The interesting thing is that he is still alive.... I figured it was just a matter of time before he met the same fate as the others. There is still time as neither has been arrested for the disappearance of the kids....
Seriously bizarre situation.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Sunday, January 26, 2020
My wife and I were talking about the transmission of this thing hitting N America. It is starting to take off globally.
Two things: first, it is seriously virulent and can spread even before the host becomes symptomatic. This is serious.
Second, it comes from a city where I believe there is an infectious biologicals lab like we have in Hamilton MT, etc. Used to be in the middle of nowhere, now a large population Center surrounds it.
It is always best to have 3-6 months of food and drinking water in the basement so that self quarantining can take place.
My wife made the comment that she is glad I now work from home. My comment is that I am glad I no longer work for the major commercials in aerospace. Things like this are commercial airline killers....
In the right proportions, world economy killers....
Not to drag this too far into the sensationalistic, but I have always held that a pandemic level could be a contributing factor to the coming home worship.
Along the lines of the salacious, if you wanted to study the patterns of transmission of a pathogen of this virility, there is no better time to do it than during Chinese New Year....
Two things: first, it is seriously virulent and can spread even before the host becomes symptomatic. This is serious.
Second, it comes from a city where I believe there is an infectious biologicals lab like we have in Hamilton MT, etc. Used to be in the middle of nowhere, now a large population Center surrounds it.
It is always best to have 3-6 months of food and drinking water in the basement so that self quarantining can take place.
My wife made the comment that she is glad I now work from home. My comment is that I am glad I no longer work for the major commercials in aerospace. Things like this are commercial airline killers....
In the right proportions, world economy killers....
Not to drag this too far into the sensationalistic, but I have always held that a pandemic level could be a contributing factor to the coming home worship.
Along the lines of the salacious, if you wanted to study the patterns of transmission of a pathogen of this virility, there is no better time to do it than during Chinese New Year....
We attended Christmas Day Mass at the Catholic Church in Logan, UT. My wife and I have always wanted to take the kids there for an educational visit; so they could give their own religion context.”
It was an excellent service and I do not mean to be critical by saying that the portrayal of the Savior on the cross is so opposite of what my mind has it. The Catholics often focus on the suffering of Christ (not bad, because it puts each of our “sin loads” in perspective, but I prefer to remember Him more as a being of power and not so much as one of emaciated soy-boy.
Anyway, this blog piece says it all very nicely:
It was an excellent service and I do not mean to be critical by saying that the portrayal of the Savior on the cross is so opposite of what my mind has it. The Catholics often focus on the suffering of Christ (not bad, because it puts each of our “sin loads” in perspective, but I prefer to remember Him more as a being of power and not so much as one of emaciated soy-boy.
Anyway, this blog piece says it all very nicely:
This article nails it:
Pretty much, if the relationship is already on the rocks, this stop gap will not fix it. It is like turning to a soothesayer to fix your relationship with the divine.
People are so fickle and easily derailed....
Pretty much, if the relationship is already on the rocks, this stop gap will not fix it. It is like turning to a soothesayer to fix your relationship with the divine.
People are so fickle and easily derailed....
After reading this book, I have noticed patterns in the stories; all translated beings require little food or water. When asked what they do like when there is a choice? They always request bread and water. To be specific, broken bread over sliced bread. Very interesting in view of the Last Supper victuals!
And just to be smart, my wife picks up some uncut loaves from from the store. Just in case Will shows up for a quick snack...
Apparently, the required volume of food is greatly reduced for a translated being. I am definitely interested in meeting one face to face, if it is God’s Will.
And just to be smart, my wife picks up some uncut loaves from from the store. Just in case Will shows up for a quick snack...
Apparently, the required volume of food is greatly reduced for a translated being. I am definitely interested in meeting one face to face, if it is God’s Will.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
This is a great read. If you have not read the Ogden Kraut book on the Three Nephites, please take the time to do so. Your eyes of understanding will be opened. The principles which half would forsake were clearly those of a plurality of wives and the higher laws of consecration associated with them:
A Prophecy and a Blessing
by John E. Fisher
When a boy of nine years, I received the following testimony:
During most of her life, my mother had but little voice and spoke in a subdued whisper, and for which medical treatment gave no relief. Great-grandmother was 88 years of age, lived with us in Bountiful and continued to pray that Mother would get her voice again.
One day there came to our home an elderly gentleman of medium height, light in complexion, with gray hair, blue impressive eyes and a voice most angelic. I was playing at the side of the house when I noticed this gentleman’s sudden appearance. I went quickly to my mother and told her that a sweet old gentleman wanted to see her at the front door. Just then he knocked and the sudden impression came to Mother–he is a Nephite, let him in quickly or he will be gone. He came in, upon invitation, saying, “Sister, I have come to bless you.” My mother assured him that she was blessed and in need of no blessing that she did not have. All this time she was whispering near his ear in order to make herself heard, which was a habit. The thought of overcoming her affliction seemed impossible, as for years she had been administered to by the Priesthood, and physicians, to no avail. “Yes,” he said, “You have need of blessings you are not aware of.”
Mother asked him who he was. “I am a Mormon,” he replied. She then asked where he lived. “Away down south,” was his answer in a sweet, calm voice, with a most peaceful smile illuminating his countenance, both of which I shall never forget.
After the first impulse that he was a Nephite, came feeling of fear and doubt, and Mother was weak and pale. She asked the gentleman if he would eat. He said, “Yes, sister, if it is not too much work.” Mother wanted [153] an opportunity to be by herself before allowing him to place his hands upon her head, so she prepared him a quick lunch, and while he ate she prayed upon her knees in the pantry for the discernment of truth of the spirit of the visitor. The feeling came back that all was all right and with much force the thought that she would be able to discern his influence as soon as he laid his hands upon her head.
After finishing a fairly hearty lunch, he sat a chair in the middle of the room and asked my mother to be seated. He stood at the back of the chair, laid his hands upon her head and said, “Sister, the prayer I pray no earthly ears may hear.” So saying, he went on, “O God, the Eternal Father,” and then remained quiet for a minute or so and said, “Amen.”
He then told us that he traveled the whole earth over, administering and bringing comfort to Saints in need. He told us many other things of interest to our family, of our people, our Church, etc., causes of certain atmospheric conditions, and stated in effect, in effect that the full choiceness of this land was being withheld because the people of the world would desire it and get it away from us if it were to be permitted to blossom in fullness and that this was God’s way of protecting the land for His work and His people.
He spent an hour or an hour and a half with us. Then he prepared to leave, and as he did he asked God to bless us, our home and surroundings. Placing his hands upon the heads of our children, he said, “These are tokens of God’s love entrusted for a time to your care.”
Mother and I followed this brother out upon the front porch to watch him depart. He went for about a hundred steps or so and then actually disappeared before our eyes, in the open road. Mother turned pale and had to lean upon the well of the house for support. She asked me if I saw what happened, this time using a rich, full voice, and I called her attention to that fact, which added to her alarm.
[154] While this, our brother, had visited us, a gentle shower fell in the vicinity of our home, so that to reassure ourselves, we traveled his steps. They went to the spot where he disappeared, but no further. Inquiry of the neighbors along the road failed to show that he had been seen after leaving our home.
When we went back into the house, great-grandmother, who sat quietly rocking all the while in an adjoining room watching what happened through an open door, said, “I have lived to be 88 years of age and this day have had the privilege of seeing a Nephite.”
