Those who have laughed at those who have taken faith in prophetic utterance will be choking on their gum quite soon. If they are young enough, they likely will be drafted (both male and female) into the battle. I have given counsel that an engineering degree would be invaluable as it will keep a person out of the front lines and in an office working logistics and repairs on things. Having a dual citizenship (where possible) would be invaluable to avoid the draft altogether (where it involves an unjust war where the invasion of a sovereign nation is concerned - however we may disagree with their leaders or their politics).
I did not mention the trouble we would be in with NK at that point - but that has always been the breakout point in the Pacific. As far as Russia goes, I have to say here that this series of power outages in NY and San Fran were highly suspicious to me. The worst outages were in our east and west coast financial centers. Almost is if it were a check to make sure their strategies would work. That may have been our first hit. If the financial centers fall due to no power - it will suck the rest of the nation into financial and social chaos. I still need to find a smoking gun before I would bank on that theory, however.....
Here is an e-mail that I wrote to my wife some time ago (2014) when our lives were in some level of upheaval due to external factors beyond our control and we were making the decision to pull the lever and move to Canada:
On Thursday, February 27, 2014 8:52 PM,_________________________
I sent a few that I had on my computer
here at work.
Yep, I think things are aligning where
I should just simply quit and we see how its done by the locals in Montana.
I told my boss I am not sure how much
Boeing will still be around in the next few years. We are pissing Russia off – and
simply cannot build one of our airplanes without their titanium. I have
been saying for quite some time that Duane S. Crowther’s (he wrote Life
Everlasting) take is correct (we are at the point where it is highlighted in yellow below). Russian hit somewhere on our east coast (NY
or DC?) where we bat them down within a couple of months and then social chaos
followed by WWIII which is a 13 month war.
Here is the timeline given in his
Prophecy-Key to the Future was
written as a Master's thesis at Brigham Young University, in fulfillment of
an assignment to document and establish the chronological order of last-days
events, using the Standard Works and statements of LDS General Authorities as
authoritative evidence.
The author has presented extensive evidence of numerous future events with care, documenting them fully and precisely in a scholarly fashion. He has withheld personal opinions, presenting only what the evidence describes. He has provided a chronological index of events, a listing of quota- tions from major sources, and other tools to assist the reader in further study. This book is a classic of LDS doctrinal literature. Thoroughly researched, its scope is far-reaching, its evidence reliable and its conclusions irresistible. The support of its evidence is inescapable. This is a book that affects the lives of all who read it. His research will aid all who read this book in preparing for the events to come. The Lord has revealed that it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor, and he has done so effectively. Since Prophecy-Key to the Future was written, the author has gathered and compiled much additional evidence from sources not included herein. Some of this information has been published in a second volume titled Inspired Prophetic Warnings. This companion book provides insights into specific last-days warnings to the inhabitants of America and contains many revealed glimpses of events pertaining to World Wars III and IV and the period between them. It is suggested that both books be read and considered simultaneously. As the seventh thousand-year millennium has been introduced, and inspired last-days prophecies draw nearer to fulfillment, this book is essential reading for Latter-day Saints and for other Christians everywhere. |
Table of Contents
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Contents, v
List of Illustrations, Maps and Charts, x Key to Abbreviations Used in the Footnotes, x Introduction, xi Why a Book on The Future?, xi The Objectives of This Book, xiii Is This Study Authentic and Reliable?, xiii Acknowledgments, xiv Notes on the Revised Edition, xv Inspired Prophetic Warnings-A Companion Volume, xv No Change in The Prophetic Scenario, xvi How This Book Was Written, xvi Parley P. Pratt's Insight: Value of Knowledge of the Future, xix 1. War To Be Poured Out Upon All Nations, 1 The Beginning of War in The Last Days, 1 Slaves Are To Rise Up Against Their Masters, 3 The Purpose of Wars Is To Prepare For The Preaching of The Gospel, 4 Two Periods of War: Preparatory Wars and Wars of Complete Destruction, 5 United States Warned of Conflict During Period of Preparatory Wars-Third World War, 10 Summary, 15 2. Missionary Work Among the Gentiles, 17 The Gospel Must Be Taught to Every Nation, 17 Four Periods of Missionary Labor, 17 Who Are The Gentiles?, 18 What Are The "Times of The Gentiles"?, 19 What is The Fulness of The Gentiles?, 20 Conditional Promises Made to The Gentiles in The Americas, 20 Most of The Gentiles Will Reject The Gospel, 22 The Fulfilling of The Times of The Gentiles: The Gospel Will Be Taken Instead To The House of Israel, 22 Signs of The Approaching Fulfillment of The Times of The Gentiles, 24 The Fulfilling of The Times of The Gentiles Is An Important Chronological Event, 27 Summary, 33 3. God Will Pour Out His Judgments, 35 Great Calamities Are To Come After The Gospel Is Taken From The Gentiles, 35 The Lord's