Thursday, July 31, 2014


Folks, this is good analysis:

Events cascade. It is already clear that the nationalist fervor unleashed by Putin after a quarter century of Russia’s perceived post–Cold War decline is far from exhausted. Russians are sure that the dignity of their nation has been trampled by an American and European strategic advance to their border dressed up in talk of democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. Whether this is true is irrelevant; they believe it.
 The Russians are going to strike pre-emptively.  That is the only way they can prevail.


We need to encourage people that we love to have at least three months of food and water in their homes in order to get past a tight spot of a quarantine.

Also, we need to have multiple rolls of duct tape and plastic in order to completely seal doors and windows against this red dust that is coming.  You will have to lock yourself in your home for a minimum of 3-7 days until it has passed.  No going out for food or water or sanitation until rain or something neutralizes the threat (except for the open waters that are fouled because of it).  Not sure exactly how that one will go down.  The references to it are always vague - but they are consistent.

Here is what got me spun up:


I was trying to find out more about this red dust and found the following.   There is some great commentary in the plagues - though I would think that there is more to the cause than what this writer would put down (such as a large planet fly-by that we shortly will have as the sign of the coming of the Son of Man).

Time are going to be exciting:

Exodus in the Bible and the Egyptian Plagues

Can we make sense of the Biblical plagues?

Exodus in the Bible and the Egyptian Plagues
This painting, “He turned their waters into blood,” by the 19th-century American folk painter Erastus Salisbury Field (1805–1900), depicts the first of the Biblical plagues inflicted on the Egyptians. One understanding of the Egyptian plagues explains them as expressions of natural events. A second view of the Biblical plagues sees them as attacks on the pantheon of Egyptian gods. Accordingly, the first plague described in Exodus in the Bible—turning the waters of Egypt to blood—is directed against one of several gods associate with Nile or with water. Photo: National Gallery of Art, Washington/Gift of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch.
The Book of Exodus in the Bible describes ten Egyptian plagues that bring suffering to the land of pharaoh. Are these Biblical plagues plausible on any level? In the following article, “Three Ways to Look at the Ten Plagues,” Ziony Zevit looks at these Biblical plagues from various vantage points. There’s something unique about these Egyptian plagues as presented in Exodus in the Bible. They’re different from the curses to Israelites as mentioned in Leviticus. Some have connected the Egyptian plagues to natural phenomena that were possible in ancient Egypt. Torrential rains in Ethiopia could have sent red clay (“blood”) into the Nile, which could have caused a migration of frogs, further causing lice and flies, which caused the death of cattle and human boils. A second set of meteorological disasters, hailstorms (the seventh of the Biblical plagues) and locusts, may have been followed by a Libyan dust storm—causing darkness.
Many of the Egyptian plagues could also be interpreted as “attacks against the Egyptian pantheon,” Zevit notes. Many of the Egyptian plagues mentioned in Exodus in the Bible have some correlation to an Egyptian god or goddess. For example, Heket was represented as a frog and Hathor as a cow. An ancient Egyptian “Coffin Text” refers to the slaying of first-born gods.
A third way to look at the Biblical plagues is by asking, “why ten?” Ultimately the plagues served to increase the faith of the surviving Israelites. On this count ten could be connected to the ten divine utterances of the creation account of Genesis 1. In relating the ten Egyptian plagues, the Exodus in the Bible could represent a parallel account of liberation, affecting all aspects of the created world.

In the free eBook Ancient Israel in Egypt and the Exodus, top scholars discuss the historical Israelites in Egypt and archaeological evidence for and against the historicity of the Exodus.

Three Ways to Look at the Ten Plagues
Were they natural disasters, a demonstration of the impotence of the Egyptian gods or an undoing of Creation? by Ziony Zevit
When the enslaved Israelites sought to leave Egypt, Pharaoh said no. The Lord then visited ten plagues upon the Egyptians until finally Pharaoh permanently relented—the last of the plagues being the slaying of the first-born males of Egypt. Some of the plagues are the type of disasters that recur often in human history—hailstorms and locusts—and therefore appear possible and realistic. Others, less realistic, border on the comic—frogs and lice. Still others are almost surrealistic—blood and darkness—and appear highly improbable.
Many questions have been raised about the plagues on different levels. Some questions are naturalistic and historical: Did the plagues actually occur in the order and manner described in Exodus? Are there any ancient documents or other types of evidence corroborating that they took place or that something like them took place? Can the less realistic and surrealistic plagues be explained as natural phenomena? Other questions are literary and theological: Is the plague narrative a hodgepodge of sources pasted together by ancient editors (redactors)? What is the origin of the traditions in the extant plague narrative? What is the meaning of the narrative in its biblical context? Beyond the obvious story, did the plague narrative have any theological implications for ancient Israel?
My research has not provided answers to all these questions, but it will, I believe, provide some new insights.
For centuries exegetes have been struggling with the order, the number and the meaning of the plagues. As early as the medieval period, Jewish commentators noticed certain patterns in the narrative that reflected a highly organized literary structure. In the 12th century, a rabbi known as the Rashbam (Rabbi Samuel ben Meir),1 who lived in northern France, recognized that only certain plagues were introduced by warnings to Pharaoh, while others were not. To appreciate the pattern, divide the first nine plagues into three groups each; in the first two of each group, Pharaoh is warned that if he does not let the Israelites go, the plague will be visited on the Egyptians; in the third plague of each group, the plague strikes without warning.
In the 13th century Bahya ben Asher2 and in the 15th century Don Isaac Abravanel3 noted a certain repetitive pattern in who brought on the plagues. The first three plagues are brought on by Moses’ brother Aaron, who holds out his staff as the effective instrument (Exodus 7:19; 8:1; 8:12).a In the next group of three, the first two are brought on by God and the third by Moses (Exodus 8:20: 9:6; 9:10). In the last group of three the plagues are brought on by Moses’ holding out his arm with his staff (Exodus 9:22–23; 10:12–13; 10:21 [the last without mention of his staff]).
These patterns indicate that the plague narrative is a conscientiously articulated and tightly wrought composition.
Taking the plagues as a whole, however, it is clear that they differ considerably from the curses with which the Israelites are threatened in the so-called curse-lists of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. In the curse-lists, the Lord tells the Israelites what will happen to them if they do not obey the Lord’s laws and commandments, if they breach the covenant. They will suffer, according to Leviticus, terror, consumption, fever, crop failure, defeat at the hands of their enemies, unnecessary fear; wild beasts will consume their children and cattle; they will die by the sword; they will be so hungry that they will eat the flesh of their children and, in the end, go into exile (Leviticus 26:14–26). Similarly in the augmented list of curses in Deuteronomy 28:15–60, they will suffer confusion, consumption, inflammation, madness, blindness, social chaos, military defeat, etc.
The maledictions in the curse-lists of Leviticus and Deuteronomy have been shown to be part of a stock of traditional curses employed during the biblical period in the geographical area extending from Israel to ancient Mesopotamia. Not only are they attested in the Torah (the Five Books of Moses), but also in the prophets; they also appear in the “curse” sections of contemporaneous ancient Near Eastern treaties.4 These “curses” reflect the kinds of things that could, and probably did, happen in this geographical area as a result of natural or humanly-impose calamities. True there is some overlap between these curses and the plagues. Dever (pestilence) occurs both in the Egyptian plagues and in the curse lists of Leviticus. 26:25 and Deuteronomy 28:21. “Boils” occurs in the curse list of Deuteronomy 28:35 while a locust-like plague is mentioned in. Deuteronomy 28:42. Nevertheless, in the Pentateuchal curse lists, the Israelites—on their way to the Promised land—are threatened with disasters they might expect in the ecological system of the land to which they were headed, not those of the land of Egypt from which they were fleeing.
The plagues visited on the Egyptians are quite different.5 To understand their significance we should focus on Egypt in particular rather than the ancient Near East as a whole.
Exodus in the Bible and the Egyptian Plagues
Two Egyptian deities, Hathor, in the form of a cow (foreground), and Amon-Re (seated, on far wall). This scene was discovered at Deir el-Bahari in 1906 and dates to the beginning of the reign of Amenophis II, about 1440 B.C. The new pharaoh, successor to Tuthmosis III, stands protected beneath Hathor’s horned head; his name is inscribed on her neck. On the far wall, Tuthmosis III pours a libation to Amon-Re. Photo: Verlag Philipp Von Zabern/Photo by Jurgen Liepe
The most sophisticated attempt to relate the Egyptian plagues to natural phenomena does so in terms of Egypt’s ecosystem. According to this interpretation, the first six plagues can even be explained in their sequential order: The naturalistic account is connected initially with the violent rain storms that occur in the mountains of Ethiopia. The first plague, blood, is the red clay swept down into the Nile from the Ethiopian highlands. The mud then choked the fish in the area inhabited by the Israelites. The fish clogged the swamps where the frogs lived; the fish, soon infected with anthrax, caused the frogs (the second plague) to leave the Nile for cool areas, taking refuge in people’s houses. But, since the frogs were already infected with the disease, they died in their new habitats. As a consequence, lice, the third plague, and flies, the fourth plague, began to multiply, feeding off the dead frogs. This gave rise to a pestilence that attacked animals, the fifth plague, because the cattle were feeding on grass which by then had also become infected. In man, the symptom of the same disease was boils, the sixth plague.
A second sequence of plagues, according to this explanation, is related to atmospheric and climatic conditions in Egypt. Hailstorms, the seventh plague, came out of nowhere. Although not common, hailstorms do occur rarely in Upper Egypt and occasionally in Lower Egypt during late spring and early fall. In this reconstruction, the hailstorm was followed by the eighth plague, locusts, a more common occurrence. The ninth plague, darkness, was a Libyan dust storm.6
The final plague, the death of the first-born, although not strictly commensurate with the other plagues, can be explained in ecological terms. It may be a reflection of the infant mortality rate in ancient Egypt.7 There is a problem with this explanation, however. According to the biblical narrative, the tenth plague struck all first-born males of whatever age, not just new-born infants.
This ecological explanation of the plagues does not prove that the biblical account is true, but only that it may have some basis in reality. As indicated, it also has weaknesses: The ecological chain is broken after the sixth plague, there being no causality between the plague of boils (the sixth plague) and the hail. The chain is again broken between the ninth and tenth plagues. In addition, there is no real link between the plagues in the seventh-eighth-ninth sequence (hail-locusts-darkness). Nevertheless, this explanation does firmly anchor the first six plagues in the Egyptian ecosystem, just as the curse-lists in the Torah reflect real conditions in the Land of Israel.
Exodus in the Bible and the Egyptian Plagues
Death incarnate. A huge, hideous, scaly messenger of destruction stalks his Egyptian prey in a watercolor, entitled “Pestilence,” by the English artist, Poet and mystic William Blake (1757–1827). With victims lying prostrate or clutched in their mothers arms, the scene easily illustrates the tenth and final plague, the death of first-born males. Photo: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Moreover, two ancient Egyptian texts provide additional support. One is relevant to the first plague, blood. In “The Admonitions of Ipu-Wer,” dated at the latest to 2050 B.C.E., the author describes a chaotic period in Egypt: “Why really, the River [Nile] is blood. If one drinks of it, one rejects (it) as human and thirsts for water.”8
The second text, known as “The Prophecy of Nefer-Rohu” dates towards the beginning of the Middle Kingdom, about 2040–1650 B.C.E.; it relates to the ninth plague, darkness: “The sun disc is covered over. It will not shine (so that) people may see … No one knows when midday falls, for his shadow cannot be distinguished.”9
The ten plagues may also be interpreted as a series of attacks against the Egyptian pantheon. This suggestion finds support in Numbers 33:4 where we are told that the Egyptians buried those who had died by the tenth plague, by which plague “the Lord executed judgments against their gods.”

