The sword of justice and truth, the scepter complete with urim and thumim (actually, I am not sure of the history of the clear stone on top), a crown of righteousness and the stone that Jacob laid his head upon when he had the vision wherein he received his calling and election (numberless concourses of angels and the stairway to heaven).
All right there in one neat package. So much symbolism!
Here is another one showing where the stone is kept (between the feet of the representative of Judah on earth right now. I think I had paid attention to the lions on each corner of the throne chair - but the symbolism of them representing Judah is quite strong and really just jumped out forcibly:
The four corners representing the four corners of the earth. I was just reading this morning about the Mulekites (direct tie to the house of Judah) and them coming here to America. They were in India, Japan, England, America (at least N. America) and I have no clue how many other places - but truly in the four corners of the earth.
Makes me wonder if this stone was suppose to hold the rod that Moses had. The one they talk about in the book of jasher.