We were all very much concerned over this matter and in relating our experience later to our neighbors, we were informed that on the previous Sunday in Sacrament Meeting, Apostle John W. Taylor had spoken with much spirit* and bore a fervent testimony, and then prophesied that before the week was over a Nephite should visit a home in East Bountiful and leave a blessing and that this testimony of the Gospel and the Gospel itself was true.
It was unfortunate that none of our family were present at Sacrament Meeting upon the occasion, but we feel it a great privilege to bear witness of these things. My mother’s voice has served her these seventeen years since, and for these things we are all thankful unto our Heavenly Father.
* Apostle Taylor was in attendance at a Priesthood conference meeting at Bountiful. He bore testimony of all the principles of the Gospel and said that one-half of the people under the sound of his voice would apostatize from some of the principles; and as testimony of the truth of this prediction, one of the Nephites would visit a home in the settlement and in consequence of such a visit some person would receive a great blessing.
One of Joseph Smith’s wives was the mother of Josephine Clark Fisher, the above mentioned woman, proxy daughter of Joseph Smith.
[155] I bear testimony and am a witness that the above is a brief account of the truth as I know it to be the truth. I pray it may help others as not a few of our people have had such visitations, but perhaps not all so impressive as this which we have had. (Signed: John E. Fisher, May 15, 1921; Salt Lake City, Utah)
* * * * *
Friday, January 24, 2020
Holy smokes, this would have been fun to see. I love the book by Ogden Kraut. Some real anecdotal gems!
[54] Many of the labors of these disciples are performed in a subtle and unassuming manner; therefore, people usually have no reason to suspect the identity of these ancient apostles. Other situations, however, give miraculous and apparent reasons for believing in their supernatural powers. Many instances can be related of these methods in giving aid and comfort to the missionaries.
Incident encountered by my father, George E. Brown, and John J. Oldroyd, over twenty-five years ago. The incident occurred on the Island of Vancouver, B.C.
Five years prior to this incident, two “Mormon” elders had been accused of criminally assaulting a young woman on the Island of Vancouver. For some reason they were proven guilty of the charge and sentenced according to the law of the Island. (The Church, as well as the missionaries who were involved, believed that the act was purposely committed by enemies of Mormonism who arranged the evidence in such a way that it was possible to convict the Mormon elders.)
. . . One evening they (Brown and Oldroyd) decided to hold a street meeting. They knew feeling was running high and that they would probably be molested, but they decided to go ahead regardless. . . . They had little more than started when down the street marched a large group of men and boys carrying several large pots of melted tar and several old feather ticks. The leader walked directly to my father and asked him if he was a Mormon. Much to the satisfaction of the mob, my father answered him in the affirmative.
Some of the members of the mob began to tear open the feather ticks, while others stirred the still warm tar. Just as the mob leader and two or three of the mobsters began to tear the clothes from my father’s body, a white haired [55] gentleman (no one saw him arrive at the scene) grasped the leader by the wrists and said in a loud commanding voice, “I have heard these boys preach back in the old country and they are all right. Now let them alone.”
At this the mob leader showed signs of wanting to fight. (The mob leader was a huge, muscular type of man.) Immediately the newcomer grasped him at the nape of the neck with One hand and by the belt with the other and shook him so soundly, taking him completely off his feet, that when he had finished, the mobster could not stand without assistance. Members of the mob picked him up, gathered up their feathers and tar, and departed much faster than they had appeared.
My father and his companion thanked the white-haired man for what he had done and asked him to stay and attend the remainder of the meeting. He accepted their invitation and stood directly in front of them throughout the services. . . . Mr. Oldroyd closed the meeting with prayer, as was the custom, and then looked at the spot where the man had been standing. It was vacant. This was before anyone in the crowd had moved at all. No one had seen him go, not even the people who had been standing at his side. . . .
As I understand it, the Nephites are supposed to be able to appear and disappear at will; on this, was based the conclusion that he might have been one of those Three. (Manuscript by Glen J. Brown, Scipio, Utah; May 24, 1938)
This is a fascinating account:
The Prophet Joseph Identifies the Stranger
(Note: While visiting in Portland, Oregon, during the month of September, 1938, Pres. Wm. R. Sloan related the following incident to the compiler of this book .)
It was a cold night in the latter part of November, and in the home of William Huntington the family gathered around the big fireplace in the spacious kitchen. After the evening meal, when all the evening work was done, it was the habit of this family to get their instruments of music and sit around the blazing logs and play the old fashioned tunes and hymns, also tunes of more cheerful air, although they did not dance.
Grandfather Huntington played the bass viol, his daughter Zina the cello, William, the cornet, and Dimick, the drum. There were five sons and two daughters; the oldest daughter, Presenda, being married, lived some distance from them. It was a happy New England family and they lived the clean, pure life of the Puritan stock. After the music ceased, a hush fell on the group and a knock was heard on the door and as it opened a strange old gentleman of medium weight, dressed in old fashioned clothes and carrying a bundle on his arm appeared and stepped into the room and said: “I usually bend my steps to some sequestered vale. May I find lodging here tonight?”
With cordial welcome he was invited in and given a place by the fire, in an old easy farm chair, and Mother Huntington asked if he would like some supper and modestly he said he would. [49] Then a good New England meal was spread before him, with milk, honey, maple syrup, cold meat, delicious home-made bread and butter. He partook of a light supper while the family spoke in soft tones. It was the custom to read a portion of the scriptures before going to bed. He again joined the circle, and father Huntington began to read from the Holy Bible, a portion of the New Testament, to which they all listened attentively. Grandmother Huntington made some comment on the fact that they would like to hear the gospel in its fullness as explained and taught by the Savior. The stranger immediately took up the subject and began explaining the scriptures and quoting the sayings of the Savior in what seemed to them a new light and greater beauty than they had ever thought of before. They sat in rapt attention listening to every word. Both father and mother Huntington agreed with his explanations while the boys exchanged glances of admiration and the daughter Zina was spellbound and sat and gazed upon the stranger with admiration and reverence. After one hour spent in conversation upon this sacred subject, father Huntington had prayers, mother Huntington prepared a comfortable resting place for the stranger and he bid them goodnight, the boys going upstairs, father and mother Huntington to their bedroom which led from the kitchen, and Zina in her little bed heard her parents talking in low tones about the wonderful stranger and discuss the things he said. The stranger had filled them with awe and reverence, such as they had never felt before. In the morning everyone was astir bright and early as is usual on a farm when so much work has to be done, both outside and in.
The stranger sat placidly watching the remarkable family with whom he took breakfast. The family invited him to stay but he said he [50] had other places to visit and he left them standing in a group as he closed the door softly. When father Huntington saw the stranger depart, he sent Dimick after him to tell him to come again. He immediately opened the door and they all looked out to see and call the stranger back, but he was no where to be seen. When looking on the door step where the snow had fallen the night before, no trace of a footstep could be seen and the boys running from all directions said that he had vanished and could not be found. Father Huntington remarked that he was the strangest person that ever was and he could not understand where he went, but he had shown them the Gospel in a new light.
Mother Huntington felt that this stranger was some messenger from heaven and all the family were deeply impressed with his wonderful influence and beautiful way of explaining the scriptures.
When the Gospel of life and salvation was brought to them by Hyrum Smith and other Elders, they seemed to coincide with what the stranger had told them concerning the Bible and the restoration of the Gospel. All the family but one accepted the Gospel and prepared to emigrate in a few years to Kirtland; here they met the Prophet of God, Joseph Smith, and became his faithful and loyal followers and friends.
