Let me see if I understand you: On one hand, you accuse the President of bring gay, yet on the other, you accuse him of being a Muslim threat. Do you see the problem here? Homosexuality is punishable by death, dude.I just about fell out of my chair. I hope the commenter was not serious......
Um, adultery was punishable by death (stoning) in the Savior's day - yet probably 95% of the hypocrites who were doing the stoning were probably involved in that act. Thus the reason that entire culture was wiped from the face of the earth. It is one thing to struggle with a sin (and another thing to struggle with a major sin whose consequences can be dire - destroys families, spreads disease that can kill another human (HPV or AIDS) or frustrate the plan of the Lord by producing sterility (PCOS, etc)) - and then take the life of another human being by doing the same.
While filming night time activities in Afghanistan using drones and night vision, the drones have picked up nefarious activities that, let's say keeps the goats running scared in the dark. It is a fact that polygamy in a situation where birth and death rates are on par, makes for a situation where homosexuality thrives. You have that in the Middle East. It is a fact that one of the highest rates of pornography usage is in the Middle East (not sure if that is gay or straight pornography). The point being, is that - just because strict moral codes may be in place, does not guarantee that the people are at the zenith of moral behavior. It often can mean the opposite - that people are not dealing with their sexuality openly - and a horribly repressive society can lead to some of the worst abuses (including pornography, sexual practices, sexual abuse, etc etc). I think the history books bear that out.
Yes, BHO is gayer than a three dollar bill. As the A/C - that is part of the deal. Most of the dark combinations he deals with are also in the "three dollar bill club". It is part of the culture of "every man knew his brother" - in the brotherhood....... The news I have seen is the kind of stuff that would either make your blood boil or chill depending on if you are a little orphaned boy in Afghanistan or a parent of a 10 year old kid. A marine was basically smacked down because he refused to NOT blow the whistle on a ranking Afghani government official that he knew was abusing little boys. Just as with wHollyweird execs, whorehouse interloping usurpers and British royalty and many other pukes in power in this fallen orb, they have their wives for show (trophy wives and trophy kids) and the "little boys for fun" (not making this up - it is a documentable saying.....). The fact is, Yasser Arafat (I call him something else I cannot repeat that is a play on his name) had his "little boys" and actually died of AIDS - instead of the crap the CNN fed you. These are the sick pukes that make it onto the covers of Time and other worthless rags as "men of the year". Whatever.....
Another reason I keep this blog anon. I prolly just pissed off a few head lobbers with my anti-snackbar writing of the truth. They like to keep their hellish works in the darkness - I like to shine lights on stuff in order to shut it down in my own little way. Keeping it real out there - even if CNN won't...... If you are watching CNN, you are NOT getting the memo; and prolly actually believe the BHO mantra that he is a family man, that Moochelle is a woman and that I slam is the "religion of peace"....lolz Nope! Pass the bacon, please.
I gotta post this thing on my wall:

How do I put this in terms that won't be immediately rejected...
ReplyDeleteIslamic prohibition of homosexuality is very limited. The pitcher is seen as doing nothing wrong, but the catcher is the player who faces execution. And the law only applies after a certain age so Islam allows sexual abuse of children.
I suspect this is why Michael Jackson ran off to Bahrain for a year. He could have children delivered by the school bus load and nobody would bat an eye.