I am embarrassed that he has ANY tie to my religion. He is one of the most corrupt people I am aware of in this nation right now.
He is also a member in GOOD standing. If I were his SP, I would have his keister in my office to do a little "splainin' " about what is going on with another decent member of the Church - Bro. Bundy.
One question we are asked is about our dealings with our fellow-man.
Reid's are questionable to beat all hell! Especially if just a shred of this article is based on fact:
Harry Reid’s Connection to Bundy Ranch Siege
by Glenn Rhee
April 20, 2014
April 20, 2014
Sales of Harry fund ongoing research into Reid corruption (many leads to follow, some dangerous) and building a huge database of supporting documentation. Your support is needed and appreciated!
As some may be aware, the Bundy Ranch in Nevada is having 500 plus head of free range cattle that have been fed on desert BLM land seized by the government. This is a long standing decades old dispute that pits the Bundy family, who have ranched this land since the 1870s, against a literal army of BLM SWAT forces supposedly there to protect desert tortoises.
Our purpose here is to show how this siege must all eventually be linked to Senator Harry Reid, who literally controls everything that happens in Nevada. I wrote the only biography of Harry Reid (more below) which goes into his history of shady land dealings and use of the BLM. The best leverage the Bundys have is not against the BLM, but by making corrupt Harry Reid the focus of media attention. Because this is breaking, I will be updating this page continuously as I put information together, lots more to come.
Descriptions of what is going on at Bundy Ranch can be found here
- Constitutional Sheriff Mack Speaks on Bundy Ranch Standoff
- Bundy Ranch Blog
- BUNDY DAUGHTER SPEAKS OUT ON GOVERNMENT TERRORISMIn bullet point, tying my research on Reid in with the situation, here are some reasons why Reid is vulnerable and complicit in this issue:
- Neil Kornze, former Reid aid, is now a BLM Director and is well involved in the Bundy seige. Kornze was responsible for planning the allottment of 285,000 acres to dedicated Solar farm development (a pet Reid boondoggle). These Solar development zones are Tortoise and Bird kill zones – see BrightSource. So Reid knows damn well what is going on at the Bundy Ranch and could stop the BLM Gestapo cold.
- It turns out Brightsource is also a big Reid contributor. See how this works? Hundreds of thousands of acres set aside to kill Tortoises for Friends of Reid, nothing for the Bundys who have worked and preserved the land since 1870.
- Harry Reid killed more Tortoises in cahoots with Brightsource solar and jailed buddy Harvey Whittemore than Bundyranch.
- Reid helped good friend and bigtime lawyer/lobbyist Harvey Whittemore procure environmental waivers for the Coyote Springs golf and residential development, a short distance from the Bundy Ranch. L.A. Times did a big expose on Reid and Coyote Springs special deals for Whittemore. Reid was happy to let Brightsource propose to cover 8,300 acres of tortoise land of the 42,000-acre Coyote Springs. These included powerline changes and most importantly, a land swap with BLM for Desert Tortoise land. Whittemore claims Harry had nothing to do with the dubious Tortoise landswap, like anything in Nevada happens at Reid’s displeasure.
- Harvey Whittemore was convicted of giving Reid illegal campaign contributions and is due to start a two year sentence. Only the big boys who pay under the table get Reid’s favors. Whittemore’s lawyer is Dominic Gentile, good buddy of Reid and sometime mob lawyer. Dominic owns the Palomino strip club, what a guy.
- Here’s what the BLM really thinks of Desert Tortoises. Let them Burn! Not thirty miles from the Bundy Ranch. Dry Lakes
- Harry Reid ‘owns’ 200 acres in Searchlight, all old BLM mining
patent deeds inherited from his miner dad, all filled with desert
Tortoise. His home is surrounded by the 14 abandoned mines that he
owns�old sites with names like Spotted Horse, Diamond Wedge, and Cyrus
Noble (so named after it was swapped for a bottle of Cyrus Noble
whiskey). The question is why does he have ancestral claim to this land
while the Bundys do not to their grazing rights?
Reid’s claim to that land are mining patents, dependent on BLM favouritism since he no longer mines anything. Maybe he should be evicted, since his claims rest on old mining law from 1872. A patent is a parcel of claimed mineral-rich public land which the federal government sells to the claim holder for $2.50 or $5.00 per acre, as required by the 1872 Mining Law. A patent, or patented claim, is no longer public land; both the land and the minerals contained in it become the property of the patent holder. Congress has imposed a moratorium on new mining patents since October 1, 1994. Reid bought much of the land in 1973.
In 2007 Vegas land was $700k/acre. People thought Searchlight would be bedroom community. During the Real Estate boom, Reid thought his land was worth $20 million. That’s why the new four lane highway into Searchlight directly benefited Reid, for land he has no more right to than the Bundys.
Here are the parcel numbers from the Clark County Assessor. You can click to get more info and aerial maps.
REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT REID HARRY M & LANDRA J TRS DST-700 #243-22-301-001 REID HARRY REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT DST-700 #243-22-301-003 REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT REID HARRY M & LANDRA J TRS DST-700 #243-27-401-001 REID LTD PROFIT SHR PL & TR AGMT REID HARRY TRS DST-700 #243-27-601-002 REID HARRY PROFIT SHR PL ETAL REID HARRY TRS DST-700 #243-27-801-001 REID HARRY PROFIT SHR PL ETAL REID HARRY TRS DST-700 #243-27-801-005 REID HARRY PROFIT SHR PL ETAL REID HARRY TRS DST-700 #243-27-801-007 REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT REID HARRY M & LANDRA J TRS DST-700 #243-34-101-007 REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT REID HARRY M & LANDRA J TRS DST-700 #243-34-101-009 REID LTD PFT SHR PL & TR AGMT REID HARRY M TRS DST-700 #243-34-201-006 REID HARRY PROFIT SHARING PLAN REID HARRY M TRS DST-700 #243-34-201-012 REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT DOING VERLIE REVOCABLE TRUST DST-700 #243-34-301-003 REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT BROWN JAY H DST-700 #243-34-301-015 MARTELLO VINCENT REID HARRY & LANDRA DST-700 #243-34-401-009 REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT BROWN JAY H DST-700 #243-34-401-016 REID LTD PFT SHR PL & TR AGMT REID HARRY M TRS DST-700 #243-34-601-002 REID FAMILY TRUST AGREEMENT REID HARRY M & LANDRA J TRS DST-700 #243-34-701-003 REID LTD PFT SHR TR REID HARRY TRS DST-700 #243-34-711-009 Reid’s house was built by developer Jim Rhodes (they all thought they’d make a killing in Seachlight), right smack dab in Tortoise land. Coincidentally, Rhodes was also fined for illegal contributions to Reid. Rhodes later hired disgraced Erin Kenny for $16,000 a month, a Reid protege for Lieutenant Governor, who was caught taking bribes from Tittybar owner Mike Galardi of Cheetahs and did jail time. Reid’s other protege, Dario Herrera, also did jail for Tittybar bribes. What a nice crew, friends of Harry. Jay Brown, Harry’s best friend, has also done legal work for Rhodes, Herrera and Kenny, go figure. Rhodes, Erin and Dario, all bribe-magnet Democrat friends of Reid.
- Rory Reid, Harry’s son, was hand picked to take over Dario Herrera’s County Commission seat. The Reids will claim total ignorance that Herrera was tittybar-bribe taking dirty politician. Unexpected!Wonder how much Rory and Harry Reid paid Dario Herrera so Rory could take Herrera Commissioner seat? Dario jailed for tittybar bribes at Cheetahs and no-show work.
- Someone should ask how many Tortoises were killed building a four lane superhighway to Harry Reid’s land in Searchlight. Reid has positioned himself to be a beneficiary of owning the land entering Searchlight as a future bedroom community. Maybe he should be asked about his Desert Tortoise land in Arizona too.
- If Harry Reid truly believes in the environment and not making his family pig rich off of BLM favouritism, he should be asked to put his Searchlight 200 acres into a BLM Desert Tortoise Trust in perpetuity. He could call it the Desert Institute for Reid Tortoises (DIRT)
- Fifty acres of the Reid Searchlight DIRT is co owned with acknowleged Reid best buddy Jay Brown, also conveniently a mob and tittybar lawyer. Reid also did a deal on land “he didn’t own” and collected $1.1 million in cahoots with Brown (see also in above article). Who says Harry Reid doesn’t know how to play land deals for a quick skim? Not like he’d ever play the BLM for his own benefit. I have also written extensively on Jay Brown in my book, and now have a long article linking him to 40 years of bribes. Who Is Jay Brown?
- Reid also promoted the Desert Express High Speed Rail boondoggle from Victorville to Las Vegas (so bad it can’t make it over the grade to get to LA, now Express West). This was a payoff to Reid good buddy lobbyist Sig Rogich, who amazingly turned around immediately after the Reid endorsement and ran Republicans For Reid (which is big reason Sharron Angle lost). Maybe someone should ask Reid how many Desert Tortoises that taxpayer funded railway payoff would have killed.No one does anything in Nevada without Harry approval. That’s why the Bundys needs to expand protest to the top slimeball in the land, Harry Reid, and make this a national issue. Reid could stop the Bundy Ranch Seige with just a phone call, (UPDATE: apparently he did just that, to save his own hide, as the situation resolved) to his BLM buddy Kornze or to Obama. But he won’t because there is no bribe money in it for him. Make him a pinata. Reid needs to feel massive long term pain, mainly by focusing on his Searchlight land.
Upon my house it shall begin.