Friday, September 29, 2023


 Doing so could save your life:

The following is a story from the personal journal of Canute Peterson, my 2nd great grandfather who was the first Stake President and Patriarch for over 20 years in Ephraim Utah until his passing in 1902. He also helped found Snow College and a leader building the Manti Temple. He knew Joseph, and convinced many Scandinavian saints to follow Brigham and not others claiming authority. 

Recently, when President Nelson was dedicating the ground for the Ephraim temple, he asked if there were any descendants of Canute Peterson and no one raised their hand in the audience. However, I gladly raised my hand at home as he said, then do your family history! Which made me smile. May we always remember when we partner with the Lord, all things are possible!

While Canute was serving a 7-year mission in Norway in 1853, testifying boldly of our Savior Jesus Christ he wrote:

"It was now my duty to return [from Denmark] to Christiania [Norway] – my field of labor.

The winter was very severe and the harbor of Copenhagen was frozen out  for miles.


The Brethren therefore suggested that I return through Sweden. Having no  money, I would have been obliged to walk the whole way. This would have  been hundreds of miles through deep snow, and the weather was very severe.


The thought of this journey made me feel very low spirited and downcast,  and I went down to the hall where the Saints were staying to try to cheer up.

About 9 o’clock while I was enjoying myself, I felt a heavy hand strike me  on the shoulder from behind. On turning around to my astonishment I saw  that it was Captain Thoreson [of a shipping vessel].

He told me what had happened, and why he  came for me. He said, “The next morning after you and your company had left me, I was lying in my [bed].

To my great astonishment, I saw a very fine looking man standing on the floor. He was drest in white, and his clothes were of peculiar fashion. He  called me by name. He then said, “Go to Copenhagen and get my servant, Canute Peterson and take him back with you to Norway.” He then  disappeared.

[I did not.] Evening came and we were still not loaded [to go].

“The next morning when I awoke it was broad daylight and I hastened to  dress myself. While sitting on the edge of the [bed] to put on my stockings,  I looked up, and there before me stood that same person. “He raised his  hand and pointing to me said, Captain Thoreson if you do not go to  Copenhagen and get my servant Canute Peterson, you will surely be  wrecked and lose your life.” Then he vanished. 


Canute: Now we sailed in sight of shore until nightfall... [However] the vessel could not be turned against the the wind as we  desired. Then we had to turn opposite way, which all the time brought us  nearer and nearer the shore. And we soon found that we were in great  danger of being dashed to pieces.

Realizing our great danger, I went down into the cabin and tried to offer up a  word of prayer. I came up on the deck, and still our condition was very  precarious. After a few moments I returned to pray again, and this time my  prayer was answered.  

When I came on deck, the Captain, being fully aware that I had been praying  said, “This time it helped, for see, the wind is coming from the shore.” A  very favorable breeze now helped us to pass this dangerous point, and on we  sailed toward our destination without any further hindrance or delay.

When everything became pleasant the Captain said, “Now I can see where  the danger laid, and I think where my grave would have been if I had  disobeyed!”

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


I got into it with a pro-rainbow lady on FB who a "Latter-day Aint".  Her profile is full of rainbow flags, etc.  I had a co-worker from SLC that left the Church a few years ago over the vackseen thing as well as her support for a "lesbian" daughter.  She was looking for an excuse.  I told her so and asked her how she will deny the Book of Mormon's witness - and she cut off communication with me.  No one likes the truth.  Her downward trajectory was also started with her husband's need for medical marijuana for some intense back pain he was in after a botched surgery.  He was looking for an excuse and then took down his wife.  Very sad.

Here is the bottom line: God cares only about our obedience to Him.  Not to our wives, our children, society, gubmints and He absolutely does not want us following "our own truth", which I call "the vain imaginations of our own minds (or hearts)".  We read about obedience tests given in the scriptures and even Joseph Smith would resort to them when surrounded by wolves.  Peter was pushed to the limit to see where his loyalty limit was; and found it on the third crow of the rooster. Some of the rules on the mission were simply obedience tests and had varying degrees of common sense applied to them.  The missionaries that saw the greatest blessings were the most obedient and executed directives with exactness.  Those that were slothful, saw little to no miraculous outpouring.  If so, it was in spite of them.  The hardest driving missionary I knew was one who had repented mightily (was a stoner/womanizer type) whose girlfriend at the time found out he was a Mormon and he was asked about what a Mormon was.  Of course the Book of Mormon came up and she asked to read it.  She did, became convinced of it's truthfulness and insisted they quit sleeping together and that he start going to church.  He cut his hair, cleaned up his act and soon was on a mission with the promise that she would wait.  While in the MTC, he had a mighty change of heart and committed himself to God.  He determined that he would be a warrior for God - in part to atone for his slothful life before.  He was a sight to behold.  I worked like a dog (to the point my Mission Pres asked me to throttle it back a few times because my comps were complaining) - but this guy made me look like a slacker when we would go out on splits!  I could barely keep up with him and he was throttling back to be nice to me.  He would get up an hour or more before the wakeup hour of 6:30am just to cook a massive 3000 calorie breakfast and to work out on weights he dragged everywhere he went.  Over the top!  But, he set a personal goal to baptize 100 people in the final three months of his mission.  And he made that goal.  He was way behind coming into the last several weeks, but God knew better and he was shown a family patriarch to teach.  The man had incredible influence in that family and said that the whole clan (down to grandkids that were of age, were to be baptized) and I believe that came to 66 people.  He ended up with just over his goal.  I have never seen anything like it.  An amazing feat!   An amazing guy!

