But, I have Joel Skousen calling fraud (previous post on a recording of a meeting with Skousen last weekend) and whomever this guy was making the same call before the election. I am still in shock and, if there is fraud, calling for divine intervention to wipe out the halls of power of this nation that are filled with power and abuses. I want Pelosi, Reid, Obummer and many others out of there, including Hatch and other entrenched politicians that are just self-serving. Sorry if you feel differently.... This is not a political blog - but I will put stuff out there when I feel the nation is in a moral decline; and I do. It is. Free-fall might be a better word.
I do not care who it is, I do not care the consequences. When we cross a line, we can expect a "cosmic smackdown" - and we have crossed a line in this country. My own daughter crossed a line back in 8th grade. She is/was very athletic and was/is very proud - a family trait and something I struggled with until I met the people of Brazil. My daughter had been struggling and I just observed and watched. One day she called some girls who were overweight and not athletic, losers or something to that effect. I told her she had crossed a line and to wait. Being a willful teenager, she told me I was full of it. Two weeks later she was sitting in a doctor's office looking at a pulverized ACL - actually there was nothing left of it. I got to spend the first night at the hospital after the procedure listening to her wimper and moan from the pain. I watched her wearing the metal brace - and couldn't help but think that those overweight girls that were "losers" because they could not run as fast as my daughter back then, could now probably run circles around her. So, we can choose to follow good principle and choose to be humble - or external forces will be set into motion that will bring it about under less-than-optimal circumstances. The proud, the high, the mighty will be brought low. I have seen it in my own life. It is better that people suffer the consequences of their own misdeeds in this life than we breeze right through it and are none the wiser from it.
Here is something interesting from a reader:
From: Ken Bowers <ken.bowers1112@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 10:33 AM
Subject: Fwd: "The Constitution Will be saved. But..."
This is from a friend that seems to be gifted with revelation. Ken
On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 10:02 AM, John Uluakiola < wrote:
Last of all - I will pull out the vision that was had at the beginning of this century talking about the three great shakings in Washington, DC. There will be - has to be something happen to that place as a recompense for this and the blatant disregard we have seen - and will continue to see in DC. This country simply cannot endure another four years of the same. It cannot.
Last night (election night - November 6th, 2012), one text after another flooded my phone. I even fielded a few calls - concerning the "election results" that I predicted a week in advance of the election. (Before the predictions of the Univ. of Colorado - at Boulder electoral model, Dick Morris, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Wayne Allen Root, George Will, the Gallup poll and the "Redskins Rule" failed miserably!) They were angry and in bewilderment in how I could possibly know the outcome - before the sad tally of results gave the President a 332 Electoral College vote sum.When I said, well in advance of the election, that the Spirit of God ("the still small voice") whispered to me: "John, the wicked are about to steal the election" - on October 2nd (in the newly dedicated Brigham City Temple). NO ONE wanted to hear what I was prompted to pass on to them. (And I'm sure you have all ignored the many e-mails I have sent concerning how Barack Hussein Obama [AKA - Barry Soetero] is the ONLY figure who fully coordinates with the description of the face of the first "beast" [global tyranny] - long revealed in Revelation 13:2)...Well, my friends... I WAS NOT SPEAKING BY THE POWER OF MY OWN OPINION OR VOICE...In the wake of those who falsely concluded that Mitt Romney would "ride in on a white horse and save the constitution - as it hangs by a thread", I offer these resounding prophetic words from one of the Lord's Anointed Prophets of God:"I have faith that the Constitution will be saved - as prophesied by Joseph Smith. But it will not be saved in Washington.It will be saved by citizens of this nation who love and cherish freedom. It will be saved by enlightened members of this Church. Men and women who will subscribe