On an occasion when the Prophet Joseph. was speaking of the Three Nephites, Brother Huntington related this little incident to him. He laid his hand on his head and said: “My dear Brother, that man was one of the Three Nephites who came to prepare you for the restoration of the Gospel and its acceptance.”
Many incidents of a similar nature occurred, but those were days when the children of men were seeking for guidance in the new and enduring faith which is as old as the world but [51] had been forsaken by men and it was again brought forth by the power of God through His humble servant Joseph Smith. (Assorted Gems of Priceless Value, by N.B. Lundwall, pp. 20-22)
So, we had a group of friends over on Sunday and a new acquaintance from Rexburg who was up for the weekend. One of the stories shared was from a half Navajo gal that is gifted in the usual spiritual gifts. After sharing her accounts of interactions of a homeless guy around Cardston whose name is Willie, I made the statement, “I would like to meet this guy!”.
Well, apparently his MO is he wears blue denim (pants, coat and hat - picture Willie Nelson but with a well-trimmed beard and no bag of weed in the pocket....). Anyway, I trust this gal and her husband.
So, twice now I have bumped into the triple denim dude. He is always wearing the garb, has a Gandalf cane and I am in a hurry to get somewhere. The first encounter was plain weird as he shuffled across a crosswalk. I could have been irritated that he was slowing me down on a deserted downtown street, but I felt nothing but compassion for his severely bent back and painful gait. It was a test for me, to see where my heart was at.
As I drove away on my hurried errand, my mind was illuminated as to who the unusual man might be.
Out of context, this would sound manic, but this book puts it in perspective:
Also, a family story that I hope to share later.
We need to be careful lest we entertain angels unaware as Paul says. More incredibly important, we need to treat all people with kindness, regardless of their status, as they may hold the key to our future in the form of knowledge or even the key to a blessing such as a cure for the cancer we are fighting or the vision we are losing, or the loved one that is slipping away from us. Rejecting them as a person of naught or discarding them or their counsel is often fatal physically or spiritually as it was when the world rejected The Christ; the One who held all of they keys to heal a broken world. These beings, and even everyday people may have a blessing or the lack thereof (a dearth), to be poured out upon our heads. The key to either one or the other, is often a reflection back on us. We hold the key which unlocks either one or the other.
Well, apparently his MO is he wears blue denim (pants, coat and hat - picture Willie Nelson but with a well-trimmed beard and no bag of weed in the pocket....). Anyway, I trust this gal and her husband.
So, twice now I have bumped into the triple denim dude. He is always wearing the garb, has a Gandalf cane and I am in a hurry to get somewhere. The first encounter was plain weird as he shuffled across a crosswalk. I could have been irritated that he was slowing me down on a deserted downtown street, but I felt nothing but compassion for his severely bent back and painful gait. It was a test for me, to see where my heart was at.
As I drove away on my hurried errand, my mind was illuminated as to who the unusual man might be.
Out of context, this would sound manic, but this book puts it in perspective:
Also, a family story that I hope to share later.
We need to be careful lest we entertain angels unaware as Paul says. More incredibly important, we need to treat all people with kindness, regardless of their status, as they may hold the key to our future in the form of knowledge or even the key to a blessing such as a cure for the cancer we are fighting or the vision we are losing, or the loved one that is slipping away from us. Rejecting them as a person of naught or discarding them or their counsel is often fatal physically or spiritually as it was when the world rejected The Christ; the One who held all of they keys to heal a broken world. These beings, and even everyday people may have a blessing or the lack thereof (a dearth), to be poured out upon our heads. The key to either one or the other, is often a reflection back on us. We hold the key which unlocks either one or the other.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
If I were to trust anyone, it would be this man with his combined ecclesiastical and intellectual credentials:
Soon, along with 3D ultra-sounds and so much else, it will be the going against nearly a perfect knowledge in committing the sin.
We incur the wrath of an almighty God in doing so.
Soon, along with 3D ultra-sounds and so much else, it will be the going against nearly a perfect knowledge in committing the sin.
We incur the wrath of an almighty God in doing so.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
I have come across this several times.
It appears to be legit:
I would love to hear other anecdotes or testimony in the comments.
It appears to be legit:
I would love to hear other anecdotes or testimony in the comments.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Friday, January 17, 2020
Wow, this is sobering:
Abortionist Quits After a Dream: “These Children are the Ones You Killed With Your Abortions”

Nightmares and dreams about children plagued Stojan Adasevic for years while he worked as an abortionist for communist Serbia.
In 26 years, Stojan aborted approximately 48,000 unborn children, including his own relatives. According to his communist country, however, he only was removing blobs of tissue.
The National Catholic Register reports Stojan had a conversion experience, partially as a result of his dreams, and he now is one of the strongest advocates for unborn babies’ lives in Eastern Europe.
Here’s more from the report:
In describing his conversion to La Razon, Adasevic “dreamed about a beautiful field full of children and young people who were playing and laughing, from four to 24 years of age, but who ran away from him in fear. A man dressed in a black and white habit stared at him in silence. The dream was repeated each night and he would wake up in a cold sweat.One night Stojan asked the man in black and white in his frightening dream as to his identity.“My name is Thomas Aquinas,” he responded. Stojan, educated in communist schools that pushed atheism instead of real learning, didn’t recognize the Dominican saint’s name.SUPPORT LIFENEWS! If you like this pro-life article, please help with a donation!Stojan asked the nightly visitor, “Who are these children?”“They are the ones you killed with your abortions,” St. Thomas told him bluntly and without preamble.Stojan awoke in shock and fear. He decided he would refuse to participate in any more abortions.
His resolve was difficult to follow the next day when he went into work. Stojan said one of his cousins came to the hospital with his pregnant girlfriend. They wanted an abortion, and he reluctantly agreed, according to the report.
The experience was horrifying. In the documentary “The First Hour,”he described what happened:
I grabbed something, crushed it a little, removed it, and threw it onto a cloth. I look, and I see a hand – quite a large hand. The child was 3, perhaps 4 months old. I had no tape to measure it.… As I pull out the mess, thinking it will be bone fragments I lay it on the cloth, I look, and I see a human heart, contracting and expanding and beating, beating, beating. I thought I would go mad. I can see that the heartbeat is slowing, ever more slowly, and more slowly still, until it finally stops completely. Nobody could’ve seen what I had seen with my very own eyes, and be more convinced than I was — I had killed a human being.
The experience left Stojan so shocked that he immediately told the hospital that he would never do another abortion.
Because he was living in a communist country, Stojan’s convictions caused problems for himself and his family. According to the Register, the government cut his salary in half, fired his daughter from her job and refused to let his son attend college.
It was another dream from St. Thomas Aquinas that encouraged Stojan not to give up his new commitment to protecting life. In the dream, he said the saint reassured him and inspired him to persevere.
Stojan quickly became involved in the pro-life movement in his country — work that he continues to this day, the Register reports. He has shared his story and the truth about unborn babies’ lives to people all across Eastern Europe through TV, newspapers and other outlets, according to the report.
I love this man. He was my Prophet growing up:
I love the Constitution. It is literally the salvation of a telestial world of people will just follow it!
Pray for Virginia. It will not be ground zero, but things will eventually light off in Chicago.
I love the Constitution. It is literally the salvation of a telestial world of people will just follow it!
Pray for Virginia. It will not be ground zero, but things will eventually light off in Chicago.