His secret was:

  • prayer, 
  • setting goals - as directed by the Spirit, 
  • being obedient with exactness (not Pharisaically; to be seen of men - but like Nephi of old, who went and did as the Lord commanded because he wanted to please God and not necessarily man) and 
  • depending on the Lord as if your life depended on it.
Simple recipe.  Great results every time.  This can work with anything from building a house to raising a family to being just a great overall person who gets the most bang for their buck out of life.

But my main point is that mostly what I am seeing is that people leaving the Church are people who are weak (of course) and struggling with chastity or WoW issues where those things have become their gods over God.  Often, they will convince their spouse that a little pornography will "spice" up the sex life, a little swinging will "add some variety" or that the marijuana or a coffee in the morning will really help them along.  As with everything that is addictive, it usually never ends there and the sex or the intoxicant just keeps ramping up to the next big thing until it is untenable.  Is sex bad?  Nope!  Is a cup of Joe bad?  Just one?  Probably not.  Is one hit of cocaine necessarily bad?  One video game?  One half hour on the computer looking at pornography?  Nope - probably will not kill you physically or spiritually.  But, it never ends with just one.   Addictive behavior is simply addictive.  Of all that, sexual sin is the trickiest - because we are sexual beings with programming to procreate - but we have been given defined bounds to keep things from getting out of control.  As I always say - if we can keep the Genie in that particular bottle in this life, we will be given more ability to use this power in the next phase.  If not, it will be taken from us the very "talent" we were given in this life.  If we abuse it by NOT using it (to save the planet or because kids are just plain inconvenient - or any other contrived excuse), then we are also in danger of the Judgment (fall short or go too far - it is about hitting the mark).

But the objective is to let NOTHING get in the way of our relationship with God.  If it is a kid that somehow has decided that they think they are gay, or the spouse decided that they were going their own way with the Gospel and wanted me to come along, my first impulse would be to tell them to repent.  If they did not, I would tell them where they can meet me (after their phase of rebellion).

ALWAYS; God first.

Monday, September 18, 2023


 I have not shared this except with my wife.  But it needs to be disseminated.  A very necessary step.

All I can say is that this is sublime.  I made a pretty big mistake as a youth.  I needed to confess and repent.  I really remember being harrowed up.  I was allowed to go through the wringer for it.  This is the learning process and why daily and even hourly repentance is so necessary.  The outcome of it all was that I was cleansed and given the confirming stamp of approval from God (do not get me wrong, I have made innumerable serious goof ups since then, to the point that I can just picture Father shaking His head in disbelief in my long term prospects as a son of thunder…

The first event was an overwhelming dream wherein I woke and I had been crying.  My pillow was literally soaked.  It felt like it had been doused with cups and cups of water.  I had been pleading my case in front of Jesus.  I felt a huge sense of overwhelming joy.  The only thing close in my life was the night our kid died of SIDS, when I am positive he had just been in the presence of Jesus and then came to see us.  The love could not be adequately described in the human language from that night before we found him the next morning.

After the pillow soaking experience, I remember being drunk in the overwhelming joy of love that pervaded me for days.  I was so concerned that I finally confided in my lovely older (60ish) Seminary teacher because I did not know what had come over me.  I thought something was seriously wrong and while I could concentrate and function at school, I felt somewhat lost in emotion/love and realized I could not live in the world in this state forever.  I experienced the dichotomy of being in the world but not of it.  This as a 17 year old.  My seminary teacher cried, she was so happy to hear my tale.  We hugged.  She assured me I was fine.  One of the dumbest things I have done (multiple times now) was to attempt to suppress these gifts so I could operate “normally” in the world.  It is offensive to the Spirit to do so.  It is a rejection of epic proportions.

Around this time, I was tasked with helping set up YW/YM Summer Youth Conference.  I was on a Stake Committee to plan it.  I remember working with Brother Adair and Brother Litchfield to secure food, entertainment and to prepare the venue (a somewhat rustic summer camp set in the large Douglas fir grove on a cliff overlooking the Puget Sound).  I had my summer job but I could come and go as I needed to mesh the needs of the camp and the job.  I ended up spending time going to some classes, hanging out with some girls, eating some great food, doing the dance with a popular girl a year older than me who liked my brother and I at different times and then being there for the closing fast and testimony meeting and camp teardown.

In that fast and testimony meeting, I was again overcome and it was like I had no control over my body.  I shot up from my log bench in the grove overlooking the cliff and ocean as the sun was setting to the west and I broke down in overwhelming tears as I bore my budding testimony.  I sat down and was even in shock over how that all went.  I had never had such a thing happen up to that point.  The closest thing to that was the night I received my baptism and Gift of the Holy Ghost.