Watch full-length lectures from the Out of Egypt: Israel’s Exodus Between Text and Memory, History and Imagination conference, which addressed some of the most challenging issues in Exodus scholarship. The international conference was hosted by Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute at UC San Diego in San Diego, CA.

According to this suggestion, the plague of blood (No. 1) was directed against the god Khnum, creator of water and life; or against Hapi, the Nile god; or against Osiris, whose bloodstream was the Nile. Frogs (No.2) was directed against Heket, a goddess of childbirth who was represented as a frog. The pestilence against cattle (No. 5) might have been directed against Hathor, the mother and sky goddess, represented in the form of a cow; or against Apis, symbol of fertility represented as a bull. Hail (No. 7) and locusts (No. 8 ) were, according to this explanation, directed against Seth, who manifests himself in wind and storms; and/or against Isis, goddess of life, who grinds, spins flax and weaves cloth; or against Min, who was worshiped as a god of fertility and vegetation and as a protector of crops. Min is an especially likely candidate for these two plagues because the notations in Exodus 9:31 indicate that the first plague came as the flax and barley were about to be harvested, but before the wheat and spelt had matured. A widely celebrated “Coming out of Min” was celebrated in Egypt at the beginning of the harvest.10 These plagues, in effect, devastated Min’s coming-out party. Darkness (No. 9), pursuing this line of interpretation, could have been directed against various deities associated with the sun—Amon-Re, Aten, Atum or Horus.
Finally, the death of the firstborn (No. 10) was directed against the patron deity of Pharaoh, and the judge of the dead, Osiris.
Additional data from Egyptian religious texts clarifies the terrifying tenth plague. The famous “Cannibal Hymn,” carved in the Old Kingdom pyramid of Unas at Saqqara, about 2300 B.C.E., states: “It is the king who will be judged with Him-whose-name-is-hidden on that day of slaying the first born.” Variations of this verse appear in a few Coffin Texts, magic texts derived from royal pyramid inscriptions of the Old Kingdom and written on the coffins of nobility of the Middle Kingdom, about 2000 B.C.E. For example, “I am he who will be judged with Him-whose-name-is-hidden on that night of slaying the first born.”11 Although the first-born referred to in the Coffin Text and probably also in the “Cannibal Hymn” are the first-born of gods, these texts indicate that an ancient tradition in Egypt recalled the slaying of all or some of the first-born of gods on a particular night.12
Assuming that some form of this pre-Israelite Egyptian tradition was known during the period of the enslavement, it may have motivated the story of the final plague. However, in the biblical story, he who revealed his hidden name to Moses at the burning bramble bush revealed himself as the Him-whose-name-is-hidden of the Egyptian myth, and alone slew the first-born males of Egypt. In this final plague, then, there was no conflict between the Lord and an Egyptian deity; rather through this plague the triumphant god of Israel fulfilled the role of an anonymous destroyer in a nightmarish prophecy from the Egyptian past.
One weakness in interpreting the plagues solely as a religious polemic against Egyptian gods, however, is that some of the plagues are unaccounted for; and not all of the plagues can be conveniently matched up with Egyptian gods or texts. Specifically, divine candidates are lacking for the third, fourth and sixth plagues—lice, flies and boils. Even if scratching through Egyptian sources might produce some minor candidates that could fill these lacunae, there is another difficulty with the religious polemic interpretation. The Egyptian material on which this interpretation rests comes from different times and different places. The extant data do not enable us to claim that the perception of the pantheon presented above was historically probable in the Western Delta during the 14th–12th centuries B.C.E. when and where Israelites became familiar with it. Nevertheless, despite these difficulties, the Egyptian material describing links between Egyptian deities and natural phenomena does provide us with some insights into the way the plagues were intended to be understood.
Another line of interpretation, however, results from Posing the questions: Why ten plagues? Why these ten plagues?
According to Exodus 7:4–5, the function of the plagues is didactic: “I will lay my hands upon Egypt and deliver hosts, my people, the Israelites, from the land of Egypt with great acts of judgment. And the Egyptians shall know that I am God when I stretch out my hand against Egypt.” Despite the reference to the Egyptians learning a lesson—namely, the Lord’s power—it seems clear that the real beneficiaries of the plagues were not intended to be Egyptians. If the education of the Egyptians was the reason for the plagues, the lesson was certainly lost on the intended beneficiaries. The true beneficiaries of the lesson that God said he would teach were the Israelites. As we read in Exodus 14:31: “When Israel saw the mighty act [literally ‘hand/arm’] which the Lord had done in Egypt, the people feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses.”
What ignited the faith of the Israelites was not their physical redemption from Egypt, but rather “the mighty act which the Lord had done in Egypt”—that is, the plagues.
What was there about the plagues that triggered Israel’s response in faith? Through the plagues the Lord demonstrated that he was the God of creation. As we examine the narrative closely, we will see how this notion is conveyed.
The first plague, blood, is described in Exodus 7:19. There we are told that Aaron is to take his staff and hold it over all of Egypt’s bodies (or gatherings) of water and they will become blood. The Hebrew word for “bodies” or “gatherings” of water is mikveh. This is the same word that appears in the opening chapters of Genesis when God creates the seas: “God called the dry land Earth, and the gatherings (mikveh) of waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:10). The use of the word mikveh in Exodus 7:19 in connection with the plague of blood cannot fail to evoke an association with the creation of the seas in Genesis 1:10 and indicates the cosmic import of the plague. Similarly, the expression in Exodus 7:19 “Let them become blood” echoes the use of “Let there be(come)” in the creation story in Genesis.
However, in contrast to the creation, where the primeval waters are not altered by a creative act, the first plague demonstrates that God is able to change the very nature of things.
Plagues two, three and four—frogs, lice and flies—form an interesting triad. The frogs are associated with water, the lice with earth, and the flies with air. Frogs, we are told, came out of the “rivers, the canals, and the ponds of Egypt” (Exodus 8:1). In Exodus, the Nile swarmed with frogs which then covered all the land (Exodus 7:28–29), while in Genesis God says, “Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures” (Genesis 1:20). Understood against the background of Genesis, the frog plague in Egypt was a new creation of life, although not a beneficent one.
Similarly, with lice (the third plague) that came forth from the dust of the earth (Exodus 8:12–13). The lice correspond to the crawling creatures (remes) that come forth from the earth in Genesis 1:24.
Flies (the fourth plague) correspond to the flying creatures; in Genesis God orders that “flying creatures multiply in the land” (Genesis 1:22). In Egypt, the flies not only multiplied in the land, they filled the land. After the fly plague the situation in Egypt was a complete reversal of the one anticipated by the divine blessing to mankind in Genesis 1:28, where God tells man to “Rule the fish of the sea, the winged creatures of the heavens, and all living creatures which creep on the earth.” In Egypt, these creatures were totally out of control.
The fifth plague (pestilence) affected only animals, not men; and only the field animals of the Egyptians, not those of the Israelites (Exodus 9:3–7). In Genesis 2:18–20 the animals are created specifically for man. In the plague of pestilence, the domestic animals that were under man’s dominion were taken away from the Egyptians. That which was first created for man was first removed from the Egyptians by the first plague directed specifically against created things.
