I just ate a ripe banana - complete with brown spots. I watched it slowly get ripe over the last few days and the spots finally showed today and took over by the time dinner rolled around. I did not judge the banana to be a bad banana, even as I saw it clearly spoiling - I just observed that it was getting ripe by standards generally accepted by most people who eat bananas. We judge things ALL DAY LONG - and must do so with our choice of friends, food we eat, cars we decide to buy, etc. It would be ridiculous not to judge things by generally accepted standards to determine their worth and whether we need them in our lives. If I am breaking a commandment - say stealing - it should and could be said of me, "That man is a thief." For so I would be - by the generally accepted standard of thief; "one who takes something that is not theirs". When it comes to people - we are NEVER given the keys to pass final judgment on another human - to go to heaven or hell - since we could NEVER begin to know the things that led a person to the place they are at in life. The rest of the story may be that I took the loaf of bread because I had begged for three days and tried to get something to eat for my starving kids at home - and had to resort to that tactic as a last resort. Those keys for final judgment are for God and God alone - with Christ as our mediator. Our duty is to love people as Christ would - and get the heck out of the way when He says things just got a little too ripe for peoples' own good.
I reckon we are getting close to that point today. If my 1260 day premise is correct - and you happen to live in Israel/Jerusalem and, most likely, SLC/Utah - its time to high tail it outta there - Jesus said so in Matthew 24. Although, many will be just fine (legal disclaimer - individual circumstances and adaptations apply). Heck, if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, its time to get out. If I could only come up with a place that would work, I would roll that direction. My best choice would be Chile or Bolivia - but my Spanish is sketchy..... So I am rolling with Honorable Mention in Cardston, AB where my Canadian is pretty on par, but where we still have to deal with poisoned open waters (thanks Russia and China), massive geological disturbances, foreign troops harassing us on all sides (thanks again to the Bear and the Dragon), crowded living conditions, tent and blue tarp living conditions, pit toilets; the works.....
The Southern Hemishere? Pretty much off scott free - except for massive geological disturbances and flooding in the Amazon valley and other low-lying areas. Stuff I would trade up for to not have to deal with the poisoned open waters and who knows what that stuff will do for the zuchinis and my beloved tomatoes. Heck - maybe that was the secret to Spencer's super fruits he was talking about - I can imagine hawking the farm goods at the farmer's market; "get your super-size plutonium plums - get them while they're hot"......
Many of my co-workers return from weekend Vegas flings and are talking about this kind of stuff. Most know better than to do it in an "in your face" kind of way - but I do ask them to tell me what is going on down there. I am genuinely curious - I like to know where the "cutoff" point is, so I have a little data for my own personal narrative. Yep - I would like to say what I saw go down, avoid all the nastiness and be sure to get the "I PASSED THRU IT ALL - AND SURVIVED" T-shirt that comes with the price of admission for living in the last days.
All I can say is that there is more of this ^^^^ coming as the Lord begins to preach in ways that people will not be able to miss.
Anyway, times will be fun and interesting. Lets just get it over with and get on with the good stuff! I love large, juicy plums.....
Here is a synopsis of what is going on this year:
Do not know if its more unusual than most, but if we are indeed in the 1260/1290 days of woes, we will see an unending scene of this kind of thing until the full consumption of all nations is decreed.
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