These Hollywood chumps purvey the idea that you can have illicit sex, drugs and rock and roll til the cows come home and have ZERO consequences for those actions. The ultimate is the Bond movies where he flits about in a hedonistic world where the Word of Wisdom and the Law of Chastity are thrown to the curb in every other scene with no trips to the abortion clinic, the delivery room, the dialysis center, the clinic for a check on the recent rash in the mid-section, et al.....
This is the doctrine of devils - actions in defiance of all that is good and right and ZERO consequence. It has trapped MILLIONS and, the same philosophy through the life of this earth, has trapped BILLIONS......
So, to be able to point to one watershed moment and spokesperson for hedonism and say, "See, this is where this kind of thing will get ya!!", is quite refreshing. Not that wHollyweird has not already supplied plenty of examples to this end, but this one is particularly egregious......
Will most pay attention? Prolly not - they will just move along in the fog they are trapped in and party on..... But yeah, this one tickled my funny bone. I love plays on words and mocking of evil - the two come together here beautifully! BTW - it took me a while, but that is not powdered sugar on the kitchen counter.....
I usually am very compassionate about other people's misfortunes whether deserved or not. But I am soooo weary of the evil crapola going on in this world today. I am not perfect, but I am a pretty good person and now I, along with many other good people,are going to have to suffer for wicked people's sins. Charlie Sheen has the audacity to say that unfortunately he kept company with some saltless, unsavory people and in return contracted HIV. Like he somehow is above the porn stars, and prostitutes he spent so much time with. It makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of James Bond. Yes, he is the opposite of what we are to be. Something to consider. He likes his martinis shaken, not stirred. The opposite is true with us. First, we do not drink and second, the Spirit hath stirred our souls and our faith is unshaken. You can find gospel lessons everywhere, even in James Bond.
ReplyDeleteNice analogy and quite accurate Kenster. And may I humbly add it's bad enough being a zero, but to be a double zero is even worse! "James Bond 007". LOL
DeleteSigh.....if we had a dollar for every person Charlie Sheen had sex with, we could come close to paying off the national debt.
ReplyDeleteAnd his father, Martin Sheen, is PROUD OF HIM? I saw Martin Sheen in person in front of the Marriott hotel when we pulled up to check in. He was getting in a limo and looked at us like we were peasants just because we noticed who he was. Didn't say a word.
It was a far cry from the stellar performance he did in "The Fourth Wiseman" bible movie. I highly recommend it, even for a FHE. Excellent movie/story and really proves he's an outstanding ACTOR cuz in real life, he's a snob.
Two and a Half Men is nothing but filth and evil on t.v. Don't ever be curious and watch even one episode people. The commercials about it are yucky, and catching clips while channel surfing is enough to make you blush and want to wash your mind out with soap!
Pray for our brother Charlie Sheen. His soul is captivated by Satan. Pray that he will come into the Light and then testify to the world that He has found Jesus Christ and knows what a rotten, bad apple example he was to everyone. Pray for his father too, that he won't drown when it rains.