Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Man, I just love this guy! Trump is, the Best!! (said in best Jack Black voice).
Closing the loop holes that our Founding Fathers might have missed a few hundred years ago.
Obviously, I love them and what they did. They were brilliant, educated, and well ahead of their time. But they were motivated, having seen what the deep state had done to the respective countries they had come from and the misery that was created by it. But there were a few loop holes they left open and it has created an untenable situation today.
Time for Swamp Drain 2.0
While I like DeSantis and he clearly has a wife that supports him (Trump's poser wife clearly has contempt for his antics and his abuse of trust/fidelity), most successful politicians have some serious skeletons in their closet and I am afraid he is one of them. Most type-A personalities with a modicum of power have trouble keeping their perspective and Section 121 principles are at play. When the deep state has dirt on someone or the person is in need of campaign financing, they can control them. So Trump is compromised with his extra-whorehouse (pre-whorehouse) womanizing. I bet there are dozens of women. Possibly hundreds. At his age, the womanizing is over and he just has memories of what it was like to roll in the hay with some very beautiful women. I doubt, during his first four years, that he did anything that would put the USA in harm's way as far as honey traps, etc. He may have thought with his lower brain in the past, but I am pretty sure those days are behind. Much better than Kennedy, who could not keep Uncle Phil in the trousers and was using his power to seduce 20 year old interns, plus who knows what else. Power must be incredibly intoxicating.... All the kind of stuff the Soviets could have used to make inroads. Thus, the beauty of an older candidate; unless they have clear signs of dementia and are clearly unfit for the job....
I have a very simple rule. If the corrupt sacks o' shiz hate something or someone, I generally back that thing that is hated. The enemy of my enemy, is my friend. Perfect. Thus one of the reasons (besides my spiritual witnesses) I am a member of the Church. It has been universally hated by some bad actors in history, therefore, I love it. The d'evil and minions have a hard time hiding hate, jealousy, envy, lust and general badness. Any time that erupts at the surface of the matter, I am pretty safe going the opposite direction. This was the folly of my former posse. Hiding true intentions was pretty easy until talk of the temple and endowments came up. Finally, at one point, the disdain for the temple and Priesthood authority and power came out and I knew I was dealing with someone under the influence. Precisely because I have had opposite experiences related to the temple and the exercise of my Priesthood.
So yeah, I have a guy I feel I can trust (at least in attempting to do the right thing for what is left of the USA I grew up in). Here is his hit list:
On Tuesday, 45th President Donald Trump announced a new ten-point plan to dismantle the Deep State in a potential second term.
President Trump issued the following list to fight back against the entrenched bureaucracy that handicapped his first term:
“1. On Day One, re-issue 2020 executive order restoring the president’s authority to fire rogue bureaucrats.
2. Overhaul federal departments and agencies, firing all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus.
3. Fundamentally reform the FISA courts, ensuring that corruption is rooted out.
4. Establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to declassify and publish all documents on Deep State spying, censorship, and abuses of power.
5. Launch a major crackdown on government leakers who collude with the media to create false narratives, pressing criminal charges when appropriate.
6. Make every Inspector General’s Office independent from the departments they oversee, so that they do not become protectors of the deep state.
Around the Web

7. Establish an independent auditing system to continually monitor our intelligence agencies to ensure that they are not spying on our citizens or running disinformation campaigns against the American people.
8. Continue Trump administration effort to move parts of the federal bureaucracy outside of the Washington Swamp, just like President Trump moved the Bureau of Land Management to Colorado.
Up to 100,000 government positions could be moved out of Washington.
9. Ban federal bureaucrats from taking jobs at the companies they deal with and regulate, such as Big Pharma.
10. Push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress.”
Trump went on to cite a study that found that over a ten year period, federal employees were fired at a rate of less than one in one thousand per year.
Additionally, the 45th president called for Congressional term limits to “curb the rise of career politicians”.
Monday, March 20, 2023
Folks, there are some really disturbing trends out there. Some serious "woke" crap that has crept into peoples' perceptions lately. The adversary is behind it. My former friends bought into the bizarre notion that Jesus was black or some such a matter.
This flies in the face of everything I know (and no I have not had personal witness to the color of his eyes, nor the color of His skin), though I did have the most vivid encounter with Him when I was a teen in my dreams, as I was striving to know if I stood approved and forgiven of my sins and foibled of youth. I awoke after that encounter with a sublime peace and my pillow was literally soaked as I sobbed tears of joy. We need to be having those experiences on a semi-regular basis as we seek for purification, but life often sweeps us along as we take care of the needs of our families and so much else that fall under cares of this world.
So, anyway - there is this gal from a Cardston Ward that I used to know who is living in Hawaii and must have some white guilt going on, because she put in some parameters to some AI chatbot (which I believe to be demonically-influenced) and out pops basically artwork showing Jesus as being very dark-skinned. This gal is obviously a dunderhead as far as Church history goes, does not know her doctrine in the least, or simply is under demonic influence.
