Well, it got worserer than that.... I bolted for the tunnels that course under the factory so I couldn't be picked out of a crowd by her and then up four flights of stairs to meet my (female) boss for our apptmt I thought I was gong to be late for, so I could check to see if she was wearing high heels or flat soled shoes..... I stop to catch my breath so I am not huffing when I roll into the manager's office, and see a former lead coming up to me with his entire face broken out in postules and (being the germ freak I am) and not wanting him to get in my personal space until I was assured he was not contagious, I blurt out, "Dude, what is up with the small-pox on your face?!?"..... Sure enough, it was worse than the bathroom incident - his response, "Sorry about that, I had a reaction to my chemo drugs." I had not seen him in six months and he then spent the next five minutes telling me about how he had been MIA for spine cancer where it ate the bones and his back collapsed so they had to go in and cut the bones out and put rods in so that the pain was not so bad that he just wanted to die. Yep - I felt that small (picture sub-atomic particles here...).
ended up being five minutes late to my Performance Eval because I was
not going to blow him off in the middle of his sob story after the full
torpedo assault on the suffering (former) friend..... Yep - and the day
even got worse than that. To the point that I was just insanely
laughing to myself while rocking in my office chair..... Wow - good
thing days like those are only every other week, or so....
so we have this "situation" where someone in mfg majorly screwed up and
we will have to retrofit the entire fleet because of an oversight, so
my second level manager rolls in to get a status as I am writing this FB
post ^^^ at the end of my shift and
blasting "Paradise" by Coldplay on my laptop speakers trying to calm my
nerves. Last time I saw him, I was working with him on some sonic
vibration issues when he was a first level manager on the tailcone
structures. I thought he was still in the same capacity and was not in a
position to sign next year's raise (or not, as the case will probably
be....) based on the PE that I had just bombed a few hours earlier after
potentially sharing the bathroom with my first level manager..... So
after a bunch of questions about the mess we were trying to fix, I
announce that I am going to take the train from here on out - as a way
of saying I am bagging flying..... He takes me seriously and I announce
that I always like to freak the flying public out, telling them war
stories during takeoffs and landings..... He then asks a few more
questions and disappears. I ask my colleague why the tailcone manager
was asking questions about our cargo handling structures mess - answer,
"Oh, that is our new second level manager"..... Yep, just torpedoed all
my management structure relationships in a single 14 hour shift....
Man, I could use a palm tree, a nice beverage and some time in the sand
of Mexico..... That would just be Paradise....
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