Cardston is a small town of around 4,000-5,000 people located around 15-20 miles from the border with the US. It is on, or above, par with Jackson Hole, Wyoming for beauty. The mountains are incredible and are very "in your face" in that little piece of heaven. The city is located at 4,000 feet elevation and the mountains that rise out of the plain are around 4,000 feet above that. The rise is meteoric from the flat prairie. It is pure eye candy.....
Here is a picture of Chief Joseph Mtn - just a few miles from where my mother grew up:
There is an interesting story on Chief Joseph that I learned from a Cardston resident, while there. I will try and source it from a book or other historical document, but this is the second time I have heard reference to it:
Apparently, Edward J. Wood, the first President of the Cardston, Alberta Stake and Temple President overheard someone who was observing the painting of that mountain in a mural and corrected them when they said it was taking too long - and that they would be able to just look outside and see it any time they wanted. President Wood said it was a good thing they were doing a good job on it because one day, it would not be there and that they would need something to remember it by.
When we first came into the valley to the West of the Glacier Range, I told my wife the following:
I knew we would have to cross those mountains on foot (no hiway or railroad) - but I had no idea how bad it would be. If Chief Joseph will disappear, much of what is there will be heartily affected. I do not think the mind can comprehend what will occur in that great EQ that Spencer speaks of.
While at the Alberta Temple several years ago, fasting and praying to know where we should re-locate, we were in for a session and my daughter had a dream while waiting in the car that the ground would be broken up as she crossed over and that there were hot spots in many areas (lava oozes, etc) and that there were gangs who were preying on stragglers or those not in a group. Folks - if that dream was real - it was very apocalyptic! President Wood was a visionary man and, when you read his history, his gifts of the Spirit are mind boggling.
Those who are wicked and put these things to naught will be swept away with the wicked while those who heed the subtle whisperings of the Spirit will see miracle after miracle.
I will blog my visit to the pow-wow in Browning, MT. I had some peculiar thoughts about what I saw and what I think will happen among our brothers in a few short years. I wonder if they know their destiny. It is glorious!
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