In order to be where God is, we have to want it with ALL our hearts. No "kinda sort ofs" or half measures will make the grade. If God were to let in all those who were luke warm, He would ruin the eternities. Many people would call Him cruel for having excluded His very children (and the d'evil cunningly tried to exploit this sense of mis-guided "fair play" in people to his advantage, with the guarantee that he could basically force all mankind to comply with the requirements of heaven, thus getting them all in through coercion). The fact is this - it would be horribly unfair for those who did comply and show their love of eternal principle by (through self-will and obedience) conforming their will to Father's will (and that of His Father, and His Father, etc etc).
Every liberal (and d'evil inductee) wants to cheapen the experience of everyone else who has striven in this sojourn, by giving all people (regardless of what they have actually done in life), a passing grade and a free pass. Every teacher and normal-thinking conservative knows this is folly. If you cheapen something for one person, you cheapen it for all.
Here is the meme from Heather Jackson that got me going on this diatribe:

"Because strait is the gate and narrow the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:14......or want to.
ReplyDelete"And now I say unto you that the good shepherd doth call after you; and if you will hearken unto his voice he will bring you into his fold,...." (Alma 5:60)
And there's something wrong with anyone who isn't HORRIFIED unto repentance after reading Mosiah 3: 23-27.
Good post IRAQ because we're living in a world where children are taught "EVERYBODY's a WINNER! EVERYBODY gets a ribbon whether it be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th place. You still win and are ENTITLED to a share in the winnings earned by the one who took 1st place! Isn't that great? So no one really has to try that hard to win and the quality of the group continues to go lower and lower until the expectations bar is barely above the ground.
The TRUTH is God lives a certain way, does things a certain way, and its HIS WAY or the Highway to Hell. Few there be that truly FEAR to offend God anymore and do good out of shear love for Him. They've formed Him into their image of a fluffy Santa Claus. I've had a gut full of members of the Church who have done this to our children. The sickening sweet cookie cutter members who try to hide the God of Wrath and Indignation who has no degree of allowance nor tolerance for sin.
That's why our children are the FBking, callous thumbed texting, oblivious to Truth, and God will beat us with a few stripes but at last we'll be saved in the Kingdcom of God generation.
Alma Erikson saw the last level of a building that represented the Church in the latter days and it fell hard while the foundational generations before remained the strongest.
Brilliant post. Reminds me of an excellent article I read by a non-member about how every generation essentially recreates their perception of God and worships him accordingly. Few, even among LDS, probably worship the true God, but instead worship their own false or caricatured perception of him. I know I am guilty of that.
DeletePretend you're on a game show and you get to see the prize permanent vactation package ahead of time which is what God's done for us! An OPEN BOOK TEST! And it's so easy. TWO PRIZES. PICK ONE!
ReplyDeleteFrom the Book of Enoch:
If you are found to be righteous, Choice #1:
"And all shall walk in HIS ways since righteousness never forsakes HIM: With HIM will be their dwelling places, and with HIM their heritage, And they shall not be separated from HIM for ever and ever and ever."
And....then we have this if you are found to be evil Choice #2:
"Woe to you, ye fools, for through you folly shall ye perish: and ye transgress against the wise and so good hap shall not be your portion. And now, know ye that ye are prepared for the day of destruction: wherefore do not hope to live, ye sinners, but ye shall depart and die; for y know no ransom; and for ye are prepared for the day of the great judgment, for the day of tribulation and great shame for your spirits.
Just discovered this gal. NDE Kim Rives. LDS author of 'My Walk Through Heaven'.
"Mormon author tells of her NDE" in the Salt Lake Tribune.
And here she is in a short video describing the horrible experience of the Savior's crucifixion as she was shown it. She seems very sincere. I ordered her book. Will do a review here. Here NDE was due to life threating cancer. This looks like a pretty interesting site to explore.
Man, the "I" key on my computer frapped out. Didn't realize how much the letter is used until I struggled to type this message! LOL
Interesting NDE experience. I totally love hearing these! I only wish they hadn't had the music playing in the background while she spoke. It's sort of like sitting down to eat an awesome t-bone steak for dinner, but someone ruined it by putting sauce on it. If the meat is good and well cooked, there's no need for sauce. Sorry, both are huge pet peeves of mine.