Julie Rowe's Beyond the Veil Interview
notes are for only the last hour or so of her interview, but I will be
adding to them to complete the entire interview. I apologize in advance
if I misheard something. To listen to the entire interview, you can go
to this link: http://www.k-talk.com/index.php/archive/
Click on "Mills Crenshaw" and go about 30 radio shows down to "2014 0529 JULIE ROW A PROFOUND NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE."
Discussion on the callout... there will be a window of time and then camps will be locked – not to keep people in, but to keep people out. She discusses not missing the boat (think Noah and the ark)... normal people will have tent cities, but the LDS church will also have places of refuge and there will also be cities of light that will be different... in some of the cities of light there were large white tent/tabernacles... cities of light are different than the places of refuge the church organizes. Everyone plays a role in these camps... purpose is to get people ready for Christ’s return.
Several anti-Christs that have already been on earth, Cain being the first… there will be more. There will be one man in particular who will appear to perform many miracles that will woo the people and many members will be deceived. Dark hair, clean cut, raising in the ranks of political power, slim build, face was blurred, she does not know who it was but will recognize him when she sees him … she sees him shaking hands with an Arab man whose face was not blurred, but she did not recognize, and he was wearing white turban. This anti-Christ is rising in the ranks of political power now.
She saw her husband on patrol (protecting tent cities?) on horseback. She has not been given dates. She saw herself and family traveling to camps (callout/gathering) and her husband currently has dark hair (thinning on top) with some gray, but in the scene she was shown him patrolling the camps, he had about the same amount of hair. Her children appeared to be approaching the ages they are now or just a little ahead in the future.
Not all animals go to Heaven. Some animals are nicer than others. Animals have their agency. If we want puppies to be our pets in Heaven, we need to treat them well – they must want to be our pets – it is a mutual agreement between us and them.
There will be general places of refuge set up but cities of light are different. There will be an invitation to heed the words of our prophet and go to these camps… there will still be hardships, but protection, ministering of angels, etc if we are heeding gospel principles, listening to the prophet, etc. in these camps.
Most important is to be prepared spiritually. Will we be able to leave behind friends, family, jobs, big houses, cars, etc? We will be asked to make these sacrifices. Many will not be able to leave, and will make the choice to NOT leave regardless that the prophet has invited them to.
Originally we have been asked to get 7 years of food storage but the Lord knows we are not ready and so He has simplified that request a lot. The stories of Joseph in Egypt and Noah’s ark have INCREDIBLE significance to our day.
Pay attention to what’s going on and listen to your leaders and most importantly, take heed and pray and ask the Lord what you need to specifically do for your family and community. There will be major earthquakes in the Wasatch front, major flooding, dams broken, water coming up from below. All of Utah will be affected, but mostly the Wasatch front.
Is there a decent president coming up or a traitor? There has not been a decent president for a while. Things will not get better. We need to do everything we can to defend truth and light and defend the Constitution. Gadiantons are alive and well. Good news is the boys from the mountain will come down and rescue the Constitution.
Will dogs always remain dogs? Yes. We are created to be the intelligences we are. We were created male and female in the pre-existence. That never changes.
Asteroid or comet to hit the earth? Yes, she saw a huge fireball hit the earth and it is part of the cleansing process. She cannot answer WHEN but read scriptures and ask for additional light and knowledge concerning this. We need to focus on heeding the work and not the devastation that is coming.
Fancy homes and cars will not mean a lot. We all have our attachments to things – it is human nature. Hard part for Julie is not leaving material possessions behind, but rather journals, photos, etc… What are our priorities? Jewelry, nice clothes don’t matter – what matters is do I have warm clothes to wear when sleeping outside in 20 degree weather? We do have time to prepare. It could happen within a year from now, or five years. But we don’t want to delay preparation.
We need to be politically involved or we will be slaves. Those who don’t go to camps, for whatever reason… the privacy issues within government will get much worse. We haven’t seen anything yet. Camping with protection from church leadership looks gloriously easy and much nicer than the alternative.
Did Christ have children? She does know answer but cannot answer that question.
We need to do everything we can do to get out of debt in every way as the Lord is hastening His work.
Banks will close, economy will collapse, dollar will diminish in value. (From what she said previously, bartering system will be utilized eventually.)
