Men are just breeders. Once the kids are launched, we are more or less useless to many feminist-indoctrinated women. Thus the great divorce rate in the 40+ crowd. Many women just simply discard the guy - and often find themselves wondering what happened when they find out there are few men willing to step and take that kind of stuff a second time around. I have found that many women (broad generalization here), do not want to participate in the realm of preparing. Their role is nurturer - not protector. I do not fault them - but found this commentary on a preparedness forum to be a nice generalization that sums it up:
This is a common problem. Women are responsible for a lot of families not preparing for doom because they forbid it. Just because they don't want to deal with it doesn't make it a non-issue. My advice is that you prepare in secret because she will blame you when you aren't prepared and the fit hits the shan. You can't leave because you have a responsibility to her and the kids. The trouble is that in this society you can't assert yourself as the man and make her do anything. If you try get ready to lose half your junk. Women and children rule this nation. You can't buck it because it's a curse of God for our sin.
On a related note, any of you single folks out there go to all the doom cons and find a woman there. Or find one on here. Do not marry anyone who is outside of this because you will have an empty and unfulfilling life. You will grow out of love quickly with the person and eventually you will hate the person because they are willfully standing in the way of personal safety and the future of your kids.
I always say, "You can forbid it - but the full weight and responsibility rests on you".... clause....
Some things, you just have to let go like this fuzzy little guy seems to be promoting (and it goes both ways....):

Definitely a BROAD generalization.
ReplyDeletewell I am the woman and the prepper in our family and know it to be true with many women. ;) I think we get into prepping when we realize it is providing food clothing and shelter for our children. men tend to get more into the gadget and weapon side of it in my experience.
ReplyDeleteFunny post... I am from a large family and it is the women of my family who are actively involved in the prepping:)(Though to give credit, many of the males are involved as well...just a bit more quietly.) Also, anyone else I know who is into this kind of stuff it is either the wife or both the husband and wife together. The only case I can think of where only the husband is the active prepper, his wife tells him to let him know where and when to be there and she will go, but she doesn't want to think about she isn't impeding him.
ReplyDeleteNot true in my experience. I've actually seen the opposite....a lot. I feel bad for this guy's marriage experience. It kinda seems wimpy for him to blame his lack of food storage on the spouse. Maybe he needs to learn to persuade better, or show by example. Maybe he could start by clearing out a part of his closet and get together a 1 month supply out of money he might spend on a computer game or other entertainment. I'll bet his wife would have new respect for him if he did this. I think most women, even the ultra 'liberated' ones (like myself) like a strong man with convictions.
ReplyDeleteI find this post amusing as I have the opposite experience. The "preppers" I know who are the most committed to making the necessary sacrifice to purchase and prepare for a very unknown future are the women! The times I have witnessed the men jumping on board is when they get to buy cool gear, especially those items that have to do with sharp edges or fire :) Which I will take anytime and appreciate but there is much more to prepping that a women seems to understand. You say that by nature women are nurturers, which I agree. However, in times of survival the "mother bear" comes out and she will do any and everything to nurture, provide and protect her family, I believe even more fiercely than a man in many cases. So in my opinion, when a women gains a testimony of "prepping", she is unstoppable! At least that has been my experience and what I have observed. My favorite is the "prepper" couples who equally have a testimony and goal in mind. I believe they get the most done and will be better off when everything falls apart. Naturally males and females have different strengths and when working together can accomplish much. When one is opposing the others goals, this becomes very difficult to meet. I have had to go to the Lord many times and have asked Him to work with my husband on preparedness and then waited patiently on the Lord to help soften his heart where we could then continue on. I have done this over and over and in hind sight I have seen the hand of the Lord in my efforts and in being the great mediator between our differing opinions. This avenue has been less contentious and more faith based. I humble myself and let the Lord teach and direct my husband in the way He sees fit. I have to fully trust in Him and I do all that I can while keeping things at peace between us. It is not always easy and at times I felt I was running out of time and my kids would suffer because of my husbands resistance. But that is not the case, somehow it has all worked out and we have almost completed our preparations to what I had wanted to. We are all individuals trying to figure life out, the best thing we can do is trust in the Lord and build a relationship with him and have faith in His plan for us and others. It really is not a male, female issue. I believe it is more of a believer vs non-believer issue.
ReplyDeleteMost women in Mormondom are uneasy with guns and think all they have to do for preparedness is to put away some food and bottled stuffs.
ReplyDeleteThey do no more or less than those around them. It's called the herd mentality.
Very hard to break through.
My experience - I see prepping on both sides! My husband helps out with things (We've made a list & he helps do some research in what brands etc. are good to buy) We have 3 little ones & we do our best to have food, water barrels, fuel, extra clothing for them to grow into etc.... I can't bear the thought of my kids going hungry or being cold or suffering in any way.
ReplyDeleteIn our home, I'm the prepper. My husband is not much into prepping at all. He thinks I'm nuts. Lol.