The sixth plague, boils, is the only one that does not fit easily into the pattern I have been describing. Perhaps it should be understood against the background of the Torah’s laws of purity: A person afflicted with boils is ritually unclean (Leviticus 13:18–23). This is complemented by the stringent demands of Egyptian religion during the New Kingdom, about 1550–1080 B.C.E., concerning the ritual and physical purity requited of priests before entering a sanctuary.13 Egyptians considered themselves superior to other peoples. Pharaoh himself was a god and his officers were priests. Perhaps the image of these superior, “holier than thou” individuals suffering from boils, a painful and unaesthetic affliction, was humorous to the Israelites and was considered a barb against Egyptian religion.
The next two plagues, hail and locusts involve the destruction of another part of creation, primarily vegetation. What was not destroyed by the hail was consumed by the locusts. When these two plagues had run their course, Egypt could be contrasted to the way the world appeared after the third day of creation: “The land brought forth vegetation: seed bearing fruit with seed in it” (Genesis 1:12). By contrast, in Exodus 10:15 we are told that “nothing green was left of tree or grass of the field in all the land of Egypt.”
Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the plagues is darkness, the ninth plague. In Exodus 10:21–23 we read that a thick darkness descended upon all the land of Egypt for three days. “People could not see one another, and for three days no one could get up from where he was; but all the Israelites enjoyed light in their dwellings” (Exodus 10:23). What is described here is not simply the absence of light. The darkness is something physical, “a darkness that can be touched” (Exodus 10:21b). The alternation of light and darkness, of day and night, has ceased. Yet darkness and light exist side by side in geographically distinct places. The Israelites did have light. In short, in Egypt, God had reverted the relationship between darkness and light to what had been prior to the end of the first day of creation—that is, to the state that existed briefly between Genesis 1:4 and Genesis 1:5.
The final plague, the death of the first-born, is only a forerunner to the complete destruction of all the Egyptians at the Red Sea, or Reed Sea.b Here we hear a twisted, obverse echo of the optimism expressed in Genesis 1:26, where God said, “I will make man in my image and after my likeness.” Instead of creating, he is destroying—first, the first-born, and then, at the sea, all of Egypt.
Exodus in the Bible and the Egyptian Plagues
The firstborn slain, by Gustave Doré (1832?–1883). Photo: The Doré Bible Illustrations, Dover Publications
At the end of the narrative in Exodus, Israel looks back over the stilled water of the sea at a land with no people, no animals and no vegetation, a land in which creation had been undone. Israel is convinced that her redeemer is the Lord of all creation. It is this implicit theological principle that motivated the explicit creation of the literary pattern. He who had just reduced order to chaos was the same as he who had previously ordered the chaos.
One question still remains. What is the significance of the number ten in the Exodus tradition? Why ten plagues? The answer, I believe, is clear. The number of plagues in Exodus was meant to correspond to the ten divine utterances by which the world was created and ordered (Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, 28, 29).14 The destruction of Egypt was part of the redemption of Israel, so the Exodus narrator tied his story of redemption to the story of creation through subtle echoes and word plays.15
Interestingly enough, there are two other accounts of the plagues in the Bible, one in Psalm 78:44–51 and the other in Psalm 105:28–36. These psalms differ somewhat between themselves; they also differ with the narrative in Exodus—regarding what constitutes a plague and the order in which they occurred.16 These differences can be taken to indicate that the specific number and order of the plagues was less important to Israel than the fact of the plagues and what was revealed to Israel through them.
For the psalmists, authors of liturgical texts, there were only seven plagues, a number clearly evoking the seven days of creation. In Egypt, however, the cycle did not end in a Sabbath; it culminated in a silent devastation. At the end of the seventh day (plague), creation in Egypt had been undone.
This tangle of threads—creation, on the one hand, and deliverance from slavery, on the other—is gathered together and neatly knotted in the Sabbath commandment of the Ten Commandments. In the Ten Commandments as set forth in Exodus, the motivation for observing the sabbath (the fifth commandment) is to commemorate creation: “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the Lord your God: You shall not do any work … for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them, and he rested on the seventh day” (Exodus 20:9–11). In the Ten Commandments as set forth in Deuteronomy, however, the reason Israel is commanded to observe the sabbath is different—not creation, but the delivery from Egyptian slavery. After being told to refrain from work on the sabbath—in the same language as in Exodus—the reason is given: “Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and the Lord your God freed you from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm [a reference to the plagues]; therefore the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the sabbath day” (Deuteronomy 5:15).
As we have already noted, Psalms 78 and 105 preserve a tradition of seven plagues. In the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, Israel is told to remember the seventh-day sabbath to commemorate the six-day creation; in Deuteronomy 5, Israel is to observe the seventh-day sabbath to commemorate the deliverance from Egyptian slavery by God’s outstretched arm involving, according to the tradition in the Psalms, seven plagues.
This explanation of the plagues and their number also answers some historical questions concerning the biblical tradition of the ten plagues:
1. The plague tradition includes calamitous events that do not derive from experiences in the Land of Israel; this establishes a prima facie case that the tradition has roots in an ecological system unknown to the Israelites living in their own land.
2. An Egyptian milieu not only provides a basis for explaining the plagues in terms of natural phenomena, it also allows us plausibly to link at least some of the sequences of plagues.
These two points lead me to conclude that a historical kernel must underlie the Egyptian plague traditions preserved in the Bible.
3. We can speculate a bit further: perhaps a series of natural disasters occurred in Egypt in a relatively short period of time. Egyptian religion would have had to explain it. A link between these disasters and various Egyptian deities (expressing their displeasure) formed.17 No matter how Egyptians interpreted these disasters, Israelites could have accepted the notion that they were divinely caused but would have viewed them as contests between their patron and the gods of Egypt, the result of which were judgments against the gods of Egypt and their earthly representatives.18 Trace of this stage in the development of the tradition can be found in the Biblical narrative. During this, the interpretative stage, the plagues were theologized, providing cosmic meaning to the natural phenomena even as they were removed from the realm of what we would call “nature.”
4. The Plague traditions, which were maintained orally by the Israelites until some time after the establishment of the monarchy, continued to be reworked in the land of Israel. There, far from the ecological context of Egypt, some phenomena natural in Egypt would have appeared incomprehensible to them and even fantastic, inviting imaginative embellishment.
The Israelite traditors, those who passed on the tradition, were no longer familiar with the Egyptian cultural milieu in which the disasters had been theoligized and made meaningful by their ancestors. These traditors, therefore, made them meaningful within their own world view by connection the plagues, which initiated the emergence of Israel as a covenant community, with the creation of the world.
For further details, see “The Priestly Redaction and Interpretation of the Plague Narrative in Exodus,” Jewish Quarterly Review 66 (1976) 193–211. The present article contains new material, however, some of which was not available when the aforementioned study was written, as well as a reevaluation of the significance of the data discussed there. Readers interested in a more technical discussion or in the literary history of the plague narratives or in more bibliographical information that is presented here may consult my earlier study and the remarks of N. M. Sarna, Exploring Exodus (New York: Schocken Books, 1986) 68–80.