Mostly, I am publishing stuff from the iPhone lately and stuff glitches badly when it comes to attachments. This quote ties into my previous blog piece about backing from the Lord when it comes to keeping the commandments:
I cannot tell you how distressing this would have been for us over trying to get the body of our child from the coroner when he died of SIDS 19 years ago. Here is the article:
The Iranian regime is corrupt and desperate to cover themselves in the wake of this tragedy. Pray for the family of my friend, Kasra Saati. I have never put someone’s name on the prayer roll as I have his. So sad for his situation. I know he had just gotten his Canadian citizenship and passport so he could travel to US vendors, but not sure if his wife could have had the time to do the same and get out of Iran with the kids to a safer haven.
There are few safe havens left as people and their nations abandon good principle.
Pray for Trump. Pray for his success in this circus in the Senate. The USA under his leadership is one of the last hold outs where the rule of law is relatively still king.
This plane crash, with the attendant eating of crow by the Iranians, just offset the escalation of events in the Middle East by months or years. In many respects, this is a good thing. A pivotal thing in world events. Not sure exactly why, but time will show it pivotal in setting back the event that would led to the nuking of Tel Aviv by months or years, but not decades.
On most pivotal events, I seem to have some connection including the Sept 11 premonition, the premonition or dream of what happens at Hill, the post-monition of the visit by Obama to Israel followed by the discovery of the Dewey Bruton vid describing him as the anti-Christ a few weeks later and then this pivotal event and my work buddy.
It may seem small now, but it was huge. It will prove huge.
I have even been on board Trump’s personal jet when Paul Allen still owned it and it was parked in his Boeing Field hangar with other toys typical of a billionaire. I remember when Trump flew into Everett for a rally in 2016 and I had the thought that I had not seen too many 757 biz jets and looked it up and made the connection... When Allen sold the Portland Trail Blazers, he dumped the jet they would fly around on and Trump picked it up.
Another random thought that qualifies more as a journal entry; I was in the SL temple chapel a few weeks ago waiting for a friend to go thru a session before they close the old girl down (she is female, you know), and I started thinking about the 250 people in that chapel and likely how most were from the SL and Utah valleys and how most would likely be affected by the VoG events. I then asked if they were collectively at the point that they merited the events of that book with a 90% reduction in force as described in Isaiah and verified by Abraham Gileadi. As I am thinking about those items and the attendant water that would fill the very room I was in, I heard the roaring of the water as it passed by in North Temple down from the alphabet streets after the block faulting and destruction there. The roar I heard was similar to what you would hear as the Niagara goes over the precipice from Goat Island. Similar to what a jet engine on a fighter sounds like as it takes off with after burner.
The destruction is real. I start a job on Monday for twice what I was earning at the CALGARY dog and pony gig. This is the poetic justice for opening my mouth and sharing my beliefs when solicited. I will share them when asked. I expect NO fallout for having done so. If there is, and someone takes exception, they will lose their vision and not be able to see in this pivotal year of 2020 when Trump gets re-elected. I again just asked for the Lord’s help in this matter and I expect satisfaction. When you do the Lord’s bidding, things happen in the perfect way, and in the perfect time.
Anyway, I went thru a session with one of the principals of the Isaiah institute and we did a very late dinner at City Creek Mall. As we walked back to our cars, the Conference Center entrance to the underground garage was locked for the night so he and I hoofed it down the garage ramp to where he could get to his vehicle and drive me back to our surface street parking spot. It was interesting in light of my earlier experience in the SL temple walking the garage ramp where the VoG narrative starts with Spencer emerging into a flooded street after the earthquake that starts the tribs of our people. That was a Tuesday.
Friday of that same week, we were at a hot springs in Honeyville, UT and I randomly happened into another Isaiah Institute member in the large soaking pool and we chatted for a few hours. Folks, we have some interesting times ahead. Neal A Maxwell is kind of a player in all of this. He was Spencer’s Apostle friend and Home Teacher who encouraged him to write a book on his experiences when the time was right. NAM was also the one who got Abraham Gileadi’s ex-com overturned back in 1992. Avraham and Spencer are best friends. Neal A Maxwell is pivotal in many events leading up to the Second Coming from the other side of the veil. I have it on good authority but I cannot go into detail. Let’s just say that things are rolling along nicely and he is a pivotal player. Same thing applies to John Pontius.
Way more is going on over there than over here. Just trust in the Lord. I have had to with my employment - and just said another prayer over my blog stalker this morning. This is a warning to back off. You cannot see; what troubles you will have in 2020. Truly, there are more that be for us, than against us. Alma 33.....
The very pit they have dug to trap the servants of the Lord, they will fall in themselves. From Trump to an inconsequential player as myself, the Lord will back us. I put inflammatory stuff on the blog to draw out trolls just to see who is out there who does not have my best interest in mind. In short, I troll the trolls for sport. Reeling in the company slut was the best troll ever! Seeing her in Calgary to personally fire me over my beliefs on the sanctity of Chastity and not busting up another’s marriage was THE best ever..... You really can’ t make this stuff up! Moving on to something so much better? Priceless! A true Visa moment!
Shortly after getting my job offer on December 23rd, I had to turn down a generous offer from Embraer to take this better offer and was in the Joseph Smith building getting hot choco at the Nauvoo Cafe and took this pic with a heart full of gratitude at the tender mercies. I will be able to work from home 90% with vendor visits the rest of the time. Truly the best gig I could ever imagine having:
How ironic, turning down multiple six figure opportunities on a day I was celebrating Joseph’s birthday in a memorial building in his honor when I had gone thru a rash of crap for standing up for his “purple koolaid” gig! I love a good ending.... And the same day, getting news that I was getting paid employment insurance by the company who fired me due to retaliation for stating my solicited religious beliefs, including Chastity. All of this on December 23rd. As we were eating at our favorite restaurant, Tucanos, I told my wife that this was likely in the top five favourite days of my life (my wedding day being number one, of course....).
So yeah, as I always state, put God first and His commandments and your witness of him and let the chips fall where they may. Those who oppose simply will be swept out of the way into the trash bins of history. They WILL lose their vision if they do not repent.
The Iranian regime is corrupt and desperate to cover themselves in the wake of this tragedy. Pray for the family of my friend, Kasra Saati. I have never put someone’s name on the prayer roll as I have his. So sad for his situation. I know he had just gotten his Canadian citizenship and passport so he could travel to US vendors, but not sure if his wife could have had the time to do the same and get out of Iran with the kids to a safer haven.
There are few safe havens left as people and their nations abandon good principle.
Pray for Trump. Pray for his success in this circus in the Senate. The USA under his leadership is one of the last hold outs where the rule of law is relatively still king.
This plane crash, with the attendant eating of crow by the Iranians, just offset the escalation of events in the Middle East by months or years. In many respects, this is a good thing. A pivotal thing in world events. Not sure exactly why, but time will show it pivotal in setting back the event that would led to the nuking of Tel Aviv by months or years, but not decades.
On most pivotal events, I seem to have some connection including the Sept 11 premonition, the premonition or dream of what happens at Hill, the post-monition of the visit by Obama to Israel followed by the discovery of the Dewey Bruton vid describing him as the anti-Christ a few weeks later and then this pivotal event and my work buddy.
It may seem small now, but it was huge. It will prove huge.
I have even been on board Trump’s personal jet when Paul Allen still owned it and it was parked in his Boeing Field hangar with other toys typical of a billionaire. I remember when Trump flew into Everett for a rally in 2016 and I had the thought that I had not seen too many 757 biz jets and looked it up and made the connection... When Allen sold the Portland Trail Blazers, he dumped the jet they would fly around on and Trump picked it up.