She is grateful for opportunity, was hesitant to go on the radio only because they are hard topics of a sacred nature but the Lord has asked her to share.

Click on "Mills Crenshaw" and go about 30 radio shows down to "2014 0529 JULIE ROW A PROFOUND NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE."
Discussion on the callout... there will be a window of time and then camps will be locked – not to keep people in, but to keep people out. She discusses not missing the boat (think Noah and the ark)... normal people will have tent cities, but the LDS church will also have places of refuge and there will also be cities of light that will be different... in some of the cities of light there were large white tent/tabernacles... cities of light are different than the places of refuge the church organizes. Everyone plays a role in these camps... purpose is to get people ready for Christ’s return.
Several anti-Christs that have already been on earth, Cain being the first… there will be more. There will be one man in particular who will appear to perform many miracles that will woo the people and many members will be deceived. Dark hair, clean cut, raising in the ranks of political power, slim build, face was blurred, she does not know who it was but will recognize him when she sees him … she sees him shaking hands with an Arab man whose face was not blurred, but she did not recognize, and he was wearing white turban. This anti-Christ is rising in the ranks of political power now.
She saw her husband on patrol (protecting tent cities?) on horseback. She has not been given dates. She saw herself and family traveling to camps (callout/gathering) and her husband currently has dark hair (thinning on top) with some gray, but in the scene she was shown him patrolling the camps, he had about the same amount of hair. Her children appeared to be approaching the ages they are now or just a little ahead in the future.
Not all animals go to Heaven. Some animals are nicer than others. Animals have their agency. If we want puppies to be our pets in Heaven, we need to treat them well – they must want to be our pets – it is a mutual agreement between us and them.
There will be general places of refuge set up but cities of light are different. There will be an invitation to heed the words of our prophet and go to these camps… there will still be hardships, but protection, ministering of angels, etc if we are heeding gospel principles, listening to the prophet, etc. in these camps.
Most important is to be prepared spiritually. Will we be able to leave behind friends, family, jobs, big houses, cars, etc? We will be asked to make these sacrifices. Many will not be able to leave, and will make the choice to NOT leave regardless that the prophet has invited them to.
Originally we have been asked to get 7 years of food storage but the Lord knows we are not ready and so He has simplified that request a lot. The stories of Joseph in Egypt and Noah’s ark have INCREDIBLE significance to our day.
Pay attention to what’s going on and listen to your leaders and most importantly, take heed and pray and ask the Lord what you need to specifically do for your family and community. There will be major earthquakes in the Wasatch front, major flooding, dams broken, water coming up from below. All of Utah will be affected, but mostly the Wasatch front.
Is there a decent president coming up or a traitor? There has not been a decent president for a while. Things will not get better. We need to do everything we can to defend truth and light and defend the Constitution. Gadiantons are alive and well. Good news is the boys from the mountain will come down and rescue the Constitution.
Will dogs always remain dogs? Yes. We are created to be the intelligences we are. We were created male and female in the pre-existence. That never changes.
Asteroid or comet to hit the earth? Yes, she saw a huge fireball hit the earth and it is part of the cleansing process. She cannot answer WHEN but read scriptures and ask for additional light and knowledge concerning this. We need to focus on heeding the work and not the devastation that is coming.
Fancy homes and cars will not mean a lot. We all have our attachments to things – it is human nature. Hard part for Julie is not leaving material possessions behind, but rather journals, photos, etc… What are our priorities? Jewelry, nice clothes don’t matter – what matters is do I have warm clothes to wear when sleeping outside in 20 degree weather? We do have time to prepare. It could happen within a year from now, or five years. But we don’t want to delay preparation.
We need to be politically involved or we will be slaves. Those who don’t go to camps, for whatever reason… the privacy issues within government will get much worse. We haven’t seen anything yet. Camping with protection from church leadership looks gloriously easy and much nicer than the alternative.
Did Christ have children? She does know answer but cannot answer that question.
We need to do everything we can do to get out of debt in every way as the Lord is hastening His work.
Banks will close, economy will collapse, dollar will diminish in value. (From what she said previously, bartering system will be utilized eventually.)
She is grateful for opportunity, was hesitant to go on the radio only because they are hard topics of a sacred nature but the Lord has asked her to share.

can you get notes from her Dallas area meeting last week?