Rhonda, a reader, had the following to say about the previous blog quote on cannibalism.  Kind of unsettling, really - until you read Josephus and other historical accounts of the siege against Jerusalem where people were eating their dead, etc in order to survive.  If they had only listened to the Prophets, their fair ones would not have fallen. 

The lamentations of the Book of Mormon were written for us, folks.  Not someone in Siberia that would never read the book.  It was written for the Gentiles that would not heed the calls of their prophets.  We, as a people, have fallen flat on our faces in this regard.
Iraq:  the quote from Spencer W. Kimball is his paraphrasing of the blessings and cursings listed in Leviticus chapter 26. He discussed this in a Conference talk from October 1961, which can be read in its entirety here:


I had an excellent lunch with my N. Idaho friend who is a descendant of Joseph Smith.  He joined the Church recently.  I dare say I have never met anyone more laser focused than that man.  I feel like a slouch around him.  Truly has the facial characteristics and personality traits of his predecessor.

While discussing things over lunch, he mentioned that his billionaire in-law who is a risk officer and partner in a major capital firm (who was at my N. Idaho conference) is really receptive to the idea of the collapse and wants to know more details so he can analyze the data.  I presented my usual material, but knowing that he was agnostic, presented the logic of the Plan of Salvation to him.  God's plan for His children is perfect and complete and allows that "not one soul shall be lost", if we through our agency, will all simply feel after our Redeemer.  I shied away from some of the deeper, darker doctrine - but noticed that his countenance softened by the end of the presentation.  I would that he would spend some of a personal fortune in preparedness items for the millions who will need it.  The Church has done much - but the granaries would be depleted within weeks if people have not stored in their individual homes.  Bishop Koyle (yes, the one who was mistakenly ex-commied, for my troll who does not understand the whole picture....), said that the crops would fail in the fourth year of drought around the time the economy fails.  This will be part of the purge.  We are soon there, folks.   Grain will not be bought at any price at that juncture.  

In ancient times, the army of ancient Egypt that afflicted God's people were drowned in the Red Sea - just as the earth was baptized completely by water.  In modern times, the army of modern Egypt (the army of the A/C), will be consumed by fire just as it is about to pounce on the helpless Jews gathered against her, just as the earth will be cleansed by fire in the end of this second drama.  There are types in all things.

The portion of the U.S. army that comes against Utah, will be consumed by fire.  This to protect the brother of Judah, Joseph and his descendants.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Folks, some places have water close to the surface and some do not and have to bore thru rock.

This little beauty will allow the ability to punch a lot of wells in the right soil conditions:

I am trying to find something a little cheaper, but this should work in most cases if you have somebody that can "water witch" with a willow stick and find the natural underground streams.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


A question from Mark G. from Poland:
I am sure that you get a lot of messages, but I just wont to tell you, Thank you for keeping me inform on So many things happening. I am Polish and I am sorry for my grammar, but I just love the information you place on your blog. Why do you think the leaders of our church are a little silent on what is happening? I mean they say small things during the GC, but usually not much of things to come. I feel like they use to say a lot more, but for the last 20 years not much. Why?

Mark - your english is great.  I have had the same question for some time and then have had it answered by many others as I have asked them.

It is this:  the people simply are not listening.  Most do not heed the call - so we are no longer asked.  Those who have the Holy Spirit as their guide will be guided personally to do what is needed in their individual circumstances.  In the US, we are going to be knocked out by the Russians/Chinese after a major national disaster.  In Poland, the Russians will come thru, but it will not be so much a brutal thing as it was with the Germans.  This will happen later this year.

Things are about to change drastically here shortly.

I will say that all the Brethren are "dug in" and prepared for what is coming here shortly.  They are ready.  The membership, generally speaking, is not.


Thank you, Scott for this excellent quote.....

And I am heartily mocked for keeping this blog to spur people on to keep the commandment of food storage and all else that is needful.  Those mocking tongues shall be stayed or shall utter cries of despair if they do not begin to keep the words of the Lord's servants.
Quotes on Cars Not running or No Power: (Joseph F Smith) “I think I see two or three hundred thousand people wending (walking) their way across the great plain, enduring the nameless hardships of the journey, herding and guarding their cattle by day and by night, and defending themselves and little ones from foes on the right hand and on the left, as when they came here…They will think there are a great many hardships to endure in this manifestation of the power of God…Some might ask, what will become of the railroads? I fear that the sifting process would be insufficient were we to travel by railroads.” [Journal of Discourses, 24:156-157] (Spencer W Kimball) “But if you fail to serve me (Christ): The land will be barren…The trees will be without fruit and the fields without verdure. There will be rationing and a scarcity of food and hunger sore. No traffic will jam your desolate highways. Famine will stalk rudely through your doors and the ogre cannibalism will rob you.