Another random thought that qualifies more as a journal entry; I was in the SL temple chapel a few weeks ago waiting for a friend to go thru a session before they close the old girl down (she is female, you know), and I started thinking about the 250 people in that chapel and likely how most were from the SL and Utah valleys and how most would likely be affected by the VoG events. I then asked if they were collectively at the point that they merited the events of that book with a 90% reduction in force as described in Isaiah and verified by Abraham Gileadi. As I am thinking about those items and the attendant water that would fill the very room I was in, I heard the roaring of the water as it passed by in North Temple down from the alphabet streets after the block faulting and destruction there. The roar I heard was similar to what you would hear as the Niagara goes over the precipice from Goat Island. Similar to what a jet engine on a fighter sounds like as it takes off with after burner.
The destruction is real. I start a job on Monday for twice what I was earning at the CALGARY dog and pony gig. This is the poetic justice for opening my mouth and sharing my beliefs when solicited. I will share them when asked. I expect NO fallout for having done so. If there is, and someone takes exception, they will lose their vision and not be able to see in this pivotal year of 2020 when Trump gets re-elected. I again just asked for the Lord’s help in this matter and I expect satisfaction. When you do the Lord’s bidding, things happen in the perfect way, and in the perfect time.
Anyway, I went thru a session with one of the principals of the Isaiah institute and we did a very late dinner at City Creek Mall. As we walked back to our cars, the Conference Center entrance to the underground garage was locked for the night so he and I hoofed it down the garage ramp to where he could get to his vehicle and drive me back to our surface street parking spot. It was interesting in light of my earlier experience in the SL temple walking the garage ramp where the VoG narrative starts with Spencer emerging into a flooded street after the earthquake that starts the tribs of our people. That was a Tuesday.
Friday of that same week, we were at a hot springs in Honeyville, UT and I randomly happened into another Isaiah Institute member in the large soaking pool and we chatted for a few hours. Folks, we have some interesting times ahead. Neal A Maxwell is kind of a player in all of this. He was Spencer’s Apostle friend and Home Teacher who encouraged him to write a book on his experiences when the time was right. NAM was also the one who got Abraham Gileadi’s ex-com overturned back in 1992. Avraham and Spencer are best friends. Neal A Maxwell is pivotal in many events leading up to the Second Coming from the other side of the veil. I have it on good authority but I cannot go into detail. Let’s just say that things are rolling along nicely and he is a pivotal player. Same thing applies to John Pontius.
Way more is going on over there than over here. Just trust in the Lord. I have had to with my employment - and just said another prayer over my blog stalker this morning. This is a warning to back off. You cannot see; what troubles you will have in 2020. Truly, there are more that be for us, than against us. Alma 33.....
The very pit they have dug to trap the servants of the Lord, they will fall in themselves. From Trump to an inconsequential player as myself, the Lord will back us. I put inflammatory stuff on the blog to draw out trolls just to see who is out there who does not have my best interest in mind. In short, I troll the trolls for sport. Reeling in the company slut was the best troll ever! Seeing her in Calgary to personally fire me over my beliefs on the sanctity of Chastity and not busting up another’s marriage was THE best ever..... You really can’ t make this stuff up! Moving on to something so much better? Priceless! A true Visa moment!
Shortly after getting my job offer on December 23rd, I had to turn down a generous offer from Embraer to take this better offer and was in the Joseph Smith building getting hot choco at the Nauvoo Cafe and took this pic with a heart full of gratitude at the tender mercies. I will be able to work from home 90% with vendor visits the rest of the time. Truly the best gig I could ever imagine having:
How ironic, turning down multiple six figure opportunities on a day I was celebrating Joseph’s birthday in a memorial building in his honor when I had gone thru a rash of crap for standing up for his “purple koolaid” gig! I love a good ending.... And the same day, getting news that I was getting paid employment insurance by the company who fired me due to retaliation for stating my solicited religious beliefs, including Chastity. All of this on December 23rd. As we were eating at our favorite restaurant, Tucanos, I told my wife that this was likely in the top five favourite days of my life (my wedding day being number one, of course....).
So yeah, as I always state, put God first and His commandments and your witness of him and let the chips fall where they may. Those who oppose simply will be swept out of the way into the trash bins of history. They WILL lose their vision if they do not repent.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Saturday, January 11, 2020
This whole energy healing thing distressed me to no end. It is wrong, plain and simple:
Anne _____, I am not aware of one person who has a gift that has started charging for it that has not eventually gone dark. It cankers the spirit. I am gifted as an engineer and with math etc, and I do not mind exchanging my time for compensation. HOWEVER, I also possess the gift of healing and am horrified at the thought of charging for the benefits of it. Even if there were a plague with thousands who were in need of healing and my gift were pressed into use full time. I would have to rely on the charity of others for my maintenance. But I would rather die of starvation or exposure than become enriched from something that was given freely. Case in point is Julie Rowe who is no doubt making money hand over fist doing her priest craft.
My comments above reflect my contempt for the Daybell/Rowe mess. Daybell married a murdress and he will be happy to get out with his life. It all starts with sexual sin, evolving into murder (sometimes in the form of abortion, to cover the sin) and then the biggie which is denying the Holy Ghost. Chad and company are well onto the third biggie and Rowe has jumped into the middle of that roe....
What an embarrassment....
And he married the adulteress/murdress two weeks after his wife died of “natural causes”....
Hopefully their crimes somehow crossed into TX so they can both fry in the electric chair. No leniency for even the mental health component! Sheesh!
Anne _____, I am not aware of one person who has a gift that has started charging for it that has not eventually gone dark. It cankers the spirit. I am gifted as an engineer and with math etc, and I do not mind exchanging my time for compensation. HOWEVER, I also possess the gift of healing and am horrified at the thought of charging for the benefits of it. Even if there were a plague with thousands who were in need of healing and my gift were pressed into use full time. I would have to rely on the charity of others for my maintenance. But I would rather die of starvation or exposure than become enriched from something that was given freely. Case in point is Julie Rowe who is no doubt making money hand over fist doing her priest craft.
My comments above reflect my contempt for the Daybell/Rowe mess. Daybell married a murdress and he will be happy to get out with his life. It all starts with sexual sin, evolving into murder (sometimes in the form of abortion, to cover the sin) and then the biggie which is denying the Holy Ghost. Chad and company are well onto the third biggie and Rowe has jumped into the middle of that roe....
What an embarrassment....
And he married the adulteress/murdress two weeks after his wife died of “natural causes”....
Hopefully their crimes somehow crossed into TX so they can both fry in the electric chair. No leniency for even the mental health component! Sheesh!
Friday, January 10, 2020
I have been saying this for years. It often came down to cost, schedule and stock holder value over quality and safety. Similarly at the Canadian company I was just fired from. I respected Kasra Saati and his successor because they both had integrity; but quality and safety start at the top and it filters down thru the org.
If the top is rotten (filled with yes men), then it is a hopeless battle to influence an org for good.
I always seek a nucleus of good men/women and seek to build it out until the entire org is infused with ethos. It can take years to make meaningful headway. One bad apple at higher levels, and the whole effort can come crashing down.
Anyway, over time, the follies of a failed attitude are made manifest as this recent Boeing article points out:
The secret is to refuse to be part of it, even if it costs you your job. This is integrity. This trait is in short supply these days.
If the top is rotten (filled with yes men), then it is a hopeless battle to influence an org for good.
