Well, the jury is out on Denver Snuffer. Apparently, there is a Stake President out there who does not like what Denver has to say...... His book about the Second Comforter, I bought and never read it. My wife did - and liked it. I was looking for more salacious material - it did not provide that after a quick perusal. I was looking for blog material and further light and knowledge on how to receive that Second Witness - the personal visitation of the Savior, himself. I got much more on the process of receiving the Second Comforter from Iohanni Wolfgramm's biography. I just lent my only copy out to a dynamic couple (and blog buddies) who hail from West Jordan, UT. I have treasures - and that book is one of them that I will most likely keep in a fire-proof safe since it is limited material.
If this self-published letter is correct - and Denver then makes his speaking circuit right before General Conference, as planned - Denver may get the boot for insubordination and proceeding with a stated goal, directly at variance to what the Stake Presidency has asked in the letter.
I admire a guy for speaking/acting on principle - but he really is treading on thin ice here. I just checked my calendar to see if a visit would be possible to see him - I would LOVE to hear the whisperings of the Holy Spirit as Denver speaks. I have listened to a tape - and the jury is still out on the man. One of the last posts he wrote that caused a major ????? in my mind, was how he said that we will know what he has spoken is true is when the sign of the coming of the Son of Man appears soon in the heavens - just as comet Ison made its appearance..... Interesting to say the least.
May Denver simply do the RIGHT THING - whatever that may be.
Here is the link - and I have to say, I hope his medicine goes down easier than mine did and may the probe be flexible and warm......

I don't read a lot of Denver's stuff but what I have read is kind of off in my humble opinion. I know he has quite a following and I don't doubt that he has had many amazing spiritual experiences.
ReplyDeleteI think of him as a modern day Sydney Rigdon. Follow this line of thinking with me for a moment. Sydney experienced seeing the Lord in the Kirtland Temple. He saw with Joseph what was expressed in D&C 76... I can go on. Sydney was an amazing man. Sydney wasn't humble! Sydney kicked himself out of the church. Sadly he could have been much more if he would have followed Brigham Young.
Denver may want to respect his local church leaders and do as they wish him to do. This is a test for Denver. I hope he makes it. I still hold out hope for brother Sydney as well. He was a good man. I hope he has repented.
Pride is what most likely will bring me down as well. I do battle with my own pride and it has almost cost me everything that I hold dear. With lessons from history we need to learn that even when we think we are right it is better to hold your tongue and wait for God to clear the way. His will is what his stake presidency is doing. Don't steady the ark! Gods work will stand on its own.
Pray for Brother Denver Snuffer! All things will be revealed in a short time.
I think you have itchy ears, Iraq! The 2nd Comforter book may not be what you want to hear, but it might just be what you need to hear.
ReplyDeleteIt's been fascinating for me to see responses to Snuffer. This is a case where you really see how much people have been brainwashed by the 'Follow the Prophet' mantra (yes, I used the term brainwash deliberately). LDS have lost the idea of common consent and discipleship. Free agency is completely understood.
When we look at the scriptures, the Lord has quite purposefully used men outside the community power structure and hierarchy to accomplish His purposes. Instead of thinking of this as a test for Snuffer (it may very well be), we can also think of it as a test for US. We like to think of ourselves as more enlightened than fallen people of bygone eras, but it seems to me we make the SAME mistakes as they. Times change, but people don't. I really don't think most LDS *really believe* the scriptures apply to them, at least beyond trivial things.
Funny thing is, I found nothing terrible in his book 'Passing the Heavenly Gift'. It did bring something to my attention I never before understood or noticed, and for that I am grateful.
ReplyDelete'Free agency is completely MISunderstood.'