I just got this excellent comment on the blog:

I'm unaware of any NDE's that mention an EMP. Can you reference one for me? Julie Rowe and Visions of Glory speak of cars just running out of gas.

Indeed, I have seen just a few references in NDE's to this.  It is not going to be a general thing (targeted) and will depend on the vehicle as to whether or not it will be affected.  Indeed, Spencer's account spoke of disabled cars, etc that still had fuel in them that they then bartered for.  There is a scripture in Isaiah that speaks of the chariots no longer working for us in our day.  You can guess what that is.

I have scrapped millions of dollars of Panasonic entertainment systems for jets that have not been handled properly, due to electrostatic discharge.  This same effect will take out most modern car electronics.  I have chosen to go with a 1994-1996 Dodge Cummins Truck with direct injection diesel and 5 speed transmission that circumvents these vulnerable systems.

They are hard to find, but will get you thru in a pinch.


It is no coincidence that many incidents along these lines occur around the timing of the menstrual cycle and with the timing of menopause.

Very interesting information:

Revealed: The revolutionary rub-on hormone gel that can banish depression and transform the lives of countless women

Oestrogen gel rubbed into her leg every morning can help with depression
Oestrogen gel rubbed into her leg every morning can help with depression

On a hot summer evening two years ago, my best friend's husband rang.
'Chloe's missing,' he said.
My friend is blessed with a wonderful husband, two children and a lovely home.
She has also suffered from depression since her teens. She had already tried to kill herself twice in the previous year. And she had disappeared.
Together her husband and I walked the streets in a desperate attempt to find her.
Miraculously we did - sitting on a park bench weeping. I will never forget her despair as she tried to explain. 'I feel like I have turned into a cold-hearted, nasty person,' she said.
'I went from a loving person to this. Half the time I am floating in space, out of touch. I want me back. I want to love again. I am scared I am going to lose myself for ever.'
Another suicide attempt and two admissions to the Priory later, Chloe is fine. What cured her?
Not antidepressants, psychiatric hospitals or even electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
What made my friend sane again was an oestrogen gel rubbed into her leg every morning.
A revolution is taking place in the way we treat depression in women.
New evidence has identified that one particular group of women suffer from what doctors now call Reproductive Depression - like my friend Chloe, their mental health is affected by fluctuations in progesterone, a hormone released in the ovary with the egg during the second half of the menstrual cycle.
Progesterone prepares the body  for pregnancy in case the released egg is fertilised. From the moment of ovulation, levels of progesterone surge.
It is this surge, doctors believe, rather than the progesterone itself, to which this group of women is vulnerable.
If the surge goes untreated, then for two weeks of the month between ovulation and the start of their periods, these women suffer a dramatic change of personality: they become depressed, feel suicidal, cry all the time and have bouts of rage.
Then their period begins, progesterone levels tumble and their mood switches. As Chloe put it: 'I always feel fabulous on the first day of my period.'
To investigate why this is happening and what is the best treatment, Dr Michael Craig, a psychiatrist, has opened the first female hormone clinic at the Maudsley, a psychiatric hospital in South London and the largest mental health training institution in the UK.
This unique, multi-professional clinic, led by Dr Craig and Dr Mike Marsh, a gynaecologist based at King's College Hospital, will assess and treat women who have mental health problems at times of hormonal fluctuation.

In this crossover between gynaecology and psychiatry, Dr Craig is an obvious choice. He trained as a gynaecologist before becoming a psychiatrist. In a slip of the tongue, Dr Craig once even described himself as a 'gynae-chiatrist'.
He points out that women who experience low mood with the hormonal fluctuations of their period are also particularly vulnerable to depression at other times of hormonal fluctuation, such as after childbirth and before the menopause.
'Studies show it is the same group of women who experience all three conditions,' says Dr Craig.
'We need to ask two questions. Do women who suffer from this depression have brains that react differently to hormones? And why is this problem in some women but not in others?'  He believes the answer might lie in receptors in the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain responsible for memory and mood.
'From that research we can then assess which group of women would react better to antidepressants and which to a course of hormones.'
Unfortunately that research does not yet exist.
Depression is very much a woman's disease, twice as common in women as men. Women are also twice as likely to be admitted to hospital for depression and 70 per cent of anti-depressive medicine is prescribed to women.


Professor John Studd suggests the following questions may help identify if you're affected:
  • Does your depression follow your menstrual cycle?
  • Do physical symptoms such as migraine, abdominal bloating or breast pain also follow the menstrual cycle?
  • Did your depression stop during pregnancy?
  • Did your depression start again after childbirth and the return of your periods?
  • Has pre-menstrual depression became worse with age?
  • Do you have seven to ten?
  • Do you have seven to ten good days per month?

Despite the human misery, not to mention the financial cost to the NHS, Dr Craig says: 'There remains a paucity of industrial or government support for psychiatric research into women's mental health'.
He is hoping his clinic will go some way to rectifying this.
John Studd, a former consultant gynaecologist at the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital and professor of gynaecology at Imperial College, was the man who identified the co-existence of these three types of depression (linked to a woman's period, childbirth and before the menopause), and named it Reproductive Depression.
He believes the medical profession is failing to treat women with Reproductive Depression correctly because they are failing to identify who they are.
He says the clue to Reproductive Depression lies in a woman's reproductive history.
Blood tests used by GPs to check hormone levels are, he says, 'a complete waste of time - because the hormone levels of a pre-menopausal woman always look normal'.
'It's all there in her history,' he explains. Key markers are being able to trace her mood swings to her first period in her early teens, and feeling 'normal' during pregnancy.
Professor Studd says women with Reproductive Depression love being pregnant, because they are not ovulating, so their progesterone levels are not fluctuating.
One particular group of women suffer from what doctors now call Reproductive Depression
One particular group of women suffer from what doctors now call Reproductive Depression
And Chloe tells me: 'The only time I was happy and felt normal, was during my pregnancies.'
Chloe's first suicide attempt was after the birth of her first child 20 years ago when she was overwhelmed by post-natal depression - it is now known that two weeks after giving birth, oestrogen levels plunge.
Age, says Professor Studd, brings no relief. In fact Reproductive Depression often worsens in the years of transition before the menopause when women are hit by a double-whammy: their progesterone levels are still fluctuating every month - despite not ovulating - and on top of that they start to experience pre-menopausal symptoms when both progesterone and oestrogen levels fall.
'I am a naturally sunny person,' reported one of his patients, 'but from my mid-40s, a tide of tears began to wash over my days and weeks.'

