When you unleash truth, you will have the most fiery, demonic displays of hell come out from those who are UID (what I call Under the Influence of the Devil). I have seen it. Some of them even masquerading as neutral in the battle, some as mormons themselves. They will eventually manifest themselves in all their glory as the teeth-gnashing children of hell that they are. Not that they would not like to keep the masquerade up - it is just that they can no longer contain the wolf that lies under their woolly outer garments.
Those in Jesus' day, pious and solid on the outside, leading the populace gently down the primrose path to hell, could not contain themselves and finally erupted into a cacophony of "Crucify Him!" in the end, when they smelled blood. And in the irony of the aftermath of that vile event, they will have to rely on taking part in the very thing that they created - though, they will be the VERY LAST, OF THE VERY LAST who get to enjoy the fruits of that labor - possibly rubbing shoulders with Cain and other notorious "greats" from that ilk and filth of the human race that somehow managed to get a mortal tabernacle for a diminutive spirit. I have to say here that I sometimes marvel that someone must have been asleep at the post when assigning inheritances after the first third were cast out. Even some of the vilest nazis managed to blend in with the populace and escape Berlin in the final weeks and days before the fall to the Allies and the Russians...... And lived in Germany, Brazil, Argentina and even the USA until they were hunted down or died an ignominious death to meet their reward.
But I have been there many a time in my life as I have stood up to ridiculous notions and apostasy. I have witnessed quite amazing demonic hissings and displays that are reserved for endowment portrayals - and even more than that. The classic equivalent an adult tantrum when the narcissistic child of hell does not have their deluded way - and they are cast out into irrelevancy. Every child of hell knows that their plan and existence has a limited shelf life - and they know that if they fail in their mission, they have no recourse - no going back (because they refuse the cornerstone), just forward to a hellish end. They know that their "god" does not even have a body - and that they will never know joy, peace or have respite at any time in their tortured existence, so their reactions to failure can be quite the display. And then they return to their fornications, their drugs, their miseries and their failures and bide their times until death comes and they have their rewards for their mis-guided service to a dark and miserable power:
And though the graphics are crude for the day when the movie came out, the concept is spot on for those who have been there and come back to tell about it. It will not be pretty for those who have resisted repeated attempts to bring them into the light and warmth of Heaven's joy.
Here is the article that got me spun up:

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