Desolating Scourge, 37 Famine, Drought and Pollution, 40 An Earthquake in America, 43 Jackson County To Be Swept Clean, 45 Will The Saints Escape Judgments?, 45 Summary, 48 4. Internal Wars and the Collapse of United States Government, 49 Future War and Strife Within The United States, 49 The Government of The United States Will Completely Collapse, 52 War Will Spread from America to Other Lands, 54 A Remnant of Jacob to Tread Down The Gentiles, 56 The Gathering of The Saints to The Mountains, 58 The Righteous Gentiles Will Also Gather to The Mountains, 61 The Saints Will Eventually Be Cut Off From The Rest of The Land, 62 The Influx of People Will Bring Danger of Famine in The West, 64 Summary, 85 5. The Establishment of the Kingdom of God, 67 When The United States Government Fails, The Saints Will Uphold The Constitution, 67 The Foundation for The Kingdom of God Was Laid through Revelation to Joseph Smith, 69 The Future Policy of The Kingdom of God, 72 The Kingdom of God Will Eventually Gain World-Wide Dominion, 75 Summary, 80 6. Establishment of the New Jerusalem, 83 A Leader Like Unto Moses Is To Be Chosen, 83 The Eastward Journey of The Saints While Strife Continues in The United States, 86 Many Saints Will Remain in The West, 90 Establishing The New Jerusalem Under The Law of Consecration, 91 An Inspired Plan for The City and for The Temple, 95 Who Will Build The New Jerusalem, 99 Life Within The New Jerusalem, 102 Summary, 104 7. Four Important Events in America, 107 The Conversion of The Lamanites, 107 The Lord Shall Come to His Temple in Zion, 112 Coming of The Ten Tribes, 117 Calling of The 144,000, 121 Summary, 125 8. The Gathering of the House of Israel To Palestine, 127 Time of The Gathering of The Jews, 127 The Present-A Period of Preparatory Gathering, 128 Time of The Conversion of The Jews, 138 Summary, 139 9. Plagues and the Book of Revelation, 141 Chronological Importance of The Choosing of The 144,000 High Priests, 141 The Beginning of The Seventh Thousand-year Period, 142 Trumps and Plagues Are Literal, 143 The Plagues, 146 Comparison With Other Series of Seven Angels in The Book of Revelation, 147 Comparison With Angels With Trumpets in The Doctrine and Covenants, 153 Summary, 156 10. Universal Conflict and the Fall of the Christian Nations, 159 World-wide Conflict-Fourth World War, 159 The Christian Nations Will Fall, 162 Summary, 165 ll. Christ's Appearance in the Council at Adam-ondi-Ahman, 167 Adam is The Ancient of Days, 167 Location and Description of The Council at Adam-ondi-Ahman, 169 Purposes of The Council at Adam-ondi-Ahman, 172 Christ's Appearance and Acceptance of Dominion, 175 Summary, 176 12. Growth and Development in Zion and Palestine After the Era of Universal Conflict, 177 Growth of Zion in America, 177 David, The Prince, 179 Removal of The Ten Tribes From Zion to Palestine, 182 Distribution of Land Among The Tribes, 187 Construction of The Temple in Jerusalem and The Restoration of Sacrificial Worship, 189 Prophecies Concerning Israel's Political Affairs, 192 Summary, 194 13. The Battle of Armageddon and Christ's Appearance on the Mount of Olives, 197 Nations Which Will Attack Palestine, 198 Location of The Battlefield, 202 The Battle, 204 Christ's Coming 206 The Earthquake, 209 Conclusion of The Battle, 211 The Conversion of The Jews and Christ's Coming to The Jerusalem Temple, 214 The Interval Between The Coming of Christ to Palestine and Christ's Coming in Glory, 216 Missionary Work in the Interval Between The Battle of Armageddon and Christ's Coming in Glory, 220 Summary, 224 14. Christ's Coming in Glory, 227 Trumps Introduce Christ's Coming, 228 Saints Also to Descend, 233 Description of The Lord at His Coming, 235 Every Eye Shall Witness His Advent, 237 Changes in The Configuration of The Earth, 238 The Earth Will Be Cleansed by Fire, 240 The Marriage of The Lamb, 243 Summary, 244 15. The Millennium, 247 Extended Life and Resurrection, 247 A Period of Peace and Righteousness, 248 Home Life and Sociality as The Lord Dwells Among Men, 251 Government of The Saints, 252 Spirit To Be Poured Out, 256 Many Churches During The Millennium, 260 Missionary Work, 264 Temple Work, 264 Saints Will Be Prepared for Exaltation, 266 Summary, 267 16. Events at the End of the Earth, 269 The Battle of Gog and Magog, 269 Consideration of Chronological Sequence of Final Events, 273 Second Resurrection, 275 Final Judgment, 276 Christ and The Saints To Be Crowned and Exalted, 280 Dissolution and Re-establishment of The Earth, 284 Summary, 287 17. The Earth's Final State, 289 Descent of New and Old Jerusalem, 290 Meaning of Living in The Presence of God, 291 Life on The Celestial Earth, 293 Summary, 295 Appendices I. The United States Constitution Will Hang By A Thread, 297 II. An Analysis of The Prophecy Recorded By Edwin Rushton and Theodore Turley Which Is Commonly Known As The "White Horse Prophecy, 301 The Men Who Recorded The Prophecy, 301 The Prophecy, 302 Observations Concerning The Prophecy, 321 III. Notes On Jackson County and The Plat of The City of Zion, 323 Bibliography, 328 Latter-day Saint Scriptures, 328 Latter-day Saint Historical Sources, 328 Latter-day Saint Doctrinal Sources, 329 Other Reference Books, 330 Other Doctrinal Sources, 331 Miscellaneous, 331 Indexes I. List of Quotations from Major Sources, 333 Old Testament, 333 New Testament, 334 Book of Mormon 334 Doctrine and Covenants, 335 Pearl of Great Price 336 Journal of Discourses, 336 History of the Church 337 II. Chronological Index of Events, 339 III. Alphabetical Index, 351 Books by the Author, 357 Cassette Talk Tapes by the Author, 359 |
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ReplyDeleteIt's a testing phase/conditioning phase... I am sure more is on the way.