She said that even the smallest task evoked 'demons and monsters'.
She noticed that her black days occurred in the weeks running up to her period.
Her doctor gave her blood tests to check hormone levels - which appeared well balanced - and prescribed antidepressants and sleeping pills.
But the antidepressants did nothing to ease her emotions which remained 'unstable'. It went on for two years until she heard about Professor Studd. So what is the solution for Reproductive Depression?  Professor Studd believes the answer is simple: a blob of oestrogen gel rubbed in every day.
Oestrogen stops you ovulating - so puts an end to the fluctuating cycles of hormones.
And my friend Chloe confirms: 'After a few weeks, I began to feel different. After five I felt normal; no, actually, better than normal. I sleep. I smile. I don't cry. I am happy.' Unfortunately the average GP assumes that the condition is psychiatric, not physical, says Professor Studd.
Women with Reproductive Depression love being pregnant, because they are not ovulating
Women with Reproductive Depression love being pregnant, because they are not ovulating
Psychiatrists prescribe mood-stabilising drugs which can have side-effects, and even electroconvulsive therapy - none of which works, he points out, because they do not address the problem of fluctuating hormone levels.
The women he sees are usually in their mid-40s, and desperate.
'Some have been on antidepressants for 15 or 20 years and I am a last resort.
'It's a scandal because the evidence is there in good scientific journals that pre-menstrual depression, post-natal depression and peri-menopausal depression are all treatable with oestrogen.'
Oestrogen gel is available only on a doctor's prescription.
Other doctors have noticed the link between hormones and a woman's mental health and some now believe it lies behind even as serious brain disorders as bipolar and schizophrenia.
Jory F. Goodman, a practising psychiatrist in Beverly Hills with more than 30 years of clinical experience, explains: 'More and more people carry psychiatric diagnoses which are inaccurate and have very negative consequences for their lives.'
The most frequent, popular and incorrect diagnosis, in his view, is bipolar disorder.
Women who are moody, angry, temperamental or just plain objectionable, risk getting classified as bipolar and loaded with drugs. 'Turning a patient into a zombie,' says Dr Goodman, 'proves nothing and helps no one.'
He starts with a history of the woman and asks them to keep a diary. He also interviews parents and partners.
Like Professor Studd he, too, noticed a group of female patients whose symptoms first appeared when they started their periods.
For these women the terrifying Big Dipper ride of bipolar emotions - 'depression, impulsive behaviour, suicidal gestures' - correlates to their menstrual cycle and occurs in the two weeks after ovulation.
This is not so for every woman with bipolar, 'just many of them - for these patients the right hormones do the trick'.
Even a disease as serious as schizophrenia is influenced by hormones, suggests Lyn Harper Mozley, assistant professor of psychology in psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.


Proportion of women with major depression whose symptoms worsen before their period
The clue lies in the difference between the sexes. Men are more prone to schizophrenia than women and develop it earlier - in their early 20s.
Women develop it two to ten years later and their symptoms are, on the whole, less serious.
But after the menopause, the roles reverse, with women then more likely than men to develop the disease - and with more  severe symptoms.
Mozley believes women are protected from psychotic illness when oestrogen levels are high.
Mozley also discovered that the symptoms of schizophrenia, including delusions, disorganised speech and behaviour, follow the menstrual cycle just like those of depression and bipolar disorder.
Her study revealed that the majority of hospital admissions for women are in that crucial week before their period begins.
They are also prone to relapses after giving birth and, guess what, their symptoms actually improve during pregnancy.
The link between hormone levels and mental health is exciting but, Dr Craig is careful to point out, not conclusive because it is based on so few studies.
'You can have an opinion on something and feel it is right but we need evidence.'
Meanwhile, women continue to be wrongly diagnosed with devastating results.
Chloe is one of the lucky  ones - that moment of madness on the park bench is now a  distant memory.
As she says: 'Don't waste time. Find out about hormones. Life is good. Take it back again.'

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Folks, this does not look good!   It lasted three days.

One hit from an ejection of this magnitude, and it will fry most electronics......  Good-bye blog!

Oh well.  This blog only has a few more months and we will then be out of it.  I have wondered several times if I will be able to see it hit the million mark sometime in Sept, before the plug is pulled as part of a martial law event, or EMP event.


Folks, if it is not apparent, I do not know what is.

We are headed down the path that Cleon Skousen said (prophetically and scripturally), would happen.

Here is the link to a portion of that presentation he gave:

Knowing this, will you still ignore the counsel of the Prophets to store food/fuel/water and prepare every needful thing?  Sols Guardisto spoke of the Saints working quickly, quietly and getting every needful thing in place.  She was vetted by Pres. EJ Wood of the Cardston Temple and he forwarded what she had written down to the Prophet of the day who said that it was legitimate and would happen just as said.  Knowing that great calamities are soon upon us, will we linger any longer in Babylon?  Or will we sup at the Lord's table, receiving good and timely counsel?  Time is oh so short.  Soon, those who have ignored, mocked and scorned, will pay a horrible price for that insolence and haughty attitude.

This, folks, is the purge of those who are not spiritually fit.  Their corpses will rot and be eaten of the fowls of the air in the Great Feast of the Gods.  Their spirits will languish outside of Paradise until they have been woken from their deep slumber and feel to seek after their Maker and Redeemer.

Things are escalating - and will not simmer back down.  It will boil over.  Here is what got me spun up:


Re-visit from a previous post in 2010.  I re-read this and gleaned much new good information.  Something in-bound will bring with it a red dust that will pollute all the open waters.  All of the plagues mentioned in Revelations, that are yet to be fulfilled, are analogous to the plagues that afflicted the Egyptians in the days that Israel was under siege by their masters back in the day.  We are modern Israel, BHO is the pharaoh, he will continue to place grievous burdens on the Children of Israel until the foretold plagues are sent to free those who spiritually have followed the Lamb of God and His duly chosen servants.  All else will perish, who have not taken the Holy Spirit as their guide:

Friday, November 26, 2010


I have always put my money (if I were forced to make a guess) on the period of time between 2028/2029 and 2036 as the time that the good stuff will go down. So, knowing that, I thought this was worth posting and it may well tie into the previous post on the comet Apophis coming on Passover in 2036, 21 years after 2015 (BTW, 21 years of earth time is 1/2 hour by way of the reckoning on Kolob where 1000 earth years = 1 day). And lets not forget that Apophis will take a spin around our orb approx seven years before 2036 (see my previous blog piece on Mary Shipton). A BLOOD RED MOON is defined by NASA (click on previous text for link).

Hope you enjoy and I will let you make the connections.... Let them who have ears to hear and eyes to see understand:

Jesus will return in Great Power and Glory, with the Host Heaven with Him

Mark Biltz, pastor of El Shaddai Ministries, in Bonner Lake, Washington. Mark Blitz, discovered a pattern of blood red moons and solar eclipses on very significant dates in the Jewish calendar in the coming years, particularly between 2012-2015.

These findings collaborated with the same type of sequences which have taken place on the Jewish calendar in the past which were important events in the history of Israel and the Jewish people.
Moreover, he found that these phenomena have not occurred in previous centuries in the frequency and on the important Jewish feast and Fast days as they have since Israel became a nation and most importantly, in the sequence in which we are going to occur in the next few years and which don't happen again in the whole of this century.

The pattern which Mark Blitz saw was four blood-red moons on each of the Jewish feast days one after another in the same year. Looking back, this occurred the last time in 1997-98 and was 2,000 years since the birth of Yeshua the Messiah and 3,000 years anniversary of Jerusalem being established as the city of our King.
* First Day of Passover, April 3, 1996
* First Day of Tabernacles, September 26 1996
* Feast of Purim, March 22-23 1997
* During "Teshuva" (Repentance), on September 16, 1997

In 1967-68 it was tied to the war which was staged against Israel by Egypt and Jordan in which Jerusalem came back into Israel's jurisdiction once again.
The Six-Day War — 1967
* First Day of Passover, April 24, 1967
* First Day of Sukkot, Oct. 18, 1967
* First Day of Passover. April 13, 1968
* First Day of Sukkoth, Oct. 6, 1968

The previous time to that was in 1948-1950 which was the period of time after Israel became a nation when the Arab States waged warfare against her and tried to destroy the newly born nation.
The War of Independence — 1948
* Passover, April 13, 1949
* Sukkoth, Oct. 7, 1949
* Passover, April 2, 1950
* Sukkoth, Sept. 26, 1950

Before that there were no astronomical back-to-back blood-red moon events in the 1800s, the 1700s or the 1600s. In the 1500s, there were six, but none of those fell on Passover and Sukkot.

The next set of blood-red moons going back in time were at the time of the Spanish Inquisition in its final year 1492, when the Alhambra Decree ordered all remaining Jews who would not convert to Christianity to leave Spain, where there were three of these occurrences.

Altogether, this occurrence of back-to-back blood-red moons has occurred seven times since 1 A.D. on some of the most significant days in Jewish history. In all of these examples, the eclipses have fallen on the first day of the feasts of Passover and Sukkot.

