So I do not buy the crap with a healthy dose of whipped cream on top story that the secular scientists put out there in defiance of revealed and other accepted scriptural accounts. I just summarily dismiss it - and am a little sore at the early attempts by people like Talmage and Widstoe to try and rationalize our revealed religion with the "Smithsonian" bull puckey version. After we, as a people - yes, it was not Wilford Woodruff's fault no more than kings among the Nephites were Mosiah's fault - rejected God's laws of Consecration fully in 1890 and began to reject the gift of prophecy and many other things, we embarked on the path of trying to be cozy with the world which has led us to the rejection of the Book of Mormon mess and purge we are coming to here shortly.
I love science - and fully embrace it, but do not buy how its presented hook line and sinker. I ALWAYS ground myself in revealed religion (you can NEVER misconstrue something you have seen in vision or that the Spirit has clearly spoken to you on) and then I fit what is observed in the natural world around me to that revealed narrative. When the flip side of that logic is taken, people get sideways and go off the deep end. The d'evil and his minions (corporeal and otherwise) are smart cookies and many have been working at the deception for thousands or more of years.....
Something happened to the earth back in the days of Noah which caused our carbon 14 timeline to become unreliable and I am not sure what it was. Radical stuff happened back then - as the earth was separated "in the days of Peleg".
Here is something I snagged from a previous blog post of mine and re-post it here for your perusal. The good stuff is in the archives.....:

Well, being a loud-mouth and an Engineer, I get myself into some interesting situations. One of my favorites was when I spent an hour with the Teachers Quorum one Sunday figuring the theoretical diameter of Kolob based on its period of rotation around its "governing body". When I bump into one of my old teachers, they still mention that as one of their most memorable lessons - I get animated with a piece of chalk in my hand....
Anyway, one of the other times I got into a corner was when I was dealing with a fellow aerospace Engineer who believed all Mormons have horny protrusions jutting from the top of their skulls (and he was totally serious). This guy was an adherent to Ed Decker and the whole anti-Mormon crowd (a totally different blog topic of how I did a smackdown on good old Ed Decker..... one of the many wicked and adulterous people I have run into who hate the truth because they would be forced to zip up and put up - or get out). Anyway, my fellow engineer and I - besides having to deal with what he thought were serious structural problems with my skull, developed kind of a level of comfort - even with me being 'spawn of the devil' and all. Since we were not able to find much common ground in the NT, our lunch time topics stuck mostly to the OT. One of the topics I always thought was interesting was how the life spans of the ancients dropped off around the time of the flood and thought a graph would be in order. Everything in nature and in our universe follows mathematical principles (even if they might as yet be undiscovered). The curve fit that came out of the data was BEAUTIFUL! I dropped it into a file and forgot about it until I went looking for missionary spiritual experiences which I will be blogging in the month of March.
Hope you enjoy it. I had a great time making it. If you want to copy it - feel free to use it, expand on it, etc.
Also, I have a feeling that the data on this chart explains the erratic nature of/complete unreliability of carbon dating data before 2000B.C. Something is going to come out some time soon that will nail this little detail down - once science catches up with revealed religion. Can't wait until the world's history is shown 1000 years at a time!
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