I always seek a nucleus of good men/women and seek to build it out until the entire org is infused with ethos. It can take years to make meaningful headway. One bad apple at higher levels, and the whole effort can come crashing down.
Anyway, over time, the follies of a failed attitude are made manifest as this recent Boeing article points out:
These messages refer to Boeing employees telling lies, covering up problems and treating regulators with contempt.
They reinforce the impression - already expressed vividly by whistleblowers and in Congressional hearings - that Boeing was a company that had lost its way, focused on maximising production and keeping costs down, rather than on safety.
Will all this actually harm Boeing though? It's questionable.
The company's reputation has already been savaged; it may be calculating that it now has little to lose by being transparent about past failures.
The secret is to refuse to be part of it, even if it costs you your job. This is integrity. This trait is in short supply these days.
Folks, this is a great scrip whether you are dealing with Trump’s accusers or with sharks at work, this really sums up the game that is played . Jesus had to deal with the absolute worst in His day. The thing that all of these have in common is that they love to make a lie to cover the inexcusable acts they have not repented of. Specifically, speaking of the wolves in His day, He said that “a wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign” - in other words, their sins are dismissible in their minds unless an impossibly high bar is requested. If not producible, then the person can continue on in sin with no change required. No repentance needed.
Often, trying to excuse themselves in the error of their ways, they would deem it easier to trap a person in their words than expend the minimal effort required to change. This is spiritual laziness. The lack of effort is damning. In an entropic world, lack of forward movement results in physical and spiritual backsliding. Often, all that is required is for one to raise the eyes to look and live. But we heed not due to the simpleness of the way.
Here is the scrip in Alma 10:
Nevertheless, there were some among them who thought to question them, that by their cunning devices they might catch them in their words, that they might find witness against them, that they might deliver them to their judges that they might be judged according to the law, and that they might be slain or cast into prison, according to the crime which they could make appear or witness against them.
14 Now it was those men who sought to destroy them, who were lawyers, who were hired or appointed by the people to administer the law at their times of trials, or at the trials of the crimes of the people before the judges.
15 Now these lawyers were learned in all the arts and cunning of the people; and this was to enable them that they might be skilful in their profession.
16 And it came to pass that they began to question Amulek, that thereby they might make him cross his words, or contradict the words which he should speak.
17 Now they knew not that Amulek could know of their designs. But it came to pass as they began to question him, he perceived their thoughts, and he said unto them: O ye wicked and perverse generation, ye lawyers and hypocrites, for ye are laying the foundations of the devil; for ye are laying traps and snares to catch the holy ones of God.
18 Ye are laying plans to pervert the ways of the righteous, and to bring down the wrath of God upon your heads, even to the utter destruction of this people.
19 Yea, well did Mosiah say, who was our last king, when he was about to deliver up the kingdom, having no one to confer it upon, causing that this people should be governed by their own voices—yea, well did he say that if the time should come that the voice of this people should choose iniquity, that is, if the time should come that this people should fall into transgression, they would be ripe for destruction.
20 And now I say unto you that well doth the Lord judge of your iniquities; well doth he cry unto this people, by the voice of his angels: Repent ye, repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
21 Yea, well doth he cry, by the voice of his angels that: I will come down among my people, with equity and justice in my hands.
22 Yea, and I say unto you that if it were not for the prayers of the righteous, who are now in the land, that ye would even now be visited with utter destruction; yet it would not be by flood, as were the people in the days of Noah, but it would be by famine, and by pestilence, and the sword.
23 But it is by the prayers of the righteous that ye are spared; now therefore, if ye will cast out the righteous from among you then will not the Lord stay his hand; but in his fierce anger he will come out against you; then ye shall be smitten by famine, and by pestilence, and by the sword; and the time is soon at hand except ye repent.
24 And now it came to pass that the people were more angry with Amulek, and they cried out, saying: This man doth revile against our laws which are just, and our wise lawyers whom we have selected.
25 But Amulek stretched forth his hand, and cried the mightier unto them, saying: O ye wicked and perverse generation, why hath Satan got such great hold upon your hearts? Why will ye yield yourselves unto him that he may have power over you, to blind your eyes, that ye will not understand the words which are spoken, according to their truth?
26 For behold, have I testified against your law? Ye do not understand; ye say that I have spoken against your law; but I have not, but I have spoken in favor of your law, to your condemnation.
27 And now behold, I say unto you, that the foundation of the destruction of this people is beginning to be laid by the unrighteousness of your lawyers and your judges.
28 And now it came to pass that when Amulek had spoken these words the people cried out against him, saying: Now we know that this man is a child of the devil, for he hath lied unto us; for he hath spoken against our law. And now he says that he has not spoken against it.
Please pray for the family of Kasra Saati.
Often, trying to excuse themselves in the error of their ways, they would deem it easier to trap a person in their words than expend the minimal effort required to change. This is spiritual laziness. The lack of effort is damning. In an entropic world, lack of forward movement results in physical and spiritual backsliding. Often, all that is required is for one to raise the eyes to look and live. But we heed not due to the simpleness of the way.
Here is the scrip in Alma 10:
Nevertheless, there were some among them who thought to question them, that by their cunning devices they might catch them in their words, that they might find witness against them, that they might deliver them to their judges that they might be judged according to the law, and that they might be slain or cast into prison, according to the crime which they could make appear or witness against them.
14 Now it was those men who sought to destroy them, who were lawyers, who were hired or appointed by the people to administer the law at their times of trials, or at the trials of the crimes of the people before the judges.
15 Now these lawyers were learned in all the arts and cunning of the people; and this was to enable them that they might be skilful in their profession.
16 And it came to pass that they began to question Amulek, that thereby they might make him cross his words, or contradict the words which he should speak.
17 Now they knew not that Amulek could know of their designs. But it came to pass as they began to question him, he perceived their thoughts, and he said unto them: O ye wicked and perverse generation, ye lawyers and hypocrites, for ye are laying the foundations of the devil; for ye are laying traps and snares to catch the holy ones of God.
18 Ye are laying plans to pervert the ways of the righteous, and to bring down the wrath of God upon your heads, even to the utter destruction of this people.
19 Yea, well did Mosiah say, who was our last king, when he was about to deliver up the kingdom, having no one to confer it upon, causing that this people should be governed by their own voices—yea, well did he say that if the time should come that the voice of this people should choose iniquity, that is, if the time should come that this people should fall into transgression, they would be ripe for destruction.
20 And now I say unto you that well doth the Lord judge of your iniquities; well doth he cry unto this people, by the voice of his angels: Repent ye, repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
21 Yea, well doth he cry, by the voice of his angels that: I will come down among my people, with equity and justice in my hands.
22 Yea, and I say unto you that if it were not for the prayers of the righteous, who are now in the land, that ye would even now be visited with utter destruction; yet it would not be by flood, as were the people in the days of Noah, but it would be by famine, and by pestilence, and the sword.
23 But it is by the prayers of the righteous that ye are spared; now therefore, if ye will cast out the righteous from among you then will not the Lord stay his hand; but in his fierce anger he will come out against you; then ye shall be smitten by famine, and by pestilence, and by the sword; and the time is soon at hand except ye repent.
24 And now it came to pass that the people were more angry with Amulek, and they cried out, saying: This man doth revile against our laws which are just, and our wise lawyers whom we have selected.
25 But Amulek stretched forth his hand, and cried the mightier unto them, saying: O ye wicked and perverse generation, why hath Satan got such great hold upon your hearts? Why will ye yield yourselves unto him that he may have power over you, to blind your eyes, that ye will not understand the words which are spoken, according to their truth?