Note that total eclipses of a blood-red moon are rare and for them to fall on Jewish Feast days makes them even more significant.

In this coming line-up Mark Blitz noted a rare phenomena of four consecutive total lunar eclipses, known as a "tetrad" (i.e. a group of four). He says during this century, tetrads occur at least six times, but what’s interesting is that the only string of four consecutive blood moons that coincide with God’s holy days of Passover in the spring and the autumn’s Feast of Tabernacles (also called Sukkot) occurs between 2014 and 2015 on today’s Gregorian calendar. This had also been the case in 1948-50 and 1967-68 and 1997-8.

Other interesting facts
* Passover is the first annual feast
* Sukkoth is the seventh and final annual feast

* The next seven year cycle in the Biblical calendar begins on Rosh Hashanah (1st Tishri) on Sept. 30, 2008, and ends on Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 13-14, 2015.
The Biblical calendar is set up in a seven year cycle wherein the seventh year is a sabbath year.

* The sabbatical year (the seventh year) in the seven-year cycle begins on Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 25, 2014, and ends on Rosh Hashanah on September 13-14, 2015 — the day of a partial solar eclipse.
So the Sabbatical year itself is earmarked with four blood-red moons, being concluded with the fourth on Rosh Hashanah and a solar eclipse on the same day - September 13-14, 2015.

This is the what will occur in 2014–2015
* Blood-red moon on the first Day of Passover, April 15, 2014
* Blood-red moon on the first Day of Sukkot (Tabernacles), Oct. 8, 2014
* Solar eclipse on the first of Nisan, beginning of the religious year, March 20, 2015
* Blood-red moon on the first Day of Passover, April 4, 2015
* Blood-red moon on the first Day of Sukkot (Tabernacles), Sept. 28, 2015

And then on the Feasts in 2015 itself:
* Blood-red moon on Rosh Hashanah or The Feast of Trumpets, September 13-14
* Solar eclipse on Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), September 13-14
* Blood-red moon on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), September 23
* Blood-red moon on Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles), September 28

Note. that this includes two solar eclipses, one on the first day of the Hebrew year in 2015 and the next on the high holy day of Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets 2015, the first day of the seventh Hebrew month.
Both of these take place in the 2014-2015 year.
The two Solar eclipses connected with the Holy Days in 2014-2015 are:
Adar 29/Nisan 1(new year) March 20, 2015
Feast of Trumpets September 13, 2015

Mark Biltz says, “You have the religious year beginning with the total solar eclipse, two weeks later a total lunar eclipse on Passover, and then the civil year beginning with the solar eclipse followed two weeks later by another total blood red moon on the Feast of Sukkot all in 2015.”

“The fact that it doesn’t happen again in this century I think is very significant,” Biltz explains.

Writing about the amazing discovery in the May 2008 issue of Prophecy in the News, J. R. Church declares, “This is most unusual. It is a rare occurrence for four lunar cycles on successive Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) observances. It will not happen again for hundreds of years.”

With this amazing sequence, we need to keep in mind Joel's prophecy, "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come." Joel 2:31

The ancient Jewish calendar only went to the year 5775, counting from creation.
It has been reckoned that the Rabbis reconciled the calendar after Yeshua's death to conceal the fulfillment of Daniel's 70 year prophecy as pertianing to Him as the Messiah.
In doing this their calendar is said to be 240 years out.

On this basis, adding 240 years would bring their calculations to 6015 which parallels our dating system for the year 2015.

Considering the fact that the Rabbis understood that there would be a 1,000 year milleniun to follow this age totalling 7,000 years for mankind on this earth, the end of their calendar does not indicate the end of the world as some might think as the Mayan calendar seems to indicate.

When the Mayan calendar is adjusted to the Jewish calendar, the end date comes to 2015 and not 2012. The Mayans, Aztecs and the Chinese calendars all finish on the same time.
However, they lack the illumination of the revealed will of Almighty God as given in the scriptures upon which the Jewish calculations are made.

We have seven "days" of 1,000 years before this earth is dissolved to create a new heaven and a new earth. Praise His Name! (Baruch HaShem).



Monday, July 28, 2014


There is a great mountain here in Cardston that my mother used to get very emotional about when she would talk about it; Old Chief.

Here are some pics of it:

It is an unusual mountain.  In the Cardston Temple, there are two murals that depict it.  President Wood, the first Temple President said that one day it would not be there (previous post).  There is an old Cree Indian prophecy that stated that once that mountain ceased to exist, peace would no longer be on the earth.  Indeed, the EQ that brings down the mountain will also cause great disturbances among the people due to disruptions in food, water and social order.  We are on the cusp of that.

When this great shaking occurs - the Cree holy men have declared that the plains bands should assemble themselves to the Waterton Lakes area where they will be safe from the impending disasters.  They will number in the hundreds of thousands.  Here, they (Manasseh) will meet their brothers who will come out of the North as they move south into the Jackson area.  Those that come south will number into the tens and hundreds of millions.  Indeed, those who come and number themselves amongst the remnant of the Saints will cause the size of the Church to swell and the numbers will reach into the millions.  Indeed, the Church will  fill the whole earth.  The final gathering will occur from all nations in preparation of the coming of Christ (to the earth, generally) after every nation, kindred and tongue has fully received of it.


Spent some time here in Cardston over at a woman's home who had a test hole bored in her back yard to see where her static water level was at.  A whopping 12 feet down.  This area is one of the most watered and amazing areas with the water coming off the eastern slope of the Rockies.  When the red dust comes off the planet or object that is coming in shortly, it will be required that people have uncontaminated sources of water.  Take heed to note that the electricity may not be functioning in order to pump from conventional sources.  Or the aqueduct may not be intact or the well casing may not be intact - or the spring or aquifer that once fed your source may be disrupted due to drastic earth changes.  People need to be able to pray over these things now, in order that the Lord may keep them intact when the time comes.  You have 72 hours from the time you lose a good source until you find another source to get water in place.  I have fasted for that length of time - while not exerting and it was brutal.  The kidneys were approaching shutdown.  I could feel it.

Here is something I found that would be helpful if you are in a place of refuge (where it will not have to be carried on foot):

Does anyone out there have the source for these state side or in Canada?  Shipping from Germany would be expensive. 


This is getting so very serious.  I can hardly stand it any more:


We Christians are being mocked for our naivety.  Indeed, we should be.  Ignorance is no excuse:

The Appointed Times of Israel are very pertinent as rehearsals of God's work. Most of the Book of Revelation draws from imagery in the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur), and The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot). This is why when most christians say "No Man knows the Day, or Hour" of the Messiahs Second coming we Jews laugh. There is only one day in Israels Calendar called the Day and Hour No Man Knows-- Yom Teruah--The Feast of Trumpets. So we really do know the day and hour-- we just don't know the year. Israel has been given these appointed times as a perpetual ordinance through all our generations. So All you Israeli Ephraimites might want to check them out as they pertain to ALL the House of Israel and not just Judah alone.

