Now, with revelations of forging of yearbooks and so much else, I have to wonder if he was just framed by some trailer trash who were in need of a 100K payout by the likes of a clinton power-pac slush fund and some sleazy back-room deal. Of course, there will be an increase in the body count - because people who can be bribed, often run out of the 100K they blew on cheap cigs and no-name beer or even a meth binge. So, they come back for more cashola with threats to talk - and end up with a .300 bullet to the back of the head (only comes in long rifle), a typed suicide note, and a quick incineration of the body without family consent..... This, in order to cover up the fact that two shots were fired into the head by a hunting rifle, on the left side with the person was right handed.
Then, the coroner that signed the doctored report, ends up dead himself.....
Go Trump!! Get them swamp creatures!! It either gets drained by the will of a complicit and fed up people digging a trench to empty the slimy creatures from it, or it gets drained by instantaneous evaporation. Either way, it is - and will be, amazingly gratifying.
The Ultimate End Game of Good versus Evil written by David Rogers
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Reflect on these comments: Soft genocide with nutritional deficits, geo-engineering and other methods to poison the bulk of humanity are already underway. This “soft kill” method threatens to become more overt as time draws closer and those adversarial neophytes lose patience. & These evil philosophies, ideas that have been quietly and subtly implanted within our schools, media, entertainment, popular culture and public offices for decades, are now coming boldly into the forefront and declaring their insidious objectives to be the only hope for mankind