to it and abide the principles of the Constitution.I revere the Constitution of the United States as a sacred document. To me the words are akin to the revelations of God. For God has placed His stamp of approval on the Constitution of this land.I testify that the God of Heaven sent some of His choicest spirits to lay the foundation of this government. And He has sent other choice spirits - even you who hear me words this day - to preserve it.We the blessed beneficiaries face difficult days in this beloved land. A land which is choice above all other lands. It may also cost us blood - before we are through.It is my conviction, however, that when the Lord comes the stars and stripes will be floating on the breeze over this people (in the city of Zion). May it be so.And may God give us the faith and the courage, exhibited by those patriots who pledged their lives and (sacred) fortunes, that we might be free. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."- President Ezra Taft BensonJohnnyU.The following is a list of e-mails that I sent out - prior to the election:(ORIGINALLY SENT: October 29th, 2012 @ 3:55 pm)My friends,Think what you will...I have personally heard in the Brigham City Temple - about three weeks ago (in early October [2012]) - that the wicked ("the church of the devil") are about to, "steal the election". (In Obama's favor). I have never fasted or (fervently) prayed to know if this was the Lord's voice or a counterfeiting deception. I am no longer questioning that revelation or its source. And I have been prompted to share this e-mail with you...The Lord showed me Obama's place in Revelation 13:2 some time ago (three years ago) - as the first face (head/puppet) of the first "beast" (New World Order). (There will be two "beasts" - two New World Orders - after Daniel's "King of the South" [NATO/Illuminati/Egypt-in-Isaiah {as the Illuminati constantly use the symbols of the Egyptian false-priesthood, from the Book of Abraham, in their satanic symbols and signs}] and the"King of the North" [BRICS/Russia-and-China/ Assyria-in-Isaiah {The Church of the Devil stripped of any facade of Christianity]). (Note: These two global satanic tyrannies will come in two distinct separate periods - as the scriptures have long revealed and accounted. The first "beast" will be put down to bring in the long prophesied "City of Zion" - in western Missouri. While the second "beast" will be put down to redeem the old city of "Jerusalem" - after the Savior splits the Mount of Olives; and chases the "false messiah", along with the "false prophet" and satan's army, north to the valley of Armageddon. Both prophesied capitals of the Terrestrial/Millenial world must be established and redeemed before the Lord will end this fallen Telestial world in glorious baptismal fire - at the Savior's long prophesied approach. The "two prophets" - from scripture - will have stewardship over these two capitals [in the millenium]. The "rod out of the Stem of Jesse" and the "root of Jesse" - from Isaiah 11/2nd Nephi 21 - are the "two prophets", who will be slain in the streets of Jerusalem, from Revelation 11 and a slew of Old Testament and D&C scriptures. The "rod", as a member of the tribe of Ephraim, will preside over Zion - in the absence of the Savior. [This servant of the Lord is the Lord's replacement for the martyred Prophet Joseph Smith - in D&C 103]. While the "root", whose name is given in Ezekiel 37, will preside over Jerusalem - in the absence of the Savior. There names are given as examples in the sacred Temple Endowment ceremony - with the name of the steward of Zion going before the name of the steward of Jerusalem - as Zion will be established before Jerusalem is redeemed... Had Joseph Smith lived until he was 85 years old, the long prophesied events of the scriptures would have been expedited - with the Prophet fulfuilling both callings, "the rod out of the Stem of Jesse" and the "root of Jesse", himself).This, in my awakened opinion, is the (wicked) work of HAARP. (And they have perpetuated three separate storms to collide and convene - just as Hurricane Sandy is about to approach Washington DC). I would implore you to read 3rd Nephi - while correlating the timeline and events to our day (after Joel 2:28-32 was "fulfilled" on September 11th, 2001). The Gadiantons did NOT unveil themselves in full - with open warfare on the people of God - until the year 13 AD:(ORIGINALLY SENT: October 28th, 2012 @ 10:55 pm)My friends,Without question, measuring the actual polls (and time-proven political indicators), Mitt Romney is on the verge of a 7 to 10 point "comfortable