First and foremost, it IS and WILL BE imperative that people follow the counsel of the Prophet and a majority of the Brethren with EXACTNESS. I choose to do that, rather than spilling the beans.
Just go check it out. I will say that nothing of the changes made sense until the covenants of chastity. The Spirit flooded me and I was filled with knowledge - just as promised.
The hastiness/crudeness of the new endowment is because there simply is not enough time to throw together a new film. We are about ready to enter the new phase of difficulty once Trump is out of the way and hell reigns anew on this orb in the way of leftist utopianism.
In the end, we will lose our ability to worship and likely they will attempt to shut the temples down as the Sacrifice is altered and ceased. These changes will just delay the inevitable until that time - which I welcome. Bring it, ye spiritually anemic children of hell. COVFEFE.... In the end, God's army wins. You will attempt to hide in your dens in the rock - but God will destroy you where you are. And it will be a delightful day for those who have had persecutions heaped upon them because they chose to hold the standards God has set. One man, one woman. Simple. Nothing else flies logically or biologically. No child was ever fostered in the anal cavity of a guy. Two eggs coming into contact with each other never produced a viable fetus. No matter how truth and basic biology is twisted and manipulated, nothing will ever come of the ridiculous attempts at thwarting truth, logic and common sense.
The only thing that makes sense is turning from the perversion and moving to the light through repentance on the name of Jesus Christ.
There is NO other way.
Either get on board, or get out of the way. The choice is yours. The time is now.
The first reset was by water. The next one will be by fire. You have the chance to keep on going - or to throw cast your branches into the fire that is coming. Checkmate - your move.
If you don't make the right choice, then the lifeguard will be making the choice for you.....

Part 1
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked at your response to the changes of the temple ordinances. I lived through the 1990 changes as a recently returned missionary. I was young and naive and trusted whatever the brethren said was what was right, so I was not alarmed at the time and initially accepted them like most people are accepting the current round of changes. You could not be more of a "follow the prophet" person that I was. My zeal to obey everything they said, as an effort to obey God, is what opened my eyes.
According to Joseph Smith (who had the temple ordinance revealed to him from heaven), NO ONE has a right to make changes to it. No one ever has a right to change the wording or performance of any aspect of any ordinance that has been revealed from heaven. Later "prophets" do not have a right to change what the dispensation head revealed/received from heaven.
To continue to appease the politically correct facet of the LDS church is destroying the church and will bring about cursing. You of all people should sense anything that is meant to appease and accommodate people. Anyone who is truthful can see that these changes are meant to appease the feminists of the church, and create something shorter for a millennial generation that lacks the ability to give serious attention to something that is repetitive in many aspects. We live in an "instant" gratification world...the temple ceremony was anything but that.
If we claim that we love to hearken to the "prophets", then why are we ignoring what they have said in previous years. Is truth eternal? Or does truth change? I am not speaking of programs that come and go---I am speaking of eternal covenants and teachings that span across all boundaries of culture and time.
You know as well I as I do that the changes made in this ceremony DO change doctrine. God created men and women as two halves of a whole. They were not created to be the same, or intended to be the same. They have different roles and gifts which come together in marriage and are required to make a complete whole---ultimately a god---male and female; father and mother.
Just because we, in our corrupt day and culture, no longer value the divine differences that God intended, and no longer have the light and knowledge to comprehend what God had given us in the endowment---and instead looked at it through cultural bias---does not mean that the leaders were justified in making changes to the ordinances.
Read Isaiah. He speaks specifically of our day and sees the coming burning that is shortly to befall the world. What does he lament to be one of the main reasons for the coming burning? Changing the Ordinances--which breaks the everlasting covenant.
"The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; BECAUSE they have transgressed the laws, CHANGED THE ORDINANCE, BROKEN THE EVERLASTING COVENANT...therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left." (Isaiah 24:5)
continued in part 2
Part 2 continued....
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, this could not be speaking of anyone except us---the LDS Church. We are the ones who claim the everlasting covenant. Yet Isaiah, who sees our day, foretells that we change the ordinances thereof, and thereby break the everlasting covenant---which results in our justified burning.
