Could this really be happening. Okay - if I did indeed get the two week warning a week ago, Lord I can depart in peace knowing that my kids will not be slaves if they are successful in completing this vision.
My family's portion of the debt is nearly $300,000. Each family could buy a house - a really nice house - with that portion of our debt. This will make REAL and lasting cuts. My hopes is that it does NOT plunge us into a national recession or depression from cuts so drastic and so deep.
Cuts in beaurocracy along with cuts in taxes and so much else will make the economic engine roar. I am still pinching myself. It is like I am falling in love all over again..... Queue endorphins and mushy love songs.....
UPDATE: Reports in from boots on the ground in DC are that the Trumpsters once again outnumber the snowflakes/phaggots/confused LGBTers (that are having a queer bash in front of Pence's DC house in the burbs - what classless losers)/hipsters/millennials (with no jobs that have dropped their video game controllers for a few hours and emerged from their mother's basements)/or those who were laid off from useless and irrelevant rags like the New York Times or PBS and other irrelevant propaganda organs like CNN.....
Between the reeeaaal muricans that had to take a day off from a real job and a real life complete with mortgage, wife and kids to go see the melee - and the bikers for Donald who just rolled into town, I would love to see a good old fashioned rumble wherein the real men and the pussified wimps go at it. Game on.....
I actually wouldn't mind being there - but I have a real life to attend to, and I do not own a motorbike, whether it be a Yamaha or a Harley..... It would be fun to connect a tire iron directly with the mouth of a whining liberal or two, though. I have to say - I am fed up with their whining.....
And - I have to say - it is time to get in there and make this place great again!
Get in, phaggots - we ride!

Been praying for you Iraq. Love your posts. Praying for Trump too and the inauguration. Feeling so uneasy about it.... Hope you stay alive too.