win" on Nov. 6th - if not a full on "landslide"...It will NOT happen...While this may sound utterly crazy, this is the length that the Rothschild's (and the other "Banksters"/Illuminati/Gadiantons) are willing to goto to get their Luciferian shill (Barack Hussein Obama) back in the White House - by creating a massive "natural disaster" to shade the massive electronic voter machine fraud they will soon ensue (to get Obama elected). Contesting the election returns (an Obama win), in the wake of the WORST "natural disaster" in United States history, will seem "insensitive" and "selfish". The media, and the nation's collective attention, is about to be focused on this multi-billion dollar scourging disaster (a Keynesian economist's dream) - rather than on the most important election in United States electoral history. This thing is fully intentional and manipulated, my friends. And, well, I'm sure many of you may think I have lost it. If so, when Obama wins - again - consider this seemingly outlandishscenario. And pray about the outcome of the presidential election - after it unfolds: If anyone needs a background on HAARP, here is a quick video:(ORIGINALLY SENT: October 28th, 2012 @ 10:56 pm)My Dear Friends,From famed Libertarian and (Las Vegas star-enshrined) Casino Odds Maker, Wayne Allen Root, to the Univ. of Colorado Electoral College Model (http://www.newsroomamerica.com/story/320438.html ), to numerous long accurate electoral predictors - those who have correctly predicted every Presidential election (some from 1980 to the last election) have Willard Mittens Romney winning the United States Presidency in a figurative landslide - for the first time since Reagan/Mondale! Even the latest Gallup Polls (which were previously oversampling Democrats at a 65% to 35% rate) has Romney up by 7 pts. - 52% TO 45%. Unless Mitt Romney has a Gerald Ford moment ("There is no Soviet presence in the European Eastern Block countries"), in Monday's (final) debate, this election is OVER......Or is it...My friends, I watched - in November of 2010 - as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid came back from a portending 5% exit polling loss (both at the polls, from all of the samples from the paid exit pollers, and every poll taken in the short days before the election) to a inexplicable turn around to beat Republican (Tea-Party favorite) candidate Sharon Angle by 5%. That was a full-on 10 point swing! It was flat-out election fraud! There is absolutely NO other way to explain it! The exit poll returns had Harry Reid buried in a Casino/Hotel room - preparing to make his concession speech. But, as the returns from the polling stations (electronic voting machines) came back, Reid went from behind to a comfortable win! I have a bad feeling about a similar outcome - in the Presidential election. (Though that fraud would be on a MUCH larger scale than a Nevada US Senatorial Election)Or it may be that the President (Obama) will cancel the election results, while declaring "Martial Law", to curb leftist riots - potentially stirred by radicals and disgruntled minorities. Whatever happens, if Barack Hussein Obama is still President in February of 2013, it will have come as a result of blatant unconstitutional FRAUD!!!(ALL the predictive polls - setting aside the ridiculous Mainstream Media Polls which manipulatively have Obama within the margin of error - have Romney in a CLEAR and COMPLETE victory! Anything short of that will be a sign of massive corruption! I SIMPLY CANNOT PUT ANYTHING OUTSIDE OF THE REALM OF POSSIBILITY - WITH THIS MAN! THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A MORE STARK FIGURE IN THE WHITE HOUSE THAN BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!)(ORIGINALLY SAVED: August 5th, 2012 @ 2:27 pm)Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor and (more recently) Ezra Taft Benson have all prophesied of a time when the United States "constitution will hang by a thread". In the wake of the inevitable pending collapse of the Euro; the subsequent (even more devastating) collapse of the Dollar; an incomparable economic depression (in the annals of human history - since mankind began trading with one another in open markets); potential "false-flag operations" (Aurora, CO, etc?); the prospect of another Middle Eastern regional conflict (Israel vs. Iran/Syria) mutating into the most comprehensive violent World War to date (NATO [Anglo-American Establishment] vs. BRICS [Russia & China, etc.]); and the thickening bars of tyranny ever caging more of our divinely-endowed rights and individual liberties (See: NDAA and the UN