We are not the first inhabitants of this continent - and we know the purpose and reasoning for the condition of those the early explorers found here. We also know why we were allowed to conquer them so easily early on. The problem being that the conquerors have waxed more wicked (generally speaking) than the people that we conquered those hundreds of years ago. The Book of Mormon predicted or gave consequences of the Gentiles should they fall into a depraved state; worse than the covenant people they first encountered when they came to North and South America. Just as the Lamanites were wiped out by biologics, so will we by another race who is not under condemnation of the judgments of the Lord - because they have not had his word since the flood and have had no recent prophet among them. By the heathen Chinese, as Joseph called them. We gave the Lamanites pox-infected blankets and did all we could to wipe them from off the face of the land, and so in like manner will it will be done to us. And we will die by the tens or hundreds of millions and our bodies will be heaped upon the land until there are just heaps of bleached bones and we become a conquered and subdued people. Once the humbling has taken place, then those who have passed thru the test and trials that have been heaped upon them to bring them down into the dust of humility will be led and brought forth to direct and assist the Ten Tribes and the righteous remnant of the Lamanites to build up the New Jerusalem.
Now - stop and examine yourself. You have just received a burning within your bosom that this message is just and true and based on the holy scripture. You know it will happen as described. And you will be led to know what to do in your individual circumstances. Time is short - use it wisely to accomplish what you need to.
The takeaway from this is that you often get what you gave others when you lose the moral high ground. Testimony from the D&C (desolating scourge) and fleshed out by the testimony of three witnesses who have been very plain and blunt give you a little bit more to go on in completing your preparations. The biggest of which may well be the mental component. Many will not be able to comprehend the enormity of it and will curl up in a ball and wish to die, rather than carry on. And thus, it will be much more of a mental and physical challenge than the folks in the Willey-Martin Handcart Company ever had. We will have bragging rights (so to speak) in the post-mortal realms. It will be quite the time for story telling.
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