26 For behold, have I testified against your law? Ye do not understand; ye say that I have spoken against your law; but I have not, but I have spoken in favor of your law, to your condemnation.
27 And now behold, I say unto you, that the foundation of the destruction of this people is beginning to be laid by the unrighteousness of your lawyers and your judges.
28 And now it came to pass that when Amulek had spoken these words the people cried out against him, saying: Now we know that this man is a child of the devil, for he hath lied unto us; for he hath spoken against our law. And now he says that he has not spoken against it.
Please pray for the family of Kasra Saati.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
This was a great vid that gives a high level overview of the endowment:
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Folks, today was a very sad day. A former co-worker that I trained to take my place when I moved within the company died tragically when his plane was shot down in Iran. Such an intelligent and excellent man. Many qualities that I would have liked to have, he possessed.
He took the past year off from his work assignment to be there for the birth of his second child. He had an older child around 10 years old. A very dedicated father and a consummate professional and one I was happy to call a friend and coworker. The exact polar opposite of the work jerk that was part of the mix on the Quality Team. God always takes the good ones and leaves the rest of us to soften our sharp edges..... Feeling very sad for his wife now with two young children and no father to shepherd them through life.
I am praying for her comfort and that they will be able to make it through the coming months of difficulty.
When we were working together, I warned him to get his family out of Teheran because of what I have been saying on the blog. Since I had a witness of Sarah Menet back in 20090, I knew that what is going on, would happen now. And, it appears that his lack of heeding this warning has led to this tragedy. It is more personal to me than the crash of the Alaska MD-83 where I could have done something, but did not. I am mad at myself for not being more strident with him. I feel like I did not do enough to convince him of what was coming.
I feel a little regret I did not take the opportunity to have one last lunch with him at the Persian restuaraunt he showed me in Calgary. I would have liked to have spent that last hour or two connecting. I try not to live with regret, but I am feeling it today. Too wrapped up in life to spend the time to connect with him. Hopefully, we will get a chance on the other side and it will be a good reunion. He is the kind of guy who will be there, because he had a gentle heart and good soul He was not wrapped up in radicalism or selfishness, but was just a good person.
I feel that he probably had no choice as his wife was probably homesick and sick of the cold of Calgary and just wanted out. And he was there to visit her for the month of December after he quit a month after my firing.
Anyway, his wife's name is on the temple roll so that she can have some peace and comfort.
Please pray for her. His name is Kasra Saati.
Here is a list of the Canadian victims, who were many. It was a major blow for this country and the Persian community.
One of just a few peers who have passed away before their time.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
This is the second or third time I have gotten this scripture since I got canned for speaking the truth - and only after it was solicited, which brought the inappropriate behavior in the workplace.
Hopefully, the anti-bullying and harassment training has been rolled out by now and true change is taking place. Either way, the way this whole thing went down was wrong. In a normal situation, a VP of HR with the same problem that caused the harassment, would defer. Normally, a person in this situation would recuse themselves from the situation due to the clear conflict of interest involved.
To have this person fly 800 miles to personally fire me, was a little over the top. And then stalking my religious blog after the fact, and having the legal beagles issue a cease and desist order; again over the top. These are real special people.... At first it left a bad taste in my mouth for ALBERTA, and then I realized that all of the key players were transplants from British Columbia, which suffers from the same maladies that all of the West Coast does.
It has been a repeated theme from many “coasties”. Preach diversity, but attack those who are more conservative than the average person. The statement being, “not a good fit” and so much else...
I would much rather not be a good fit among my worldly peers than among the citizens of heaven as Paul described them.
In the Celestial room tonight, I hit this scripture once again when I randomly opened the triple combo. Again I feel sorry for the players. God is the Master scheduler and knows what all of His children need in order to achieve the greatest learning in this life - and trust me when I say I know from experience that the learning is not always pleasant when I have needed correction....
Here is Alma 33:9-11
9. Yea, O God, thou hast been merciful unto me, and heard my cries in the midst of thy congregations.
10 Yea, and thou hast also heard me when I have been cast out and have been despised by mine enemies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, and wast angry with mine enemies, and thou didst visit them in thine anger with speedy destruction.
11 And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my sincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, because of thy Son.
In a few weeks, I will journal the amazing things that have happened in regards to this whole scenario. He backs those who stand for truth and integrity. Others, He brings up to the snubbing post and it is often not pretty.
God truly is great!
And, on a semi-related note (I have said that the average alley cat has more moral turpitude than the average Coastie in regards to the Law of Chastity), our cat followed us to the temple and almost got in with the automatic door.
Hopefully, the anti-bullying and harassment training has been rolled out by now and true change is taking place. Either way, the way this whole thing went down was wrong. In a normal situation, a VP of HR with the same problem that caused the harassment, would defer. Normally, a person in this situation would recuse themselves from the situation due to the clear conflict of interest involved.
To have this person fly 800 miles to personally fire me, was a little over the top. And then stalking my religious blog after the fact, and having the legal beagles issue a cease and desist order; again over the top. These are real special people.... At first it left a bad taste in my mouth for ALBERTA, and then I realized that all of the key players were transplants from British Columbia, which suffers from the same maladies that all of the West Coast does.
It has been a repeated theme from many “coasties”. Preach diversity, but attack those who are more conservative than the average person. The statement being, “not a good fit” and so much else...
I would much rather not be a good fit among my worldly peers than among the citizens of heaven as Paul described them.
In the Celestial room tonight, I hit this scripture once again when I randomly opened the triple combo. Again I feel sorry for the players. God is the Master scheduler and knows what all of His children need in order to achieve the greatest learning in this life - and trust me when I say I know from experience that the learning is not always pleasant when I have needed correction....
Here is Alma 33:9-11
9. Yea, O God, thou hast been merciful unto me, and heard my cries in the midst of thy congregations.
10 Yea, and thou hast also heard me when I have been cast out and have been despised by mine enemies; yea, thou didst hear my cries, and wast angry with mine enemies, and thou didst visit them in thine anger with speedy destruction.
11 And thou didst hear me because of mine afflictions and my sincerity; and it is because of thy Son that thou hast been thus merciful unto me, therefore I will cry unto thee in all mine afflictions, for in thee is my joy; for thou hast turned thy judgments away from me, because of thy Son.
In a few weeks, I will journal the amazing things that have happened in regards to this whole scenario. He backs those who stand for truth and integrity. Others, He brings up to the snubbing post and it is often not pretty.
God truly is great!
And, on a semi-related note (I have said that the average alley cat has more moral turpitude than the average Coastie in regards to the Law of Chastity), our cat followed us to the temple and almost got in with the automatic door.
When dealing with people who have little or no warmth, I have thought on this very much.
All of these people were just regular people before the war, the played their horrific roles during war, and many just melted into society after war. Some had families the whole time and some had them after killing others’ family members.
My wife and I are obsessed at times with the idea that normal people descended into animalistic behavior when circumstances allowed. Human nature is beyond fascinating. It is all part of the test. My wife’s untreated bi-polar condition allowed me to learn many things about myself. Some of them not so pleasant, which has been the cause of much introspection, repentance and attendant growth.
It is all a test. We are all about to enter another extreme testing period as a nation and world. There are two possible outcomes for each of us. The rewards will be immense if we pass our individual tests:
All of these people were just regular people before the war, the played their horrific roles during war, and many just melted into society after war. Some had families the whole time and some had them after killing others’ family members.
