He is about to go through a process of personal redemption and cleansing in order that he might more fully understand the things of the kingdom.
In the process of this convo, I mentioned that Jesus, in order to be a Rabbi HAD to be married. Seems like Brigham Young would be in agreement on this. For those who have thrown Bro Brigham under the bus, I am sorry for them.
Here is the quote - logic and any amount of arguing to the contrary will not refute this as they had not built the Ohio and Pennsylvania at that time:

Correct, Christ was married and had children to fulfill all righteousness, and to be recognized as a bonafide Rabbi, to which the Sanhedrin did.
ReplyDeleteIf we follow a man (Prophet) and not Christ, then we could be considered non-Christian. Some of…(1 Cor. 1:12-13, 1 Cor. 3:4-6, D&C 76: 98-101) and have become cursed (1 Nephi 4:34)
Isn't this another reason why we know Catholics worship incorrectly? The Catholic priests do not get married which is against our Savior's teaching?
ReplyDeleteWHY would anyone anyway want to deny Jesus the Christ the blessings of marriage and children. Does it make Him filthy or less holy? I once asked my husband, "WHO is the first person you would come back to see after you die?" Of course the answer was me, his wife! I might add.....the right answer.
ReplyDeleteAnd WHO is the FIRST person Jesus Christ showed Himself to? Mary. Was that just by coincidence? Whom else other than his wife would know Him better to testify she has seen the Risen Lord? And how would she feel if she heard it and wasn't the first person to see Him? "What? You saw my husband? Alive?" AND she was probably hugging Him so fiercely which is why He said to her, "Detain me not". NOT "don't touch me, you'll make me dirty". Like she could do that to Him anyway? Never have figured out why folks don't reason that out in their minds.......
Oh no, it wasn't just to ANY woman the Risen Lord appeared to FIRST before anyone else.
This truth is the biggest thorn in the theology of Catholicism.
Jesus Christ obtained ALL that the Father has. Eternal life, Celestial marriage, a forever family. For neither is the man without the woman and the woman without the man. Adam and Eve were married ETERNALLY BEFORE THE FALL. It started with them and what God hath joined together and instituted man can NEVER put asunder.
Last night I came to a conclusion. Gay people can NEVER qualify to be, nor proclaim to be Christians/Disciples of Jesus Christ. ADAM AND EVE put an end to the gay marriage issue within the realm of Christianity.
You cannot follow God into His Kingdom to live forever while denying His word/commandments as given in the scriptures.
The Bible explicitly and implicitly condemns homosexuality in all its forms.
Genesis 19:4ff
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
Judges 19:22
Romans 1:24
I Corinthians 6:9-10
I Timothy 1:10
Jude 1:7
But it's not about homosexuality. It is about sexual immorality in all its forms. It was because of sexual immorality that the land of Canaan was overthrown by God using Israel.
The God of Heaven loves all of His children and desires their eternal happiness and eternal home with Him.
The life God lives never will include sexual immorality abiding in His presence. HE IS HOLY! NO UNCLEAN THING CAN ENTER HIS KINGDOM!
HE makes the rules folks. Get used to it. Time is a teller of all things and TRUTH lives on forever. Sooner or later, in the name of Israel's God, I testify that the sexually immoral will be swept from this earth forever. It happened once by water, this time it will be by fire and it will be the last time and it will stick. NO do-overs.
If Church members have bees in their bonnets about the OLDEST commandment on marriage/sex since the CREATION, better repent and take it up with God or don't you remember WHO is running this Church to begin with?
Perhaps you enjoy being prick kickers.
Yes. Jesus had to be married and all the good stuff that goes along with that. However, to imply that His "train" could only mean His immediate family misses the mark. A king's train; his retinue, also includes those who are privy to the court and are his closest and most loyal followers and supporters.
ReplyDeleteWhich by virtue of the law of adoption also makes them members of His family and His children.
The scripture Brigham Young referred to is in Isaiah 6:1. Gileadi says the Hebrew translation of train should be skirt. See Isaiah Explained.
ReplyDeleteOrson Pratt commented
ReplyDelete“How was it with Mary and Martha, and other women that followed him [Jesus]? In old times, and it is common in this day, the women, even as Sarah, called their husbands Lord; the word Lord is tantamount to husband in some languages, master, lord, husband, are about synonymous… When Mary of old came to the sepulchre on the first day of the week, instead of finding Jesus she saw two angels in white, ‘And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou?’ She said unto them,’ Because they have taken away my Lord,’ or husband, ‘and I know not where they have laid him.’ And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.’ Is there not here manifested the affections of a wife. These words speak the kindred ties and sympathies that are common to that relation of husband and wife” (Journal of Discourses 2:81).
Same talk he said,
“Now there was actually a marriage; and if Jesus was not the bridegroom on that occasion, please tell who was. If any man can show this, and prove that it was not the Savior of the world, then I will acknowledge I am in error. We say it was Jesus Christ who was married, to be brought into the relation whereby he could see his seed, before he was crucified” (Journal of Discourses 2:82).
In Orson Pratt’s book “The Seer” he writes
“One thing is certain, that there were several holy women that greatly loved Jesus — such as Mary, and Martha her sister, and Mary Magdalene; and Jesus greatly loved them, and associated with them much; and when He arose from the dead, instead of showing Himself to His chosen witnesses, the Apostles, He appeared first to these women, or at least to one of them — namely, Mary Magdalene. Now it would be natural for a husband in the resurrection to appear first to his own dear wives, and afterwards show himself to his other friends. If all the acts of Jesus were written, we no doubt should learn that these beloved women were His wives” (The Seer, p.159).
“We have now clearly shown that God, the Father had a plurality of wives, one or more being in eternity, by whom He begat our spirits as well as the spirit of Jesus His First Born… We have also proved most clearly that the Son followed the example of his Father, and became the great Bridegroom to whom kings’ daughters and many honorable Wives to be married.”
Hey this is awesome stuff Kenster! Thanks!