We really should be tuned into God's calendar more than we are as a people.  More from this fellow with a Jewish background:


Consider the following historical events in Church History:
• December 23, 1805 (Hanukkah: 8th Day) – Joseph Smith Jr. Born (Founder of LDS Faith) –The Day for lighting the last great Light on the menorah. By some considered to be a representative of the seven great angelic messengers of God
• September 21, 1823 (Sukkot I) – Joseph prays and is visited three times during the night by an angel named Moroni. Moroni tells him about a hidden book and quotes scriptures from the books of Joel, Isaiah, and Malachi.
• September 22, 1823 (Sukkot II) – Joseph goes to the place where the gold plates are concealed, but is instructed by the angel Moroni not to retrieve them.
• September 22, 1827 (Erev Rosh Hashana or Feast of Trumpets) – Joseph receives the gold plates.
• April 3, 1836 (Pesach I or Passover) – Mormons believe that during the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, Jesus, Moses, Elijah, and Elias appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery, restoring the Gospel. They committed to Joseph and Oliver the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, the leading of the ten tribal families from the north, the administering of the keys of the Abrahamic dispensation, and the keys of sealing powers. (D&C 110:3–4, 7).
• 4-5, to May 1842 (Shavuot) Initiation and completion of endowments to nine men who formed the anointed quorum.
And consider the following:
• Passover: Spring Conference
• Sukkot: Fall conference

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Folks, these types will gain power and sweep into southern Europe creating the same carnage and chaos they did in the 1400's.  This time it will be worse because they have up to 20-40% population within some countries there.  Those non-integrated populations will align their loyalties in the obvious fashion when the time is right.  It will be a disaster for nations that once had some glimmer of light as Christian nations.  Ireland will successfully repel the invasion because they understand full-well asymmetric warfare.  Italy will be completely overrun.

I am afraid the goose is already cooked for Iraq....


This is designed to blur the lines of common sense and reality.  This is designed to slowly mainstream this until it becomes "normalized".  I remember the way fornication was slowly pushed in the 1970's.  At first it was simply frowned upon - then it was tolerated - then it was okay to do if it felt good - and then it has now become the expected "norm" to "test drive before you 'buy' "....... 

This is part of the d'evil's plan to blur the lines of reality and tear at God's eternal plan of happiness and marriage with it's clearly defined roles of marriage and gender identity that stretches back into the very earliest times of existence in the pre-mortal realms.

Here is what got me spun up:

Just wait until the truth comes out about the first "couple".  Our abomination desolation in the whorehouse......  Pretty despicable.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Reminds me of what happened in the Book of Mormon......


Some interesting points to consider:

Bishop John Koyle:
“The overnight crash would occur on a holiday weekend where the holiday falls on a Monday”

Vision of Gail
“…a worldwide economic collapse that would take place in the month of October”

Julie Rowe:
From her book “A Greater Tomorrow” and her radio interview with Mills Crenshaw (K-Talk Radio). She said that the Saints would be called to gather, just weeks before the economic collapse and invasion of the US.

Coincidently the only Monday holiday in October is Columbus Day, October 13th.

The Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot will begin:
Tishra 15 (October 8th) and run through Tishra 22 (October 14th).

The Columbus Day Holiday weekend will fall during the Feast of Tabernacles.

The Second blood moon of 2014 will also coincide with the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

During the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, Jewish families would construct a sukkah, or a hastily built hut… in which meals were eaten during the festival. The sukkah is used to remember the huts they lived in during their exile in the wilderness.

The Feast of Tabernacles is also associated with another name.
Chag Ha-Asif, or the “Festival of Ingathering”. This is the festival of the fall harvest with the obvious symbolism of separating the wheat from the chaff and gathering it all in.

It is possible that the symbolism of ingathering, separating the wheat from the chaff and living in hastily built huts (tents), is a type or shadow, of what is to come for us, when the Lord calls us to gather.


War is next.  It is always the way to solidify power for the elite.

This will back fire.  They do not realize how desperate Russia is not to lose her sovereignty to a one-world racket.  Heck, if I were Putin, I would nuke the US (New York and the ability to project military power) to prevent it.  It is almost to that level of badness - the US is strangling nations who do not comply.  America is hated every bit as much as ancient Babylon was - and for the same reasons.

America is the whore who sits on many waters.  It is astounding how few people understand this.  She is the nation that Cleon Skousen said will fall before Russia picks up the baton and runs to the grisly finish line with Israel.  This is quite serious.  Folks, we have weeks.  Not even months or years.  The only question I have is what will be done with that critical time.

Even as the writer of this blog, I suffer from cognitive dissonance just as I did on Sept 11th and the months leading up to when my kid died.  I knew those events were coming - predicting them, but did little to prepare.  I chose not to actively do anything - almost as if ignoring the possible eventuality would somehow make it go away.  I love the phrase that Heber C. Kimball used to describe the Saints who were awaiting what they knew was coming (whether implicitly or just having a sense of it); "....(they) were still, not knowing what to do."  Sometimes, when you know terrible things are on the horizon, you simply freeze and are still, not knowing how to act.  I tend to get active and restless in times like these.

I was talking with my daughter on the way to Cardston about the difficulty and trickiness of the concept of faith.  If we exercise too much faith when we are weak and do not exert enough actions to show our faith (such as the recent case of the woman who took her hands off the wheel of her car to let God drive it for her; and then promptly mowed down a motorcyclist), then we can get into trouble.  The flip side is we can put too much trust in the arm of flesh and not allow God to work in our lives after we have done "all we can do".  It is a fine balance.  Truly a fine balance.

Back on track - here is what got me spun up.  It is exactly what the Mexican prophet had to say about the US bringing sanctions against Russia for invading the Ukraine; and then that back-firing on the US.  A collapse is coming this year for sure.  The 777 prophecy has come about in spades.  18 years of nothing and then three crashes in 377 days.  Just bizarre.  We are 13 months into the 24 month window that I made the call on.  It will happen in a day - and it could happen in two weeks or two months and not necessarily by July 8th of 2015.   Buckle up:

Emerging Nations Plan Their Own World Bank, IMF

Fed up with U.S. dominance of the global financial system, five emerging market powers this week will launch their own versions of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa —the so-called BRICS countries — are seeking "alternatives to the existing world order," said Harold Trinkunas, director of the Latin America Initiative at the Brookings Institution.
At a summit Tuesday through Thursday in Brazil, the five countries will unveil a $100 billion fund to fight financial crises, their version of the IMF. They will also launch a World Bank alternative, a new bank that will make loans for infrastructure projects across the developing world.
The five countries will invest equally in the lender, tentatively called the New Development Bank. Other countries may join later.
The BRICS powers are still jousting over the location of the bank's headquarters — Shanghai, Moscow, New Delhi or Johannesburg. The headquarters skirmish is part of a larger struggle to keep China, the world's second-biggest economy, from dominating the new bank the way the United States has dominated the World Bank.
The bloc comprises countries with vastly different economies, foreign policy aims and political systems — from India's raucous democracy to China's one-party state.
Whatever their differences, the BRICS countries have a shared desire for a bigger voice in global economic policy. Each has had painful experiences with Western financial dominance: They've contended with economic sanctions imposed by Western powers. Or they've been forced to make painful budget cuts and meet other strict conditions to qualify for emergency IMF loans.
Now, says Thomas Wright, a fellow at Brookings' Project on International Order and Strategy, "they want a safety net if they fall out with the West."
Developing countries have also been frustrated because the U.S. Congress has refused to approve legislation providing extra money to help the IMF make more loans to countries in trouble. The money is part of a broader reform program that would give China and other developing countries more voting power at the IMF.
Uri Dadush, an economist with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, sees no problem with the BRICS countries' development bank and financial crisis fund. But he worries that the five countries' decision to go outside of existing institutions provides more evidence of the "fracturing of the postwar (economic) system that gave us so much peace and prosperity. The system has not been able to adapt to the new reality, the rise of the new powers."
The IMF and the World Bank seem to be taking the new challengers in stride.
"All initiatives that seek to strengthen the network of multilateral lending institutions and increase the available financing for development and infrastructure are welcome," said IMF spokeswoman Conny Lotze. "What is important is that any new institutions complement the existing ones."
Answering a question about the BRICS development bank earlier this month, World Bank President Jim Kim said: "We welcome any new organizations ... We think that the need for new investments in infrastructure is massive, and we think that we can work very well and cooperatively with any of these new banks once they become a reality."