We actually enjoyed our NYC trip with some great Chinese food in Chinatown and to finish the night off by a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and back (my daughter's idea - my feet did not agree so much......). We met some lovely people and it is my prayer that many of the good people of that city will be moved upon to get out before the clock ticks short. I have told my wife many times that location, location location is what it is all about. I would find a place where the blood and sins of many generations is the least and where the judgments of God will be the least. NYC is loaded with blood and with sins over centuries of time. Payment is coming due here shortly on those errors.
Before that, we spent some time in Battery Park and down on Wall Street. I relieved my feet of some dust in front of the NYSE - one of those institutions mentioned below that has taken the efforts and wealth of millions (who do not know how to play the game of the big boys). I refer specifically to those who shorted on American Airlines the days before the Sept 11 attacks, etc and profited from the collapse of those buildings and the loss of value of airline stocks.
Those who doubly indemnified their holdings just before the collapse of the buildings and made a buck off of thousands of lives who were shattered that day. People are simply whores for money. NYC is ground zero for that. Most of the priests of this false religion, dressed in the three piece garments of their holy priesthood are completely unaware of what they do and what they are a part of.
We witnessed the location of the eretz tree that Jonathan Cahn mentions in his book - The Harbinger. The cedar tree planted at the location of the sycamore that was leveled that day, has died and there is nothing to replace it. As our family read Isaiah 9:10-11 (yes, that was chapter 9, verse 11) on the steps of the Chapel where George Washington dedicated our nation to God, a nice woman and her mother came up to us and asked several questions about The Harbinger. She was up from Florida. I told her to get ready - things are about to rock and roll in this nation. I told her to look up the latest youtube warnings from Jonathan Cahn. I hope she has done so. She is barking up the right tree.
If it were not so hot, I would be wearing black to signify my state of mourning. We just visited Gettysburg on the eve of the start of CWII. I cannot help but think of all the blood spilled there. I picture the alternate scenario where this nation had embraced good principle even from the start and never engaged in the hellish practice of bringing a group of people into bondage one to another. Then I picture a nation that had enough light and brightness to embrace the truth when it burst forth on the scene as a glorious ensign to the nations. But, it did not. The message was squashed and nearly extinguished by those who love and make a lie and raise it as their standard above the truth. The people were driven into the wilderness and then an army sent to further harass them on the eve of the tithing of this nation of approx 10% of their able bodied men who either died or were brutally wounded in CWI. What a price that was paid at this time.
My wife and I were in the CWI museum talking about this price and the foreshadowing of what is coming. There will, here shortly, be another calling out of Israel to her tents and then the desolating scourge will follow of those who have chosen to remain. Choose wisely whom you choose to listen to as the splintering happens yet again. Remember, the RLDS were swept up into the last conflict as they did not heed the voice of the calling out and remained behind in Babylon.
May God inspire those who are awake to do the right thing and be spiritually prepared. May those who have identified themselves as the tares be plucked and burned speedily so that we can right this ship and return to a Godly state, following Godly principle as found in the Constitution and in the scriptures that we have been given. May we be found worthy to have the sealed portion opened so that we can learn those additional lessons as we usher in the Millennium and enjoy a measure of the joy and happiness of a heavenly abode. May my prayers be answered as given in New YorCity and as will be given in the crapitol. May truth and light prevail in all things.

ReplyDeleteHarbinger -> The Cedar tree has died!!! .... OooooH MY!