felt thick. We chatted a bit then they wanted me to go through the house, and check it out.
I had everyone stay in the living room and not to talk. I went into the bathroom to cleanse and prepare(pray , repent for anything I can think of, ask for clarity in using my gift of the spirit) as I walked out I immediately without looking up, see someone above my head watching me and very excitedly kicking his legs back and forth as if he were siting on a bridge looking down. I immediately knew this was the one in charge of reporting. I walked passed him in the master bedroom, on one side a sat down next to the bed and it was thick, deep emotions I knew this was a work station. On the other side of the bed had a spiritual bubble for protection. There were 2 spirits in the bedroom their purpose was to create tension and frustration and each was assigned to each parent, one was going back to the man in the living room he had just come to follow me. Then I noticed they were there by direct order , I saw originally a spirit had taken his finger and drawn a symbol behind the bedroom door wall. I also saw these symbols being drawn on each room behind a picture or dresser. I then walked to he other end of the house as I looked upstairs there was a symbol behind me in the garage that was for the whole house. I walked upstairs with just the flashlight on my cell phone(I couldn’t find the light switch) the kids rooms each had spirits assigned to each child in the purpose of giving them false doctrine from friends. I then took a rest on the couch in the living room for a bit. It still has an effect on me as to rendering my physical body weak when I “tune in” I then was asked to cast out the spirits in which I did by telling them to end their contracts , bonds obligations and associated assignments with each family member and also commanding them to do the same with family members and friends not present. I then gave the husband a blessing in he which casted our spirits from him who were giving him depression and suicidal thoughts. The husband and I then put our hands on his wife, he asked me to give her blessing, so I then proceeded to give her a blessing in the same manor starting with casting out spirits pertaining to self doubt, and contention. And the blessing told her to keep her faith and that her prayers would be answered and she would receive these blessings she seeks.
After the blessings she cried and said she had been doubting her own self worth and how she sits in Gods eyes because all of this added stress.. and financial hard times they’ve been under. But she was thankful for getting the answer she had been seeking. The messages us the next morning said that the house was full of light. In fact before we left, we had talked for some time about the difference in the darkness was gone and it was filled with the light and the spirit.
While there I had quite the experience they wanted me to come over cause they knew of my gift( seeing , feeling, hearing, smelling devils and unclean spirits) and they said they had experienced some bad things happening.. noises in the middle of the night, walking around when no one is there, bad dreams, waking up to seeing someone laying on them or covering their mouth, bad thoughts .. depression, suicidal thoughts..
I walk in and felt the air felt thick. We chatted a bit then they wanted me to go through the house, and check it out.
I had everyone stay in the living room and not to talk. I went into the bathroom to cleanse and prepare(pray , repent for anything I can think of, ask for clarity in using my gift of the spirit) as I walked out I immediately without looking up, see someone above my head watching me and very excitedly kicking his legs back and forth as if he were siting on a bridge looking down. I immediately knew this was the one in charge of reporting. I walked passed him in the master bedroom, on one side a sat down next to the bed and it was thick, deep emotions I knew this was a work station. On the other side of the bed had a spiritual bubble for protection. There were 2 spirits in the bedroom their purpose was to create tension and frustration and each was assigned to each parent, one was going back to the man in the living room he had just come to follow me. Then I noticed they were there by direct order , I saw originally a spirit had taken his finger and drawn a symbol behind the bedroom door wall. I also saw these symbols being drawn on each room behind a picture or dresser. I then walked to he other end of the house as I looked upstairs there was a symbol behind me in the garage that was for the whole house. I walked upstairs with just the flashlight on my cell phone(I couldn’t find the light switch) the kids rooms each had spirits assigned to each child in the purpose of giving them false doctrine from friends. I then took a rest on the couch in the living room for a bit. It still has an effect on me as to rendering my physical body weak when I “tune in” I then was asked to cast out the spirits in which I did by telling them to end their contracts , bonds obligations and associated assignments with each family member and also commanding them to do the same with family members and friends not present. I then gave the husband a blessing in he which casted our spirits from him who were giving him depression and suicidal thoughts. The husband and I then put our hands on his wife, he asked me to give her blessing, so I then proceeded to give her a blessing in the same manor starting with casting out spirits pertaining to self doubt, and contention. And the blessing told her to keep her faith and that her prayers would be answered and she would receive these blessings she seeks.
After the blessings she cried and said she had been doubting her own self worth and how she sits in Gods eyes because all of this added stress.. and financial hard times they’ve been under. But she was thankful for getting the answer she had been seeking. The messages us the next morning said that the house was full of light. In fact before we left, we had talked for some time about the difference in the darkness was gone and it was filled with the light and the spirit.

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