I basically said that her attempt to go woke flies in the face of what we are told by modern revelation and flies in the face of all of the historical accounts of Jesus including those of modern apostles and prophets. All have described Him as having piercing blue eyes and blondish brown hair with light complexion (not like a redhead would have, but not swarthy or dark olive skinned as many middle easterners are today).
Basically, what we see when we look at the paintings of the First Vision in the church foyer, etc. What the native populations ALL report as having witnessed when the "Great White God" made his visits to the various groups of Manasseh in the Americas and the islands of the sea.
So yeah, people are literally losing their minds and their direction. I just hope it is ignorance. I am pretty certain though, that it is much more than this. It seems error is popping up so fast lately, that it is near impossible to swat it down. Unless one studies core teachings from scripture and from those with a direct link to the Savior, then there will be deception.
Before I share this great link on PBs, I want to share a quick update on the previous article. Someone pointed out in the comments that Joseph's quote about Chicago was not correctly quoted. That is correct.
It was the middle of the night when I woke up and did not take the time to quote the secondary quote from David Whitmer that sequenced the collapse after CW2.0 which is said to be worse than CW1.0. We will lose millions or tens of millions in this country. David W. then went on to say that it will be followed by "peace all over", which I have taken to mean the initiation of the Millennium. Cannot wait! Though it will be a rough patch to get from point A to point B.
Here is the link to this great youtube on PBs:
There is great learning to come from the blessings given to the Fathers. We stand to be part of those covenants given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob including the two pre-eminent sons Ephraim and Manasseh.
I just scratch my head at those who throw their covenant blessings to the curb. It is so perplexing to me, that I can only classify it as a form of either demonic possession or influence, or an outright lapse or col-lapse of mental health.
Well, I ran into someone I have not seen in a while and they asked how I was doing. I do not remember the specifics of conversations that I had a decade ago, but the thing they remembered about me, was that I had a nice food storage. They had been in my storage room taking care of some plumbing issues.
I commented that what I was raving about a decade ago is now upon us. When I had seen them in 2013, I was raving that we would end up in a war with Russia. Just about EXACTLY ten years ago on 3/22/2013, we had the event where the A/C had ascended Temple Mount and desecrated it. Pastor Dewey Bruton had called it. Not necessarily prophetically, but due to his studies and his scholarly scriptural work. One that still amazes me to this day because it was so accurate and because it nailed so many things including the second to last pope stepping down suddenly 9 years and 13 months ago in Feb 2013, right after old Hitlery and Bones John Kerry made a surprise visit to the Vatican (probably showing the sitting pope Ratzinger that they had some serious dirt on the Rat that would zing him and that would bring down the Catholic Church by shaking it to it's core). It made the move that would allow their controlled man (the current pope) into the seat of power to act as one of the A/Cs along with BHO to usher in homosexuality perversions as normal and set up the USA for destruction as it lost it's light on the hill. God does not deal with delusional people (He sees things as they really are), and no conception every occurred in the anal cavity. Very simple. People who think that is a normal process of nature, or expect God to accept it as normal in defiance of the very first commandment given, are simply out of their minds delusional. No mincing of words there.
At the time, things were brewing in the Crimea as Russia made a move on Sebastopol. I had shortly (I believe it was April 2013) later had the dream of the nuclear event at Hill AFB. In it, there was scaffolding around the temple as well as at least one blue Genie lift. There was trim missing from around the window in the men's dressing room, and patrons attending, as if everything was normal (even though there was construction going on in the same room). I was rabidly calling for a prognosis of a good sound nuking based on that information, even though nothing was really going on in the Pacific with China/Korea/Taiwan that I had been expecting and the SW part of the USA had not really entered severe drought, as Bishop Koyle had pretty clearly stated. Also the USA, economically was doing okay under Obama's leftist policies. Not doing great, just okay; in other words, we were not in a financial crisis. We had not seen the mass dislocation of Muslims from the middle East as another contemporary prophet or prophetess had predicted (cannot remember who that was, just that the Spirit had confirmed that it would happen and that we still have to see the sacking of Rome from that prophecy which will likely happen when mass unrest and world war breaks out). This dislocation has happened, at least in part, when the Syrian collapse occurred. There are still mass camps in Turkey from this event, who were disturbed and augmented during the last big EQ over there, where there were 30,000 dead.
Anyway, I had about 12-13K hits per day on the blog back in 2013. And then a big nothing burger when nothing happened to the temple in Ogden in 2013 when it was dedicated in the late fall, early winter and the lifts and scaffolding was off the temple. Because I had been given a confirmation dream backing up the Ogden nuke dream, I was quite certain of myself. There were a few things that were not on track, but I figured I just did not understand those things and dismissed the incongruities. Now, having a decade under my belt, I am a little more timid in making calls, but also a little more seasoned in seeing things as they are. On that note, a couple of years ago my wife and I were talking about that and she was pretty convinced that I was right and that call, even though I was a little deflated over missing it so badly. I hate being wrong on something.... A few months later, the scaffolding went up and genie lifts were on site and my wife was so excited about her hunch that she stopped while on a college delivery trip of one of my daughters to snap a pic of it all as they indeed replaced the windows and still kept the temple in partial operation during that time (exactly what I had been shown in that dream as I looked back and re-read the blog entry once again).