Not only do these changes serve as a slap in the face and utter contradiction to everything that previous prophets like Benson, Kimball and all their predecessors taught; but they contradict the word of God found in scripture.
You can't have it both ways. You can't keep defending everything the brethren do, as if they cannot err, and yet ignore that they are contradicting the previous leaders and going against Joseph's teachings, as well as the word of the Lord.
Joseph Smith said, "Ordinances instituted in the heavens before the foundation of the world, in the priesthood, for the salvation of men, ARE NOT TO BE ALTERED OR CHANGED." (TPJS p. 308)
I don't see a caveat there. I don't see justification because something isn't culturally matter how many people in our day may be offended by what God is to remain.
Joseph also said:
"Now the purpose of Himself in the winding up scene of the last dispensation is that all things pertaining to that dispensation should be conducted precisely in accordance with the preceding dispensations...He set the temple ordinances TO BE THE SAME FOREVER AND EVER and set Adam to watch over them..." (History of the Church, vol 4, p. 208)
Temple ordinances are NOT to be changed. Period. We used to not even let one word be altered in the sacrament prayer, because we used to understand this "unalterable" concept that when it comes to isn't authorized to change them. This is the standard FOREVER.
You may try to sooth your soul by saying this was revelation. Well, then God has become a changing God. I do not believe in such a being. Joseph Smith even said it was impossible to have saving faith in a changing God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever when it comes to those things pertaining to the salvation of His children---the ordinances. Programs may come and go---but the ordinances are not to be altered to appease a faction of the church---no matter how popular that change may be to the given society. We are to conform or our thoughts and ways to God---not have Him conform to ours.
We lost much truth and light this week. The next generation will have no way to reclaim what has just been unrighteously removed until the Lord decides to enact His cleansing or we all repent.
Do you have the courage to print my comment without editing? I hope so. The message is important for those who have ears to hear. To any honest inquirer, who may be troubled by these changes: Ask yourself what could possibly be happening? What do such changes as these really mean? There are answers.
This is Iraq. I am not sure of your background - and I agree with you fundamentally (hopefully, that was not a double entendre...), but you have to realize that the original endowment as Joseph gave it involved several times more than what we currently have right now. I understand it was originally 6 hours or more long? It has been reduced significantly even in the days of Benson and Kimball. I happen to have it on good authority that they were both in communion with the Savior. So, if they were evil in not pushing back on the earlier changes - then what is it for us? At some point, you have to acknowledge that we have a Prophet at our head and that they will not be allowed to lead us astray. I think the biggest mistake made in the history of our Church was not supporting the mission of Joseph Smith completely (Nauvoo days) and then getting rid of polygamy. That was the critical change that killed us. Those who practiced it were a blessed people (if they could ever successfully pull it off) and were endowed with power from on high for their faithfulness. If ever we were under condemnation, it would seem it was from that and departing the Patriarchal Order with it's attendant "Power in the Priesthood". Anyway, this blog is not for debate - but I will say that I cannot really argue your points - other than to say that we will be blessed to follow the Lord's anointed and a majority of the Apostles/70's. Remember, we no longer follow Moses - because the Law which he gave out is no longer applicable today - yet was acutely applicable in the day it was given. Thus, we have continuing revelation. No where is the Endowment recorded in scripture - yet we have other prayers faithfully recorded and executed (with exceptions, as need dictates (wine/water). I would not doubt if we did not go back to the previous endowment narrative when the rainbow threat (telestial or lower animal element) is eliminated in the pre-Millennial purge and we can live higher principles of righteousness once again.
DeleteAnd yet Joseph Smith gave an assignment to the president of the Quorum of the 12 ( Brigham Young) to rework the endowment ceremony to maintain the ordinances and covenants and yet make it flow better.
DeleteMy own experience is that we all—myself included—tend to link traditions and physical components to the spiritual eternal aspects. An occasional wake up call to reset should be a welcome reassessment.
I find that the current ceremony has less physical distractions (that we clamor for in our attempts link ourselves to the spiritual) and we are then invited to be more spiritual...rather than build our own proverbial Tower of Babel.