Small Arms Treaty), it is easy to see that the "portent of stormy weather) - that Pres. Hinckley warned us about in the October 1998 General Conference - may only be a short distance fom our shore...What is the solution? Can a single liberty-minded politician, or even a set of liberty-minded politicians, change the course of this path of destruction that we are sprinting down - with wreckless abandon?I am a heavy supporter of Dr. Ron Paul. I have a deep personal admiration for the man. His words echo the principles taught in the Gospel - while echoing the voices of our Founders. But, when it really comes down to it, it is his embrace of the principles of liberty and unalienable rights that is the real catalyst for my support. While I love Dr. Paul, my true allegiance rests in our shared principles, values and ideas - not in the man.In deepening contrast, a number of our fellow Latter Day Saints are convinced that Mitt Romney will sweep into the White House on a "White Horse". (Though Pres. Joseph F. Smith and his Apostolic son, Joseph Fielding Smith, long ago dispelled the "White Horse Prophecy" as a deceptive concoction of exaggerations, wholly-spun nonsense and a few sprinklings of truth - that match the scriptures in the actual prophesied redemption of the land of Zion... Hmm. One might call the "White Horse Prophecy" the "philosophies of men - mingled with...") Can any rational Latter Day Saint look at Mitt Romney's affection for neo-conservative statism (which, over the course of his political career, has further encapsulated numerous neo-liberal stances as well - including pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage legislation) as the attributes and qualifications for preserving and protecting the Constitution? (I could see Mitt riding in on a "White Horse" to save the UN Charter. The inspired US Constitution? Not so much).(*Note: I'm sure a few members of this community will take exception to listing Mitt Romney's previous [Massachusetts-driven/politically-expedient] "pro-gay marriage" stance as a negative. May I retort with two simple points: 1. When the mobocratic/democratic popular pluralistic cast votes of the children of God overturn the "Plan of Salvation and Exaltation", or create a seperate independent dichotomy, I will retract my statement [And when that is done, we should consider repealing the "Law of Gravity" - as it is so oppressive and weighing down] 2. When someone can explain to me why the STATE should have anything to do with licensing a religious institution, set forth by God, I will reconsider my opposition to STATE-sanctioned "gay marriage"... Bytheway, for anyone who may mistake my stance as "homophobic", I would make this final assertion: I consider same-sex attraction to be a most difficult personal tribulation and trial. And I have the deepest empathy for those who carry this particular set of tribulations and trials. While all ).Some few Latter Day Saints continue to invest their faith in President Barack Obama. They see him as an epic figure - armed with a pharmacy of Keynesian economic prescriptions to cure our socio-economic ails. (Though most of this community would assert that the Keynesian model is the fuel for the disease that has been consuming the American economy for at least the last 99 years - since the inception of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - though many others might argue the Act of 1871 or the Interstate Commmerce Act of 1887 were the real starting points).In some respects, I would agree. I would also argue that Pres. Obama is an "epic" figure - who is destined to win a second term - as I am asserting that this man's appearance on the world stage appears in both Daniel 7 and Revelation 13:2..."And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard (born in Kenya [as his alleged grandmother, the mother of Barack Obama, Sr., witnessed until her last dying breath] - though he is NOT an actual blood-lineage Kenyan - as Frank Marshall Davis is his real father), and his feet were as the feet of a bear (raised on a Soviet/Alinsky-style diet of Marxist paradigms), and his mouth as the mouth of a lion (as the asserted leader of the English speaking world, he is the "puppet" of the Anglo-American establishment/"Round Table" groups - namely the Rothschild family): and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority (while one might assert that the American economy was buoyed up by Chinese Treasury Security purchases - post-2008 "Derivatives Bubble" collapse [which was spurred by the "Housing Bubble"], I would assert that a man of so few tangible credentials and/or