However, I am a little concerned about what is going on with England and Russia. One of the harbingers of badness to come kind of reared it's ugly head yesterday when things soured significantly over the whole spy poisoning thing the past few days. It came to a head with the death by strangulation of the second spy. Yesterday, Russia warned England that they are messing with a nuclear power (England is as well - but I would put my money on Russia any day - as they have not given in to national degradation, whether by trannies or the muzzy invasion of Londonistan....). Russia has declared themselves a Christian nation and have simply said that they will not tolerate any kind of terrorism. When there have been isolated incidents of school take-overs, etc - they just send the special forces in and wipe them out. Take no prisoners - no holds barred. Real men. The sissified garbage of the West does not even occur to them. Just go for it and git r dun....
So, if I were to gage the average SJW snowflake American "male" vs the average Russian man, my money is firmly planted with the Russian. Same thing in a battle of that joke of a prez we had in the whorehouse vs Putin. At least with Trump, I can firmly state that we once again have a male in the Whitehouse that will kick butt and take names, when it comes to American interests. I am not looking for overbearing here - just someone who will look out for the average American taxpaying individual.
So, I would tread lightly when it comes to England vs Russia, due to this statement. Indeed, with England throwing Russian diplomats to the curb yesterday, an escalation could well end with a quick blow of a bear paw to a lion's head....:

N.B. Lundwall refered to a prophecy by Joseph Smith concerning a sign of the times when the bear would put its paw upon the head of the lion. Do you have any information on this Gramps? Thanks.
Dear Reid,
An 1890 issue of the Juvenile Instructor records the prophecy you mention as well as an interpretation.
“Elder Jesse W. Fox, Sen., received the narration from Father Taylor, the father of the late President John Taylor. The old gentleman said that at one time the Prophet Joseph was in his house conversing about the battle of Waterloo, in which Father Taylor had taken part. Suddenly the Prophet turned and said, ‘Father Taylor, you will live to see, though I will not, greater battles than that of Waterloo. The United States will go to war with Mexico, and thus gain an increase of Territory. The slave question will cause a division between the North and the South, and in these wars greater battles than Waterloo will occur. But,’ he continued, with emphasis, “‘when the great bear (Russia) lays her paw on the lion (England) the winding up scene is not far distant.’“These words were uttered before there was any prospect of war with Mexico, and such a thing as division in the United States was never contemplated. Vet these fierce struggles came, and though Joseph himself was slain before they occurred, Father Taylor lived to witness some of the world’s most remarkable battles.“The struggle between the bear and the lion has not yet happened, but as surely as Joseph the Prophet ever predicted such an event so surely will it not fail of its fulfillment.” (Juvenile Instructor vol 25, no 6, pg 162).
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