Usually, they the BPD or psychotic crowd that I have mostly encountered in the form of women that I have bumped into at work or have heard stories of others being pushed around by this type of woman. They are usually survivors of some sort of traumatic event and are often man-haters who struggle with any normal form of relationship with men, or endure their own form of bullying at the hands of abusive (verbal and physical) men in their lives.
Occasionally, I push back. I generally take it, take it, take some more - and then let it go. I had to do so today on someone who is a triggered, Millennial snowflake who does not like my religion nor my politics. Of course, I let this individual know how I feel in no uncertain terms.
Here is what it all comes down to:

I agree you must always say something, however, each situation is different and when we come at it charitably the Lord has a way of helping us to kindly help them and represent him. Whether they take our coat or we give them our cloak we can be firm and clear about our stance.