vetted personal history could have only become the "most powerful man on earth" through the direct aid of Satan's vast "secret combination").It is my strong conviction that we should remember the words of the words of Pres. Ezra Taft Benson - while looking for "secular saviors" to rescue us from a long prophesied Constitutional crisis:"I have faith that the Constitution will be saved - as prophesied by Joseph Smith. But it will not be saved in Washington.It will be saved by citizens of this nation who love and cherish freedom. It will be saved by enlightened members of this Church. Men and women who will subscribe to it and abide the principles of the Constitution.I revere the Constitution of the United States as a sacred document. To me the words are akin to the revelations of God. For God has placed His stamp of approval on the Constitution of this land.I testify that the God of Heaven sent some of His choicest spirits to lay the foundation of this government. And He has sent other choice spirits - even you who hear me words this day - to preserve it.We the blessed beneficiaries face difficult days in this beloved land. A land which is choice above all other lands. It may also cost us blood - before we are through.It is my conviction, however, that when the Lord comes the stars and stripes will be floating on the breeze over this people (in the city of Zion). May it be so.And may God give us the faith and the courage, exhibited by those patriots who pledged their lives and (sacred) fortunes, that we might be free. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen."- President Ezra Taft Benson
Last of all - I will pull out the vision that was had at the beginning of this century talking about the three great shakings in Washington, DC. There will be - has to be something happen to that place as a recompense for this and the blatant disregard we have seen - and will continue to see in DC. This country simply cannot endure another four years of the same. It cannot.
Thought I'd add some thoughts from my mission president...
ReplyDeleteZION AND THE U.S. CONSTITUTION (By R Scott Strong)
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Other than this one sentence preamble, stating the six social goals/principles of Union, Justice, Tranquility, Defense, Welfare and Liberty, the U.S. Constitution’s three Articles (about the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of the U.S. Republic’s government) have absolutely nothing to do with Zion.
* Zion is a "Kingdom", the Kingdom of God (D&C 105:32).
* Jesus Christ is the "King" of Zion (Moses 7:53)– Executive.
* Jesus Christ is also the "Lawgiver" of Zion (D&C 45:59)– Legislative.
* And in Mount Zion God and Christ are the "Judge" of all (D&C 76:66-68)– Judicial.
* That is, Zion, the Kingdom of God, is a "Theocracy"!
The mission of Joseph is not to save the Constitution. The mission of Joseph is to redeem Zion.
The Elders of Israel need to open their eyes and become seers. Redeeming Zion comprehends embracing all the eternal truths of heaven (including the six eternal principles found in the U.S. Constitution) by virtue of receiving the glory of God obtained only by obedience to The Everlasting Covenant– not the U.S. Constitution.
That is, the Elders of Israel will NOT redeem Zion by saving the Constitution– they will save the Constitution (the 6 eternal principles embodied therein) by redeeming Zion!
ZION IS THE PURE IN HEART (D&C 97) wherein all are of one heart and one mind and dwell in righteousness (Moses 7:18), being alike and receiving alike (D&C 51:9) having all things common (3 Ne 4:3; Acts 4:32-5:14; D&C 78:1-8), so there are no rich or poor (D&C 49:20), bond or free (D&C 101:78-79); no contention, being one (4 Ne 1:3,15-17); every man seeking the interest of his neighbor, and doing all things with an eye single to the glory of God (D&C 82:19); the glory being a defense (Isa 4:5-6); Zion being a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety (D&C 45:66-70); that every man may act in doctrine and principle pertaining to futurity, according to the moral agency which [God] has given unto him (D&C 101:78).
This is how the Union, Justice, Tranquility, Defense, Welfare and Liberty of the Constitution will be preserved– NOT by saving a corrupt government of men, but by establishing the Kingdom of God!
The Constitution and U.S. Government are lost– we, now, need to leave the political infighting, and contention of the corrupt governments of this world to the men of this world (3 Ne 11:29) and focus, instead, on embracing the fulness of the everlasting covenant and redeeming Zion.