People are not breaking enough stuff for me to have any good fun at work - but I can always have fun on the blog. Well today, someone from Spring Creek, NV (Elko) has been having fun with me in the comments. I am guessing she is female - or a severely suppressed male.... probably the jealous type. Well, I just happened to be moderating comments when her comment popped up. I was able to snapshot the meta-data on her and pinned who it is down. Always the same not-quite-snide cutting comments on my character or what I have to say. Fact is this person probably likes me (or what I have to say, at least) a lot.... No one attacks a guy over every single thing they say in regards to another female unless they have some feelings for them. Some women cannot help themselves. No, seriously. Probably a bored house-wife who is in danger themselves in their own relationship. I have observed it countless times. Remember - everything to me is a pattern. I really get my jollies out of picking them out - and pointing them out. I even have a great time pointing out my own flaws and patterns. People are predictable - and this is why the devil has a leg up on us since we are still in discovery mode in our second estate.... One of the best injunctions out there (inscribed on the Temple at Delphi) is, "Know Thyself" and "Nothing in Excess". Not quite like "Holiness to the Lord" and "The House of the Lord" - but it works for a "freedom-from-religion", pagan high school lit class, I guess.....
So here I go with my Trump-style callout to set the record straight. And it is about the only time you will ever see me give a troll the time of day. Even if their intentions appear to be good....
First of all: If you don't like it - no one forces you to read my drivel. Most of it is just that. So, leave it alone. It has always baffled me how people choose to persist in it. I watched the President the other night. First time in years - prolly since the days of Bush that I even wasted a moment on that stuff. Prior to that, I saw one part of a speech by the socialist in chief and never went back there. I have the same advice for you, if you are put off by what I have to say.
Second of all: A prophet of the Lord once said that if you look once, you are a man. Look twice you are a sinner.... Declaring that I have a smoking hot co-worker to my wife is no big deal when I think the same thing of her. If you only knew.... Neither of is smoke-worthy any more as we both start to sag and bulge a little more than we would like, but at the time - yowsa! For the both of us. If you persist in your Victorian-ness, you will likely find your man to be so stifled as to run from you. Holy smokes - some women can be so emotionally fragile as to have ZERO confidence that their man is going to run off on them, that they get clingy and actually end up driving the man away (my MIL was a prime example). A man likes a confident woman who takes care of herself, first of all and one who knows her worth to God and to any man worth his salt. My wife has always had the confidence to tell me when I am out of line and to know that if I had any problem with her (other than fixing issues related to her abuse), that I could go pound sand. I like a confident woman. I am confident in her fidelity - and I expect the same confidence in mine, from her even as we are apart for weeks at a time. One reason we can - is because we both waited and never pushed the boundaries the Lord set for us for each other. First test of a relationship (if your sweetie will cheat on you later, is if he/she wants to cheat the Lord prior to the relationship). No stripping cream before the last teat is dry, I always say....
Jealous women never have been for me. I routinely tell my wife if I think another woman is beautiful - and she the same on handsome men to me. I have no problem that she thinks that her favorite actor (Matthew McConaghey), is smoking hot. She says I used to look like him prior to my present dough-boy days.... First of all, I have confidence that she would not run off with him if she had the chance, because he is not me - and because she is not that way despite a poor track record of women in her near-term genetic line-up.... She has confidence - which is precisely what my mother did NOT have in her relationship in my father - and the VERY reason she was sent back on a special mission to come back to tell my dad that she was WRONG for being this way. I tell people ALL the time that they are beautiful, if I think they are. I was in the Air and Space Museum in DC a few summers ago and there was a woman in front of me with the most amazing long, straight brown hair. Could have been a Vidal model... I tapped her on the shoulder and told her that I thought her hair was amazing. In front of my girls. They have learned to be confident when they talk to others - and overcome their shyness because they see me just state what I think. It is a good thing. I say the same thing to men when I see something I like. People sense my genuine-ness and respond quite well to it.
One time, I actually told another married woman, "I luv ya". Well, that DID back-fire on me. She must have had feelings for me. After I pointed out that I loved her like a sister (agape love, not romantic love), I then pointed out that she needed to go back to the dwg board on her marriage and work some stuff out. I think she may have had some daddy issues from decades ago. So - people need to get over it. Calling me out as an adulterer or having that spirit because I actually believe Section 132 is still doctrine (though not practiced right now), is laughable. I have the spirit about me that will persist in the Millennium. You can admire a person of the opposite sex for their beauty - and not want to copulate with them..... Seriously. At least I can. Maybe it is just the engineer in me..... I know it did not work out so well for King David and others.... I happen to HEAVILY identify with Joseph of Egypt - and have lost a few coats in the process.
My guess is that people who sowed their wild oats in their youth can't comprehend normal, decent relationships because they went "there" every time someone paid them a compliment or was actually something other than genuine (had predatory, ulterior motives). Joseph Smith was genuine. So was the Savior.
So, I sense that you are a decent person - and your intentions are good. But please get over yourself and your hang-ups. Spencer takes appointments most afternoons. He is in SLC - if you don't mind the drive across the West Desert.... Also, you can thank me later when your husband gets to see the change in you. Jealousy is ugly - confidence is beautiful. The devil waxes off, God waxes on (See D&C 121 and watch the Karate Kid, if you did not get the hint).
Ok - rant off over and out. Charity back on.... :)
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