This whole "women" with penises going into bathrooms thing has just pushed me over the edge. I think I have snapped - and am going to go find my cave and hole up until the social reset is fully over. Ether, you had a good thing going.......
I have two young women who I now have to wonder every time they are in a "women's" bathroom, if they are going to be accosted by some freaky perv in a skirt and a bulge in "it's" undies...... Sorry, I am out. See ya, buh bye..... This "culture war" has been won by the "dumbascraps" and the freaks on the left. Thanks, harry reid and company....... Traitor to all that is good and right.
It does not matter who gets into the whorehouse in 2017, there is nothing worth governing left.
I think this kitty has the right idea:

This whole issue is crazy to me too. I was actually in a Target last fall and a very strange man who was dressed in women's clothing was arguing with the store manager about not being able to go in the women's restroom. He was freaky and creepy for sure, in mesh clothing... I left there thinking well good for the store employees for not letting the creepster in the bathroom. Somebody obviously complained about him or there wouldn't of been a big to do I think. I find it very interesting that Target is at the center of all of this now.