I once was fined $34,125 for cutting blackberry vines on private property. It was near a "salmon stream". The said "salmon stream" was a ditch next to a road that cut squarely across the said "salmon habitat". The said "salmon stream" was cleaned out and muddied by a truck-mounted backhoe five days later by the same city that was fining me for cutting blackberries five days earlier in "wetlands" that a 60,000lb truck/trailer had just driven on on January 5th in Western Washington - the rain crapitol of the USA..... Yep - not making this up....
I was proven guilty by bureaurocratic fiat law, the fine was imposed and then I had to fight the fine with my own money against a larger government entity that was using unlimited tax dollars (part of which I paid to them), in order to put me into financial chaos. Pissed off does not describe how I felt. This occurred precisely when I was in the process of getting laid off after Sept 11th aerospace downturn and a month before I lost my kid to SIDS. Thankfully, I was able to hire a geotech engineer to prove my innocence a couple of weeks before the death of my kid. I have to say that all of that heaped on my head at one time would have been too much.
As it was, I was all sorts of pissed off - and the only thing keeping me from doing a LaVoy was a temple assignment each Saturday morning. I was grinding my teeth at nights wondering how I was going to pay those chumps off.
This person nails my sentiments RIGHT down perfectly:
Anything the federal govt touches goes to hell!! ... FDA approves nothing but toxnis,, like Aspartame, a DOD chemical. and our "food" no longer has any nutritional value. CDC pushes toxic vaccines and drugs, the number one killer in the USA!! (Iatrogenesis). CIA is the biggest drug runners in the world bringing in toxic drugs to our kids to get addicted to. FBI is enforcing and supporting non Constitutional authorities, they should be looking into the legality if our POTUS is even legal. BLM has taken over our land and abused their authority. The EPA is allowing toxic drinking water to our children and allowing these poisons to be sprayed in our skies!! The Federal Govt cannot manage anything unless it involved taking rights, land or lives!! Then they sell it back to us via a license or registration! Dont even get me going on the Federal Reserve/IRS scam.
Here is something I posted on FB when a pro US military shill tried to defend the unconscionable:
(Before It's News)
Via comment by Sioux on 1 killed as Ammon Bundy, 4 others arrested in Oreg…” Daughter of Finicum says that her father had his hands up when the FBI ambushed them – that there were snipers in the trees. Ammon's body guard disputes what the daughter says. He stated that Finicum charged the FBI men… with his hands up, I wonder? Sickening and wrong, but not surprising.”
Image result for “I want the world to know how my father was murdered today. Finicum
“His hands were in the air and he was shot in the face by the American authorities. Ammon Bundy reported there are 6 witnesses to this evil.”
Posted by Thara Tenney on Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Her testimony was echoed by another eyewitness, Victoria Sharp, who was in the car with Finicum when the group were pulled over by cops and federal agents. Sharp claims that Finicum put his hands out of the car window and asked the police to allow the women to leave the car.
“They shot at him, but they missed him,” said Sharp, adding that the group then attempted to drive away in the car but were shot at again by police.
“When we crashed and stopped for a second, he got out of the car, he had his hands in the air, he’s like ‘just shoot me then’….and they did, they shot him dead,” said Sharp.
“He was just walking, with his hands in the air, I swear to God, and they shot him dead and after he was down on the ground, shot him three more times,” said Sharp, adding that the vehicle was again “bombarded with bullets” as well as tear gas rounds.
Sharp says that the group tried to “find something white” so they could display it as a sign of surrender. She challenges news reports that only six shots were fired, asserting, “they shot at least 120 shots altogether.”
Sharp also claims that none of the individuals in the car pulled out a gun at any point and that the incident was an “ambush” with “FBI snipers in the trees” surrounding the vehicle.
More @ Vox
This is another protestor who got suicided by the gooberment. Sounds familiar to me…There is a long list of such folks who defied the big boys. Some are dead, some are in prison..it is obvious that the cost is very high if you make a stand for justice in crazy-controlled land. Such men and women of the world are our beacons of bravery.
The murdered man in Oregon is Lavoy Finicum from Arizona. Last week the dictatorship seized his four foster children from his home in retaltiation for his support of the Malheur occupation. The following comes off VNN, which is admittedly not the most solid source in the world, but it seems to have come from another internet source.
“Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore said that Ammon Bundy called his wife, Lisa Bundy, from the back of a police car on Tuesday night.
”Fiore, a vocal supporter of the Bundy family, said that Ammon Bundy told his wife that Finicum was cooperating with police and had put his hands up.
Then, Fiore said, Bundy told his wife that he watched police shoot Finicum three times. She said that Ammon Bundy also said Finicum was on the ground when he was shot.”
This sounds like an extrajudicial execution under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011, and as such it is perfectly “legal” in Obama's America.
This just smacks of what happened at Carthage other than LaVoy not giving the universal Masonic sign of distress before they finished an unarmed, worthy Priesthood holder and father of 11 wonderful children off...... You might say - "Joseph started it!!" when he smashed a press that was printing inflammatory stuff! They had a right to kill that First Amendment usurper!!" Crucify him!! Crucify him!! Or maybe things could be seen in context. The thugs murdered an innocent man who was fighting a losing battle against public opinion and tyranny by the larger, strong power. Maybe you would have a balanced view of things and realize that there were not good laws on the books for slander - and that he had kind of had it with the whole mess. LaVoy will go down as a Martin Luther, of sorts, in the fight against federal tyranny. If you are a federal employee or "public servant", I think it would be a good time to step away from this court of public opinion. You are fighting this thing from a morally inferior standpoint. Please do not make me lose complete respect (what little I have left) for our tyrannical overlords and the "alphabet agencies". You ALL are on shaky ground if you do not denounce the sins you have brought against the American people and our sacred Constitution. Even the Founding Fathers - you hold no high ground. Thank you.
Our federal government has once again murdered an honest, law-abiding citizen execution style and in cold blood. Can it not be said we have allowed a combination of evil forces to gradually remove our freedoms while we apathetically look the other way for fear of being 'contentious'? It is long past time to "awake to our awful situation". Christians contend, prophets and apostles contend, Christ contends. Political correctness and timidity are of the devil and are not to be confused with meekness. We are here, now at this time to face evil head on and overcome it through our righteous action and allowing God to work through us, not by sitting back, turning the channel and attending to our useless cares: sports, games, movies, pseudo-work, television and general worldliness. We forsake our covenants by worshiping at the alter of Babylon while paying lip service to the Kingdom of God and the establishment of Zion.
"This is an Account of My Evening with Members of the LaVoy Finicum Family as the Terrorizing Tragedy of their Father’s Execution-Style Killing
by the FBI-Coordinated State Trooper Ambush Unfolded"My Evening With LaVoy Finicum’s Family January 27, 2016/0 Comments/in Constitutional Rights, Land Rights /by Cherilyn EagarThis is an Account of My…libertylineup.com
Sarah Anne Gross Elton His daughter is my neighbor. They believe his hands were up when he was shot. https://m.facebook.com/l.php... this is the account of the 18 year old girl who was in his truck.

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