You also mentioned the sacrament prayer. There was a time when it was fashionable to ad lib and pray for special blessings during this special occasion. Things got quite out of hand...not to mention long winded. So an official mandate requested a return to the pure ordinance.
If God intended that only the head of a dispensation could restore ordinances, then Joseph Smith would still be alive today in order to continue to “reveal all things through an holy ordinance.”
First poster: Seems like the snuffer mentality is alive and well. The brethren are wrong. They've fallen away. I know better then they do. Well, Judas fell away, and many other leaders have and will too, but so what? Proponents of this mentality never follow sequitur - if the majority of the brethren are wrong, has the priesthood been taken from the earth? We need another restoration? I don't think so. The keys are still here, even if those who wield them are imperfect. Are faithful members trying to repent and be Christlike going to be punished for going to the temple, even if the changes are "uninspired"? Nope. I guess the ordinances changed when we had the technology to make a video for the endowment? What, it's not possible to tweak things but keep the core intact? If nothing can ever change then it's all false because it's always changed. Flawed logic presented to appear as truth. Take Joseph Smith's quotes that literally and it's been false for a LONG time now. Yet, evidence abounds that Christ leads His church today and President Nelson is His prophet and mouthpiece. Go ahead and accuse members of blindly following, as it appears to you, and good luck on the road to apostasy.
ReplyDeletemy question to karen is what are you supposed to do? quit the the church? that has horrible results on many levels,
ReplyDeletePart 2 continued...
ReplyDeleteEvery aspect of what was in the temple ceremony was filled with purpose---even if it required a lifetime of searching to understand the veiled meaning. To eliminate numerous aspects of the ceremony, and change fundamental aspects of the covenant cannot be justified. The hope of the members is that the changes were truly given by the Lord as a direct revelation....and not as a result of years of focus group testing and opinion polling trends. (I happened to serve 2 years as a lay opinion poll taker for the church and I know for a fact that there were multiple inquiries into feminist topics and assessing the attitude of the membership on these matters).
Joseph Smith further taught:
"If any man preaches to you, doctrines contrary to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or the Book of Doctrine & Covenants, set him down as an imposter... Try them by the principles contained in the acknowledged word of God; if they preach, or teach, or practice contrary to that, disfellowship them; cut them off from among you as useless and dangerous branches."
Just a minor example of this contradiction to the scriptures, is the new elimination of Eve receiving her name from Adam. Read Genesis, and Moses and you will see she IS named both "woman" and "Eve" by Adam. There is a reason for this. There is a reason Adam is given dominion over all the earth, including her. (and dominion doesn't mean means caring for, serving and loving as Christ would). Instead of seeking to understand the eternal truth being played out in this, and understanding what God was doing with His family here on earth---we change the word of God to fit our fancy.
In respect to the ceremony, I will not discuss further examples of the changes---this was a minor one that serves to show the point.
While others may find this a day of rejoicing with the "faithful feminists" (an oxymoron?), I find it a day to weep for Zion. While you find it evidence that these men are prophets, seers and revelators, and are willing to die with your faith placed on that hill---I find it reason to query as to whether we are walking the same path of apostasy as Israel always seems to always take. Is the patterned repeating? Has the day come, as Isaiah lamented, that the eyes of the seers have been blinded?
Yes, sadly I have to agree with one of the comments above ... good luck on the road to apostasy.
ReplyDeleteInteresting points to be sure. My question is this: has anyone taken the matter straight to the lord instead of relying on reason, quotes, or the arm of flesh? Shouldn't we all hold to the iron rod (personal revelation) and inquire directly of the lord? Curious to know from him what his thoughts are on the matter. In the end that is truly the only thing that matters.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! The Lord has said that He would not allow His prophet and apostles to lead us astray before that would happen, He would take them from that position. The Lord will always be the at the head of His church and we need to seek our own personal revelation and confirmation it's back to the basics and we don't need to over think it or complicate it. It is what the Lord wants no matter what we may think to be logical . Don't over analyze it because we will lose the meaning of the Lord's work. His coming is soon and I expect there may be even more changes coming.
ReplyDeleteKaren—and anyone else who is trying to put the new wine in old skins: Luke says that when you keep drinking the old wine, you won’t want the new.