Right now, we are seeing drought in the SW moving it being severe there and we will see it move to the midwest USA as the weather patterns shift. Apparently, it will mimic or be worse than the dust bowl of the 1930's. In conjunction with this, there will be worse financial crisis than we saw in 1929. It is quite possible that we are seeing the beginning of this right now with unstable players in the world banking scene being shaken up, including Credit Suisse. This from Bishop Koyle.
Another milestone that Koyle had talked about was plague. There was no sequence in his sayings, just events. He said that there would be so many dead in the Utah County valley, that you would be able to walk on the dead from south of Spanish Fork to Lehi without touching the ground, as it were. That, for the day, was a bold statement as there were huge swaths of open land between Payson and Lehi. Now, it is pretty solid homes and development in those areas. If people were to die in the open or be carried out of homes in body bags to be put on the curbs, you might just have that effect. We have seen plague (man-made anyway) hit and it was just a practice to what they plan on doing in the future. It was about control and it will be about control (one world governance) in the future. The people of Utah and elsewhere have resisted that notion, so their focus will be there and in Montana, etc. The ironic part is that it will hit big cities like DC, Chicago, etc.
We are definitely seeing things move from cold to hot in the Taiwan region and South China Sea. China for sure is asserting herself and is no longer a minor player. Russia, the same. We have a weak and even laughable president in the whorehouse and world leaders are taking advantage of it. They know the window is open to act before 2024 and a strong leader like Trump or DeSantis makes it in. The puppetmasters of China/Russia know they have to act before a groundswell among the voting populace rises to put another real leader in place that will be a man and not just a rubber stamper who is fed documents to sign while appearing to need to take a nap or his anti-dementia meds. I think war is inevitable within the next couple of years. But, things do tend to heat up and then cool down. Timing is simply in God's hands.
One thing that still has me scratching my head (as I know it is imminent, but not here yet) is the CW2.0. According to Joseph Smith, it will start in Chicago after a currency collapse. Not a correction, but a collapse. We have seen many corrections in the last 200 years, but never a full collapse. Somehow, this is centered in Chicago. I have not found the smoking gun on how that will happen. But, I am more than certain that it will, just as the first CW1.0 went hot in SC, as predicted. Our first really bad economic jolt was staved off by the seizing of all gold, which allowed the government to put debt under their feet. Again, the 70's crisis was averted by de-coupling from silver that we had been on since that time. Now, we have a worthless fiat currency that is quickly losing its value. To the point that, at least in Canada, there no longer is a penny. Everything is rounded up or down to the nearest nickle... Not exactly encouraging. Even though the US penny is worth less than the metal it is stamped from, they are still holding onto the penny to keep the international illusion alive that the US dollar and numismatic system still has intrinsic value. Of course, most of us know better. While other countries are hoarding US dollars as a hedge against their inflation (which their currencies are often pegged to), it is a losing battle. And, at least people are admitting that we have an inflation problem going on. When I was a kid in the 1980's, I remember shopping for food for the first time and being dismayed when bread (the cheap crap) went from 5 loaves for a dollar to four for a dollar. Now? It is pushing two dollars for the garbage bread. Even with economies of scale in wheat farming and commodities deliveries since then (before containerized shipping was really a thing) and so much else, we have lost the battle on inflation. It could be hidden behind off-shoring to cheaper labor centers like Mexico or China. But now, there is no place to hide the cold, stark realities. We have to stare the failed fiat currency in the face and suck it up, admitting that the system is broken and a giant lie. With it being close to 1,000 percent since the early 1980's....(I can now only buy one loaf of cheap white bread for what I used to be able to buy 10 for in 1983. That simply burns down to an average of 20-25% per year over the last 40 years since I became aware of the problem. That is REALITY. I dare anyone to refute that fact. Anything else is a lie. The average salary of a high grade engineer just about matches that. Back in the day, they were getting close to $20K per year and feeling damn good about it. Now, the good ones are getting $160-200K per year. Not that engineers are more valuable, just that the inflation simply has kept the salaries marching upward to keep up with the economic realities of today. With the national debt teetering as Bishop Koyle said (like a house of cards that collapses suddenly), something has to give. Our puppet masters that keep the petro dollar propped up using the military, etc realize we will have to go to war with other countries who have backed their economies with gold and who threaten our fiat way of life. So much so, as the high school drunkard had to beat up and belittle the teetotaler who makes him look like the belligerent, out of control loser that he was because the teetotaler was in control of his personal life. So, the USA has gotten into a habit of beating up other nations that try to break out of the system of bondage and control that they themselves are in. Those countries who have attempted to create an economy based on gold, are:
- Iraq
- Libya
- Syria
- Russia
- China
- Iran
In reality, the citizens need to rise up and return the USA to good principle (this was my only beef with Trump, was that he never enacted a plan to bring the national debt under control, but in fact worsened it terribly as he did in his business practices).
Anyway, yeah - here we are with a snapshot from today's news. We are mostly all there:
But, one cannot say that I did not try.