Bad government ideas will always end in collapse
It will end for a very simple reason: All the systems of government bloat
and incompetence that have been put in place by the radical anti-American
extremists currently in office will inevitably end in collapse.
Almost every socialist idea put forth by the Obama administration is a future collapse in the making. Obamacare, for example, is such a horribly awful and stupid idea that now almost 4 out of 5 Obamacare enrollees are receiving government subsidies. This means the government is confiscating money from the working class, then handing that money over to the health insurance companies in order to create the illusion that health insurance is "affordable" for those who are subsidized.
It's difficult to fathom a more ill-conceived and inherently dishonest idea, which is probably why even its own architect Jonathan Gruber admitted last year that Obamacare was only passed due to the stupidity and gullibility of the "American voter," in his own words.
This is the essence of Big Government, socialism and the nanny state: Every big new promise only leads toward a disastrous new failure a few years down the road. Because let's face it: any system that encourages people to sign up for more and more handouts while punishing small business owners with onerous, mandatory "sick care" penalties that are really just crony government handouts to insurance companies and pharmaceutical factories is doomed to fail... disastrously.
When all this fails, who will you have to depend on? Yourself, your family and your local community.
Almost every socialist idea put forth by the Obama administration is a future collapse in the making. Obamacare, for example, is such a horribly awful and stupid idea that now almost 4 out of 5 Obamacare enrollees are receiving government subsidies. This means the government is confiscating money from the working class, then handing that money over to the health insurance companies in order to create the illusion that health insurance is "affordable" for those who are subsidized.
It's difficult to fathom a more ill-conceived and inherently dishonest idea, which is probably why even its own architect Jonathan Gruber admitted last year that Obamacare was only passed due to the stupidity and gullibility of the "American voter," in his own words.
This is the essence of Big Government, socialism and the nanny state: Every big new promise only leads toward a disastrous new failure a few years down the road. Because let's face it: any system that encourages people to sign up for more and more handouts while punishing small business owners with onerous, mandatory "sick care" penalties that are really just crony government handouts to insurance companies and pharmaceutical factories is doomed to fail... disastrously.
When all this fails, who will you have to depend on? Yourself, your family and your local community.
2015 is the year you need to realize Big Government won't rescue anyone in the long run
That's why 2015 is the Year of Self-Reliance. This is the year you
need to learn how to grow at least some of your own food. This is the year you
need to divest your assets away from the dollar so that you don't get wiped in a
potential currency war against America (which will be waged by Russia and China,
of course).
This is the year you need to enhance your economic independence in any way you can... find ways to survive even if your pension fund or bank account balances get raided by the very institutions that claim to be "protecting" them.
I'm not saying everything is going to collapse in 2015. Far from it, actually: this slow collapse we've already entered may take years to fully unravel. It may unfold as a steady deterioration of your purchasing power. For example, what happens if each year your retirement pension check is cut by 20% while food prices rise 20%? If you follow that math, in about 3.5 years, food prices will have doubled while your pension check will have been cut in half. This means your total purchasing power will have been cut to about one-fourth of what it was.
This is the year you need to enhance your economic independence in any way you can... find ways to survive even if your pension fund or bank account balances get raided by the very institutions that claim to be "protecting" them.
I'm not saying everything is going to collapse in 2015. Far from it, actually: this slow collapse we've already entered may take years to fully unravel. It may unfold as a steady deterioration of your purchasing power. For example, what happens if each year your retirement pension check is cut by 20% while food prices rise 20%? If you follow that math, in about 3.5 years, food prices will have doubled while your pension check will have been cut in half. This means your total purchasing power will have been cut to about one-fourth of what it was.
The government is lying with statistics
Official government statistics, of course, will claim everything's fine.
The inflation you see with your own two eyes in the grocery store will be
dismissed by a desperate government, then obfuscated through "fuzzy inflation
math" that claims everything is still affordable (even when it isn't). The
website known as Shadow Stats reveals charts showing the real statistics
the government is trying to hide. Check out these pages:
Real inflation vs. "official" inflation:
Real unemployment vs. "official" unemployment:
Real GDP vs. "official" GDP: (hint: the U.S. economy is shrinking)
Of course, there are always those who choose to live in denial of economic reality. Even right now, some people are saying, "Well gee, the stock market is at an all-time high!" Or, "Gasoline is cheap! That's good for everyone!"
But they fail to realize the stock market is being pumped up by fiat currency creation at the Fed, which is simultaneously stealing purchasing power from U.S. workers while angering foreign debt holders which are increasingly looking at ways to dump the petro dollar and crush what they describe as an "evil U.S. empire." (Look at Russia's recent declaration that the USA is a "threat.")
Low gasoline prices, meanwhile, are a temporary side effect of a contrived currency war being waged against Russia and Venezuela by U.S. and Saudi interests. It is not a sign of a healthy economy; it's a sign that international tensions are approaching a point of criticality. Once the political aims of the artificially low oil prices are achieved, you can fully expect prices to whipsaw back to new highs.
