Here is some more drone footage of just one of the sectors of the city that has been trashed (same as I have previously hosted - with my fave music):
And I was just telling my lead this afternoon that you have to find this stuff thru alternative channels because our press has pretty much blacked it out. The only way to know the whole story of what is going on is to go to RT news, or even the BBC. All the majors in America are locked up by just a few people who answer to the evil emperor, george (gonna be) sorryos....
So, the burden of Damascus has been that it is the only major historic world city that has not been trashed (at least up until the time Isaiah was alive). The burden is that you have to deal with the threat that you are statistically next in line. Kind of like being the last house on the block that the burglar has not hit, the only city in Fla not to be wiped clean by a major hurricane, or the 15 year old virginal girl in a small Mexican town..... You know that you are next, statistically speaking....
So, in the day that Damascus is a dusty, smoking pile - Ephraim shall lose her fortress. What exactly does that mean? You have to know of the double portion birthright blessing given to Joseph (one portion to Manasseh and one portion given to Ephraim - each of the sons of Joseph).
Here it is:
Now, those scrips that encapsulate the whole blessing is verses 22-26. That is your heritage if you are part of the branches of Joseph whose branches (posterity) run over the waters (the well) to the islands of the sea (virtually every island I am aware of other than maybe Japan - those of the house of Israel that were led there, are of Judah - so far as I know). The main concentration of the body of Joseph being in the British Isles and in the Americas. I have been waiting for some years now for Damascus to come under attack - because I know that we are next. America will finally have the "arrows" reach her - from those who have grieved sorely over her (not the Germans or Japanese in WWII). No one - up until now - has been able to hit us. Our time is short.
Now, for the part I have not before considered - and there may be duality in Isaiah 17 - as there is in almost every other case of his prophetic utterance. Ephraim, when we lose our fortress in America (probably due to limited nuclear missile strikes here), may well have the same thing happen to the ancestral area, as (I believe, based on Sarah Menet's writings), a nuke will fly out of Libya, striking Tel Aviv with fallout to the east. Right over Ephraim's area. For reference point, Joppa is the ancient core of the modern city of Tel Aviv (on the map below). I also find interesting that the area just north of Joppa/Tel Aviv is the land of Manasseh. Within Manasseh's borders is the famous area of Megiddo with the plain that "Armageddon" will take place on.
All of the above can now happen - as the doors have been thrown open on the prophetic word.
Here is a fascinating little listening for extra credit - for all of the over-achievers out there.....:
Folks, the Spirit has been bearing witness to me that we are there. We are FINALLY there.
When listening to the lecture above (given in 2012), think about how things have changed since then in Syria. We had NO idea that any of this stuff would happen in the past four years. We are coming to the end of the line, people. He is off (hopefully) about the radiation in Damascus. Who would have guessed that we would have a full-on proxy war of the US vs Syria/Russia? Impossible to guess - and yet here we are.
Before I get into the study of your studies, let me state for the record that Manasseh was a total A-Hole. That's why he's purposely not mentioned among the kings in the first chapter of Isaiah. He hunted Isaiah down until Isaiah was caught and sawn in half.
ReplyDeleteMan-ass-eh? May he rot in hell. Thanks, had to get that off my chest.
Sandy Jadeja, the most accurate predictor TO THE DAY of stock market chaos. Two dates ahead of us to watch out for he says.
ReplyDeleteSeptember 26 and October 20.