She has had to deal with having her father in prison for well over a year - pushing two years. And two of her brothers. That tears at a person. I can only imagine the relief in that family's home.
Man, if they do not love Trump and the draining of the swamp on this detail, then who could??
Had hitlery won the election, this would have gone to life sentences for all Bundy folk (while letting their fellow pedos/rapists/child traffickers off with slaps on the hands, if that).
The trial to convict the murderous FBI snipers would have gone nowhere.
With Trump, there is all likelihood that the opposite will be the case; but just say a prayer where ever you are right now, that he and those who protect him and his family, will be safe and that the ways of those who seek to hedge up his way and dig a pit for him, will fall and be buried forever in the very pit that they have digged to entrap him and other good people who are fighting for the truth.
This has been the prayer of my heart for my entire life against those who love and make a lie and who despise the truth.
When leaders of this nation or Church cover for the likes of Reid and do NOT take action, I can promise you in the name of the God of Israel, that they are part of the problem. In a position of power to do so, I would have Reid (and likely one son of his) thrown to the curb. I am sure many Stake Presidents (who are not drunk on power), have made moves to do so (based on Reid's stances on abortion or based on outright corruption and other blatantly anti-LDS statements). I am sure they have been shut down in their attempts to do so by others in power positions because of the effect it would have on the Church (bad publicity, ally in Congress, favorable press for the Church, etc..... all laughable and pitiable excuses to not throw the bum out).
It gets to a point, that if you do not excise that particular cancerous growth, it will end up taking the body out. As a Church, I have felt for years, we are collectively under condemnation because we do not excise that particular piece of human fecal matter. I get that the mission of the Church is to spread the message of the Bible in its purest form, the affirming message of the Book of Mormon and all other true and correct doctrines.
At what point, however on that slippery slope of "acceptance by the world", do you quit bending to Babylon? When there are women Bishops? What an openly practicing gay man is now your Stake President? When you decide to throw Brigham Young and Joseph Smith and Abraham and Jesus under the bus because they had more than one wife, as commanded and then seek to perform historical revisionism and make it almost as if Section 132 never existed and that polygamy was almost a fiction within our collective history??

Dear God of Heaven and Earth, pray it never be so. But, if we continue our 130 year slide, it may just be so. I pray that the crisis spoken of (where we are told to go with the Prophet and a majority of the Brethren) does not come down to some scenario like this. I trust the old guard - but worry about the new guard..... I do not trust business men and official administrators (bureaucrats) who call the likes of Iohanni Wolfgramm and other greats (who exercise their gifts perfectly), on the carpet instead of learning about what has made them great warriors of God. I trust those who are/were ministers, who live pure religion (visiting the fatherless and the widow) and who have made the focus less on programs and rigid top-down messages, who have turned it over to common people who are simply following the Spirit. Is this not what the Savior taught? Thankfully, that is what we have come to before we are correlated to death. This is one of the great course corrections in the Church since the Teach My Gospel concept came out. Imagine, teaching Investigators by the Spirit - instead of some rigid lesson plan that a monkey could regurgitate? I would have gone made in the rote teaching the missionaries performed in the 1960's and 70's. Far worse than orange corduroy bell-bottoms.....
It is sad to see the end of an era in President Monson. He was not direct like President Benson or Kimball - but he was among the greats when it came to ministering and inspiring with gentle messages of love.
He drove up in an open convertible to dedicate our Chapel in 1966 when it was brand new. That was a 13 hour drive, when roads were a lot less than they are today. Truly remarkable life filled with energy and enthusiasm. Truly it must have been sad, as a great proponent of Scouting as I grew up, to see it degrade into the mess it is today. Truly despicable sellout..... His years at the helm were some of the most turbulent since the 1870's-1890's.
I find it ironic that President Nelson is a heart surgeon - at a time when I believe that that hearts of many men will fail them....
Just some ramblings and feelings..... but the funeral is at 12noon tomorrow (Mountain Time). If you go to a Stake Center, they ask that you be in your seats by 11:30am.
How can you call fellow children of God "human fecal matter"? As bad as they may be, this shows a serious lack of charity and Christlike love.