Make no mistake about it, the forces of evil in this world will not siimply disappear because you are trying to bring light into a room. They will work VERY hard to extinguish your light. They won't simply fade away because you appear. Sometimes it is possible to convert darkness into light, if the forces of darkness are not too powerful, but many times, the forces of evil and darkness must be FOUGHT and destroyed. Remember even God himself drowned most of the human race during Noah's day, because light alone would not recover them from darkness. When the children of Israel, led by Joshua, entered the land of Canaan, they were commanded to destroy all the inhabitants of the land . . . because they were so far gone that they could not be recovered. In the coming days, as the world continues to descend into darkness that equals or surpasses that of the days of Noah, we must be prepared to fight the forces of evil and darkness because many, if not most, of them will not be converted by truth and light. Indeed, the worst offenders are those who once knew the light and rejected it.
Insightful - truly inspiring!!