If we are to take the verses and timing of those words in Revelations Ch. 6 literally (CLICK LINK), with the sequence of huge earthquake, sun darkened and the moon turned to blood then we may well have the Matthew 24 (no man can stand) EQ sometime between the second blood moon on 10/8/14 and the annular eclipse of March 20th, 2015 (see graphic below).

Just a thought. The more I understand and read, the more I realize the Lord was quite literal in what He caused to be written.....
What in relation to the House of Israel might this herald? It would herald the return of the 10 tribes. When they come, it will shake the Everlasting Hills to the core (and the rest of the earth, as well). People will look back on the event and exclaim that it was the single greatest natural event to visit this earth historically.
Possible serries of events associated with the blood moons...
ReplyDeleteAPRIL 2014 NEDOGOSUDARSTVOM (Russian occupation of Eastern Ukraine (they already have covert units on the ground in S and E UKR)
4 OCTOBER 2014 GENERAL CONFERENCE ON YOM KIPPUR. DAY OF ATONEMENT AND OF JUDGMENT...I would expect the Utah earthquake to happen around this time give or take a few weeks. I would also expect the Russian invasion to commence on the rest of Europe and for the Ten Tribes to start revealing themselves around this time. Not to forget Comet Siding Spring is going to come VERY close to Mars (ten times closer than the earth's distance to the moon) with a small risk of impact.
April 2015 GENERAL CONFERENCE to happen once again in a blood moon. It would be something else if the Gospel at this time were taken to the Jews and to the Ten Tribes (who would have revealed themselves in October)...
October 2015 Who knows? If the parallel to David and Solomon applies here (where there were also blood moons associated with Israel becoming a nation-state, its conquest of Jerusalem, and the building of the Temple), I would believe that the buliding of the Jerusalem Temple will commence at or shortly after this blood moon...starting in 2016 at the latest.
I watched the movie "Sum of all Fears" (Ben Affleck and Morgan Freeman) again last night. It had been a few years since I had first viewed it.
ReplyDeleteGiven the state of affairs today with Russia and the Ukraine, the movie was eerily prophetic.