We had several hours until our flight, so I told her the miracle of my Dallin story and the loss of our son, etc. while we ate dinner together. She could tell that I was religious, though I usually hold my cards close unless the Spirit dictates to bear witness of the Book of Mormon, etc. At the end of my spiel, I told her that after losing our son to SIDS, we would go to the mall or movies and just ask people if we could just hold their babies. Our baby hunger was pretty much off the charts. We had gaping holes ripped into our hearts with the loss of our little guy. He truly brought love and joy into our lives and home on a scale we had never before experienced.
The Spirit had already told me that this new friend had gone through a tough spell in her earlier years but was in a repentant mode, but that due to STDs and possibly an abortion, she could not have children. After telling her about Dallin's loss, I said that we could not fathom how someone could harm a baby in any way. It pricked her heart and she was very direct and said, "I have to be straightforward with you, I had an abortion in my early 20's." I was not surprised - nor do I judge her - because I think she is learning that the sterilization that she went through from her bout of promiscuity/abortion had led to her pain and drama of not being able to bear children in her late 30's as she has had a change of heart. God is good and puts events and people into our lives that help us learn what we need to, in order to experience the greatest amount of growth.
If we had been given more time, I would have shared the miracles she could have through power in the Priesthood, but the window was closing. As usual, after we parted ways to get on the flight, I prayed that God would continue to provide a miracle in her life and that she would one day desire and qualify for the truth to be completely in her life.
If we indulge in the heinous act of abortion, we lose our humanity - but it can be gained back after incredible challenges overcoming the ground lost - and through much repenting and searching after God for forgiveness.
The sin of Sodom was not so much the homosexuality - though they clearly were depraved - but it was that the people had turned away the poor and sought only for their own pleasures. Thus, why we serve others - to take the selfish focus off our own desires and place our desires above those we love. In doing so, we eventually learn to love those that can give us nothing in return (the meek and lowly in heart). We cease to be "users" and instead become "bestowers" and "givers" of good things.
God's will then becomes ours - to bring about the immortality and eternal life of man (in this case, our fellow man, as we become Saviors on Mt Zion, etc). We then become part of the engine that pulls, instead of creating drag and slowing things down.
When we have this spirit about us, we become as God is and we then can claim part and parcel of that which He has and lives eternal.
When we reach this point, our joy is boundless and we have no desire to do evil, but good continually. We then become sealed as His. The opposite scenario exists, as with everything - and we can see this all around us as we watch many fall from grace.
Here is the meme that got me thinking on these things:

This is a stinging rebuke to the Democrat Party for championing this as well as the Republican Party for doing nothing to halt it. The great Devil in all this is the Media Complex, our collective consciousness that dilute our minds with so many distractions and attacks upon any entity or Politician that would set things in order.
ReplyDeleteI was reading from Nibley's "Abraham in Egypt", His assessment of the wickedness at the time of Abraham was the same as at Sodom and Gomorrah where the real wickedness was the emphasis on wealth and status. If we look at how the establishment protects Hillary, Obama and any on the Left and tear down all others who are not a part of their cabal, you can get an idea of Idol Worship in our society today.
Interesting Nibley note: "The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were not condemned for their ignorance of the God of Abraham but rather their meanness, their immorality, and their greed; they were destroyed because they did not strengthen the hand of the poor and heeded not the needy. For them everything existed for the sole purpose of being turned into cash: they charged visitors for everything and had the most ingenious trick for getting money out of them." Another story he gives of Abrahams servant tried to help a poor man who had been robbed and was being beaten up by a gang in Sodom, he was arrested, taken to court, and fined the price price of bloodletting - a legitimate fee.
He mentions the Gadianton administrations in the Book of Mormon, where everything was kept legal, where the richer man was always favored: A man would pay a merchant good prices for his goods but refuse to sell him any food, and when he starved to death, he would piously confiscate all of his wares and his wealth.
Look carefully at how Government taxes us in ways we rarely recognize - through big business taxes that takes those taxes from us. Government adds more and more debt with the concept that they must tax more from the people with a lame promise of more benefits and enriching only the select rich.