The back half was largely inaccessible due to the large ravine of this creek. I hatched a plan to put a 80' long retired rail flat car across it and make a bridge that a cement truck could drive over and that would carry power and gas for that back acreage. My parents agreed I could have it for the cost of paying the taxes on it and subdividing it. Right at that point, there was a push to voluntarily fence off 50' on either side of the stream to keep cattle, etc out of it. It was merely a suggestion by TPTB of the day (in 1986). I went to a meeting to see what was up. Something in the back of my head told me this was sinister - even as an 18 year old, I felt it. The sirens were going off that this was some sort of a hippie scheme to grab land. My dad taught at the local university and finally left it because he despised the hippies and liberals back in the day. I grew up with the same mis-trust of them and considered them vermin (one of the only things I have in common with hitler)...... They were - and still are - against everything I stand for which is chastity, no drug/alcohol use, large families (not zero pop) and clean living - and that, not off someone else's dime. So, I went there at my mom's urging and came back with some literature. Around 5-10 years later, the 50' setback became mandatory and, if I had wanted to put the bridge in, I could not have done it unless I knew someone and was corrupt enough to buy them off or do some favors for that privilege. Then it went to a 100' mandatory offset from the stream. It is just now, or will go soon to a 300' offset and I just visited the new homeowner a few weeks ago on my way up to Canada and they have basically confiscated the whole 5 acres behind the stream - even though he is still liable for the taxes on it. It is a total affront to property rights and is a landgrab.
The problem is that it has been so slow and so incremental that it cannot be easily fought unless you are awake and not tuned into H-weird watching some bimbo with fake breast implants dancing around the 72" big screen. Folks - we have been sold a bill of goods. Our freedoms and rights have been ever so slowly stripped away from us and most are completely unaware of it. Had it been a full-on frontal assault, most all would have vigorously fought it - but the slow pace and with the distractions around us have caused us to be completely unaware of it.
Here is what THEY have planned for YOU.
Either fight now or enjoy your state of slavehood later on in life and the cat-calling and whisperings of derision for having been the generation of fools who let it all slip away - right under your noses:
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