If you would like to contact this fellow, let me know and I can pass your information on to him. Mostly, I like to keep things anonymous:
The church seems to have followed the Jewish harvest pattern to date, and I think it will continue.
From Joseph Smith to Brigham Young we have the barley harvest. Barley is the first fruit characterized as weak, susceptible to damage from spring frosts, just like the early church was susceptible to damage as Joseph restored it.
With Brigham Young we entered the wheat harvest. This is the majority of the growing season for the church. It lasted the longest, and finishes up at the beginning of the grape harvest with the wheat offering in the temple. There was some pretty significant timing with the wheat offering and what happened in the last April conference. But I digress! The wheat and the tares grow together. The majority of the growth of the church happened during this time. So did the secret combinations.
When President Thomas S. Monson changed the missionary age, we entered the hastening of the work or hastened harvest. This is where the wheat is being laid up in store by some workers and ALL of the workers are waiting for the Lord of the vineyard to come and tell them it is time to harvest the grapes. This was called the hastened harvest because it had to happen fast or the grapes would turn. We're nearing the end of this phase by my estimation and the hastened harvest is winding down.
When the hastened grape harvest came to an end, it was also about time for the wheat offering in the temple. So you have the wheat offering, winding up of the olive harvest, and the beginning of the olive harvest all overlapping each other. That is where we are now in my estimation!
The next harvest, the Olive harvest, is about to kick in with a mighty shaking. The earth is already ramping up.
The olive harvest was characterized by the SHAKING of the trees to get the olives out. This is the part where the Lord preaches his own sermons, shakes the earth (olive tree) and collects the last people who will hear is voice. The trees are violently shaken to get the olives to fall so they can be gathered. ALL of the members of the church will be the gatherers because it will be unsafe to have missionaries serving outside of their home areas. This is the tribulation and the cleansing of America.
The tribulation is also the time where these olives are put under immense pressure to extract the pure olive or a pure remnant that will build Zion.
There is way more but this is Facebook and people who got this far are an anomaly!

In my opinion, President Nelson and others during April conference just put us on notice that we are leaving Egypt (Babylon) and that the new law is coming quickly, that the wheat offering has been or is about to be made, and grape harvest is just about over and the olive harvest is ramping up.
Why is this important? Because the restructuring and changes that were made at conference, and the ones that are coming next conference, are to deal with meeting the needs of the members of the church and the remaining people who are harvested. There just wasn't a whole lot said about missionary work last conference. I think this is because Ephraim's responsibility is just about complete. The wheat harvest is ending and the wheat offering will be made to the Lord. Missionary work will take on a different meaning. All members will be gatherers during the tribulation as the secret combinations and those who uphold them are destroyed and the remaining olives are harvested. But more importantly, as the Olive harvest shaking occurs, the people of the church need to to do two things to survive.
1. Take care of each other.
2. Do their family history and temple work so that family on the other side can provide support as well during very turbulent times. We will need every worthy man, woman, and child on both sides of the veil to survive the battle that we are now entering into with Lucifer and his followers. He will be completely unbound and have free reign for a short but intense time.
1. Take care of each other.
2. Do their family history and temple work so that family on the other side can provide support as well during very turbulent times. We will need every worthy man, woman, and child on both sides of the veil to survive the battle that we are now entering into with Lucifer and his followers. He will be completely unbound and have free reign for a short but intense time.
In my estimation, this conference was as earth shattering as the announcement of the hastening of the work. We have been put on notice that the wheat offering is about to be made, the olive harvest is complete, and that we should be prepared spiritually and physically for the great shaking of the olive harvest.
I would like to contact this guy. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting but there's a couple of times where the olive harvest is mentioned but I think the grape harvest was meant to be mentioned. It might need some proofreading and editing if I'm not mistaken.