My wife and I are obsessed at times with the idea that normal people descended into animalistic behavior when circumstances allowed. Human nature is beyond fascinating. It is all part of the test. My wife’s untreated bi-polar condition allowed me to learn many things about myself. Some of them not so pleasant, which has been the cause of much introspection, repentance and attendant growth.
It is all a test. We are all about to enter another extreme testing period as a nation and world. There are two possible outcomes for each of us. The rewards will be immense if we pass our individual tests:
This dedicatory prayer was interesting to read considering the return of the Jews to their homeland was imminent. At the time, it was obvious that the return of the Jews was an impediment to further fulfillment of ancient prophetic timeline.
We have the luxury of hindsight as the purposes of the Lord roll forward.
We have the luxury of hindsight as the purposes of the Lord roll forward.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Folks, I heard it said by a Russian political pundit that we are in the soft beginnings of WWIII. With this latest move in Baghdad, I would back that belief. When pressed into a corner, Iran will play their Trump card and unleash their nuke from Libya at Tel Aviv. Possibly, an EMP strike on the east coast to bring down our population centres.
As the CIA-backed Iranian opposition becomes more vocal in Iran, we will see the regime there willing to take more and more radical steps to consolidate power. Taking a hard stance against, and villainizing Israel will be part of their strategy.
The Pentagon declared long ago that it was their objective to take down Iran, as it is one of the countries that has not bowed down to the international banksters and played ball with a central banking system. Neither have Russia nor China.
Folks, this IS the end game. It is no koinkydink that Rus/Chi/Iran just had joint war games. They know what is going on, and they are supporting each other.
So, when we are going thru some tough times, remember that this is part of the deal....
Just opened the Drudge Report to see this:
As the CIA-backed Iranian opposition becomes more vocal in Iran, we will see the regime there willing to take more and more radical steps to consolidate power. Taking a hard stance against, and villainizing Israel will be part of their strategy.
The Pentagon declared long ago that it was their objective to take down Iran, as it is one of the countries that has not bowed down to the international banksters and played ball with a central banking system. Neither have Russia nor China.
Folks, this IS the end game. It is no koinkydink that Rus/Chi/Iran just had joint war games. They know what is going on, and they are supporting each other.
So, when we are going thru some tough times, remember that this is part of the deal....
Just opened the Drudge Report to see this:
If Tel Aviv, the military capital of Israel and a very wicked city, gets hit, this will start at least a limited nuclear exchange. The Iranian capital will get hit in a savage manner. Millions of lives will be lost on both sides. It will be a very sad day. But Sarah Menet called it years ago....
Folks, getting thrown in a mental hospital for your beliefs will be part of the deal in the future. Or worse.....:
This is why we have been told to get our spiritual lives in order now.
This is why we have been told to get our spiritual lives in order now.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Folks, I have shared this before on the blog - but it is so astounding that I feel the need to share it again.
The Chinese will have their day after the Lord uses them to humble the disobedient Gentiles(all of us).
The time is not far distant as we fully ripen in our iniquity.
The Chinese will have their day after the Lord uses them to humble the disobedient Gentiles(all of us).
The time is not far distant as we fully ripen in our iniquity.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Not sure if this is it, but I think these wildfires may be part of the fires spoken of in Revelation after the opening of the 7th seal.
I do not watch the news because I do not like to be told how to think. I make my own news WO the hype and spin, but things appear quite serious down under:
I do not watch the news because I do not like to be told how to think. I make my own news WO the hype and spin, but things appear quite serious down under:
Friday, January 3, 2020
Folks, this is just sick:
After having witnessed so much corruption in Brazil on my mission, I returned home and swore I would never give up the fight against it until I had expended my last breath. Right now, it is still a war of words. Some corrupt sacks would call me “not a team player” for not “going along to get along”. Au contraire, I am often the only one with a conscience in some situations, so I tend to stand out. Increasingly so, as the world turns from good principle and moral reason to depravity and lawlessness.
After having witnessed so much corruption in Brazil on my mission, I returned home and swore I would never give up the fight against it until I had expended my last breath. Right now, it is still a war of words. Some corrupt sacks would call me “not a team player” for not “going along to get along”. Au contraire, I am often the only one with a conscience in some situations, so I tend to stand out. Increasingly so, as the world turns from good principle and moral reason to depravity and lawlessness.
With this whole job loss scenario, there is often the temptation to look at it from the perspective of a curse as opposed to being a blessing. Only the recipient knows the truth, but in my case, we had been keeping most all of the laws associated with being blessed, and I was already on a serious repentance tear after being told three times in a row to repent on the temple.
You do not need to ask twice after going triple on me. A triple double should not be an option in the economy of God....
Anyway, I strongly felt that our ducks were mostly in a row other than to step things up in terms of family prayer and study, but it has all worked out to God’s glory. I have to think that some prayers from this blog family and other friends were also instrumental in the victory.
A Priesthood blessing the Sunday after the event, also provided interesting direction to know how to wisely handle the increase. This from a man I know to have the gift of Healing and also who is close to the Spirit.
So, if we ever feel that we are under some kind of curse or condemnation, the first thing we can do is immediately examine ourselves and ask if there is a law of God that we need to shore up in our lives and where we can “tighten” our observance, which will bring the outpouring of the requisite blessings.
REMEMBER; Obedience brings about the blessings of heaven. EXACT obedience brings about miracles.
You do not need to ask twice after going triple on me. A triple double should not be an option in the economy of God....
Anyway, I strongly felt that our ducks were mostly in a row other than to step things up in terms of family prayer and study, but it has all worked out to God’s glory. I have to think that some prayers from this blog family and other friends were also instrumental in the victory.
A Priesthood blessing the Sunday after the event, also provided interesting direction to know how to wisely handle the increase. This from a man I know to have the gift of Healing and also who is close to the Spirit.
So, if we ever feel that we are under some kind of curse or condemnation, the first thing we can do is immediately examine ourselves and ask if there is a law of God that we need to shore up in our lives and where we can “tighten” our observance, which will bring the outpouring of the requisite blessings.
REMEMBER; Obedience brings about the blessings of heaven. EXACT obedience brings about miracles.
Folks, this appears to be legit. The fact that most of the evidence is buried by conspiring men, more or less gives you your smoking gun.
This docudrama is done by James Cameron. Likely Jewish and eager to show proof of his peoples’ history:
It is a great vid that I highly recommend watching for the plagues portion, but what they present for the parting of the Red Sea portion and Mt Sinai, I defer to the research by Ron Wyatt for something I can back. I do NOT support the Reed Sea theory at all. The Holy Ghost backs me on this one.
This docudrama is done by James Cameron. Likely Jewish and eager to show proof of his peoples’ history:
It is a great vid that I highly recommend watching for the plagues portion, but what they present for the parting of the Red Sea portion and Mt Sinai, I defer to the research by Ron Wyatt for something I can back. I do NOT support the Reed Sea theory at all. The Holy Ghost backs me on this one.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Cannot wait until the Saints are boiled down to the point we are r
Collectively righteous enough to live this:
We are headed there, whether we like it or not. It is inevitable.
Collectively righteous enough to live this:
We are headed there, whether we like it or not. It is inevitable.
Good to be properly focused this year. I know I am starting it off right in that regard.
Here is some great stuff from a gal I admire:
She is outspoken, but I like people with mocxy and passion.
Here is some great stuff from a gal I admire:
She is outspoken, but I like people with mocxy and passion.
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