Apparently, a Chinese delegation is in Moscow to convince them to help take on the USA militarily. The ONLY reason China is still playing ball with the USA is because they stand to make money off of us in sweet one-way deals.... Once Trump sours those deals by making them actually fair for both sides, China will go on the offensive. She has nothing to lose. Wars tend to consolidate power and galvanize people behind a leader they otherwise may not support:
Folks, the chips are starting to align and fall into place. And you know what?? As President Nelson said, I also am not naive as to what is coming - but I know the outcome will make anything in the interrim trivial by comparison. It will be hard for all the naysayers who have mocked me over the years to eat crow. I have just enough jerk in me (lack of charity), that you know I am going to ask the questions about what they think now that we have gone head to head with Russia/China and how they like that US CWII that has been prophesied for over a hundred years..... Likely, all I will hear is crickets.
As Mormons we are all pretty well aware of the Prophesies from Joseph which were extrapolated upon by Brigham Young, John Taylor, why is it hard for Mormons to see what is coming. We have the most information of any people on earth and I think very few take advantage of it. Maybe they are in states of denial.
ReplyDeleteGoes along with Sarah Menets near death experience... China and Russian troops invade.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of Sarah Menet's near death experience...the Russian and Chinese troops parachuting into the US. The future?