Real inflation vs. "official" inflation:
Real unemployment vs. "official" unemployment:
Real GDP vs. "official" GDP: (hint: the U.S. economy is shrinking)
Of course, there are always those who choose to live in denial of economic reality. Even right now, some people are saying, "Well gee, the stock market is at an all-time high!" Or, "Gasoline is cheap! That's good for everyone!"
But they fail to realize the stock market is being pumped up by fiat currency creation at the Fed, which is simultaneously stealing purchasing power from U.S. workers while angering foreign debt holders which are increasingly looking at ways to dump the petro dollar and crush what they describe as an "evil U.S. empire." (Look at Russia's recent declaration that the USA is a "threat.")
Low gasoline prices, meanwhile, are a temporary side effect of a contrived currency war being waged against Russia and Venezuela by U.S. and Saudi interests. It is not a sign of a healthy economy; it's a sign that international tensions are approaching a point of criticality. Once the political aims of the artificially low oil prices are achieved, you can fully expect prices to whipsaw back to new highs.
Be ready for systems to start failing in 2015
My point in all this is to emphasize the importance of being more
self-reliant. From this day forward, we all need to be ready for systems to
start failing or eroding.
Throughout this year, you're going to see many examples of systems breaking down. It might be increasingly difficult to take cash out of your bank account, or harder to find fresh almonds in the grocery store, or even more difficult to navigate how your health insurance actually works.
2015 is a year where you're going to see more hospitals experiencing more disastrous billing errors, longer wait times for medical procedures and longer hold times on the phone when you try to call a government department to get answers. This is the year you'll really start to notice how bloated big government is starting to fall apart at the seams. You'll have tax questions that nobody can answer... not even your accountant. You'll have insurance problems that nobody can solve. And you might even be fined, arrested or even imprisoned for doing something that used to be totally normal such as collecting rainwater on your own property or growing veggies in your own yard (or even letting your children play "unsupervised" at a city park).
As these systems fall apart, you will need to rely more and more on decentralized, distributed systems in order to thrive. What are decentralized, distributed systems? Simply put, these are systems which do not depend on centralized, top-down systems of control.
Some examples:
• Your local farmer's market
• Bartering with your neighbor
• Collecting your own rainwater
• Open source software
• Going solar (off grid systems)
• Local naturopathic health clinics
• Local church communities
• Backyard chickens
• Heating with a wood stove
• Food canning and at-home preservation
• Firearms competency and safety
• Home schooling
• Home gardening
• Growing your own herbal medicine (and making your own herbal tinctures)
These are all examples of the kind of things we aim to share and teach in 2015. Not because the topics are "cool" but because you will need to know this stuff as the systems we've all learned to rely on begin to unravel and fail.
This focus is far beyond mere "preparedness." This is also about living sustainably, in harmony with the land and the resources it offers. It's about living within our means at every level: economic, agricultural, environmental and so on. This is why you'll see a lot of focus this year on permaculture and sustainable food production techniques.
I'll also be launching some breakthrough food and medicine production technology at the new website www.FoodRising.org
Watch for all this and more at www.NaturalNews.com
Throughout this year, you're going to see many examples of systems breaking down. It might be increasingly difficult to take cash out of your bank account, or harder to find fresh almonds in the grocery store, or even more difficult to navigate how your health insurance actually works.
2015 is a year where you're going to see more hospitals experiencing more disastrous billing errors, longer wait times for medical procedures and longer hold times on the phone when you try to call a government department to get answers. This is the year you'll really start to notice how bloated big government is starting to fall apart at the seams. You'll have tax questions that nobody can answer... not even your accountant. You'll have insurance problems that nobody can solve. And you might even be fined, arrested or even imprisoned for doing something that used to be totally normal such as collecting rainwater on your own property or growing veggies in your own yard (or even letting your children play "unsupervised" at a city park).
As these systems fall apart, you will need to rely more and more on decentralized, distributed systems in order to thrive. What are decentralized, distributed systems? Simply put, these are systems which do not depend on centralized, top-down systems of control.
Some examples:
• Your local farmer's market
• Bartering with your neighbor
• Collecting your own rainwater
• Open source software
• Going solar (off grid systems)
• Local naturopathic health clinics
• Local church communities
• Backyard chickens
• Heating with a wood stove
• Food canning and at-home preservation
• Firearms competency and safety
• Home schooling
• Home gardening
• Growing your own herbal medicine (and making your own herbal tinctures)
These are all examples of the kind of things we aim to share and teach in 2015. Not because the topics are "cool" but because you will need to know this stuff as the systems we've all learned to rely on begin to unravel and fail.
This focus is far beyond mere "preparedness." This is also about living sustainably, in harmony with the land and the resources it offers. It's about living within our means at every level: economic, agricultural, environmental and so on. This is why you'll see a lot of focus this year on permaculture and sustainable food production techniques.
I'll also be launching some breakthrough food and medicine production technology at the new website www.FoodRising.org
Watch for all this and more at www.NaturalNews.com
- shows how far off track govs have gotten
Sobering and true to the point of trying to fight off being paralyzed with fear. God help us all! PLEASE!