Here is some doctrine swiped off the web:

There is a singular, peak, indescribable, wonderful life-changing, spiritual experience referred to in scripture many times in many ways: the baptism of fire, born again, old man dead and new man made alive, promise of the Father, earnest of our inheritance, adoption by Jesus Christ, the gate, the way, Holy Spirit of Promise, Gift of the Holy Ghost, power in the priesthood, salvation, conversion, etc.

It is a very unique Mormon doctrine, we are the only significant group of Christians that believes that Adam was born again and that the gift of the Holy Ghost was viable and active well before the New Testament era. The Book of Mormon contains many testimonies of baptism of fire tied together by a travel and war narrative. Of course the central theme of the Book of Mormon is Jesus Christ and the testimony of the Book of Mormon prophets is that we come unto Jesus through our baptism of fire.

It is Nephi’s gate, it is the joy of Alma the Younger, it is the power that knocked the followers of King Benjamin to the ground, it is the conversion of the Lamanite Kings, and it was so powerful that the murdering Lamanites afterward laid down their weapons and allowed themselves to be killed.

The baptism of fire ratifies our baptism covenant, is the sign of our salvation, it’s the method by which we enter into the new and everlasting covenant. Without it we cannot enter the Kingdom, without it  we are not saved from hell.

Those who experience it describe an open vision of fire or bright light and many of the following:

Overwhelming or intolerable peace, love, joy

Sins being burned out of them

Speaking in tongues

Praising God in the tongues of angels

No more desire for sin

Greater understanding of scripture

A sure testimony of Jesus

A burning desire to serve Jesus by rescue others

Priesthood Power: heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons,

Prophecy, visions, and other miracles

Joseph’s first vision included a baptism of fire

The Kirtland Temple included a Baptism of Fire

Many early pioneers wrote about their baptism of fire

“The baptism of water,4 without the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost5 attending it, is of no use; they are necessarily and inseparably connected. An individual must be born of water and the Spirit in order to get into the kingdom of God.” Joseph

“We are commanded and instructed to so live that our fallen nature is changed through the sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost. President Marion G. Romney taught that the baptism of fire by the Holy Ghost “converts [us] from carnality to spirituality. It cleanses, heals, and purifies the soul. … Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and water baptism are all preliminary and prerequisite to it, but [the baptism of fire] is the consummation. To receive [this baptism of fire] is to have one’s garments washed in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ” (Learning for the Eternities, comp. George J. Romney [1977], 133; see also 3 Nephi 27:19–20 Bednar October 1980

“In 1831 the Lord revealed to the Prophet the following:

. . . he that receiveth my gospel receiveth me; and he that receiveth not my gospel receiveth not me.

And this is my gospel—repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost  D&C 39:5-6

“There is one other thought companion to these. Testifying that fundamental to everything we believe and hope for and have faith in is the great sacrifice of the Son of the Living God, knowing that he requires of us that we accept his great gift, there is something else necessary if we are to enjoy the high spiritual possibilities which it is within our capacity to achieve. Let me refer to the teachings of Nephi to his people after he had taught them faith, repentance, baptism, and the reception of the gift of the Holy Ghost, as previously quoted. Said he,

And then are ye in this straight and narrow path which leads to eternal life; yea, ye have entered in by the gate; ye have done according to the commandments of the Father and the Son . . .” Marion D Hanks October 1956

“The Lord has summed up the gospel in these words: "And this is my gospel—repentance and baptism by water, and then cometh the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, even the Comforter, which showeth all things and teacheth the peaceable things of the kingdom" D&C 39:6” Harold B Less April 1959

“Every member of Christ’s church in the meridian of time received the gift of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a revelator. To receive him is to be spiritually reborn. Remember, Jesus said to Nicodemus: “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” John 3:5

To receive the gift of the Holy Ghost is to be born of the Spirit. The Lord instructed the priesthood officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints “to confirm those who are baptized into the church, by the laying on of hands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, according to the scriptures.” D&C 20:41

The priesthood and the power of the Holy Ghost is what gives life to the Church and its members:

“… the special office of the Holy Ghost is to enlighten and ennoble the mind, to purify and sanctify the soul, to incite to good works, and to reveal the things of God.” (James E. Talmage, Articles of Faith, p. 167.)

Without this gift, the Church would be as dead and impotent as an electric powerhouse without electricity.” Marion G. Romney October 1972

Our baptism of fire is not the second comforter nor calling and election made sure but it is such a powerful experience that Paul and Nephi both warned us that once we have the gift, if we entirely turn away, we will not be able to repent.

The baptism of fire is described in or made reference to in hundreds of passages of scripture. It is one of the most broadly taught doctrines in all scripture. There is one reference in the Book of Mormon that the Lamanites received it and they k new it not. Given the sum of the many verse and narratives the best interpretation of that passage is likely that the darkened Lamanites experienced a powerful supernatural gift but they did not know what it meant or what to call it.

Because I write and speak often and openly about this subject many members have approached me and said, “I have never shared this with anyone but…” They then go on to describe an open vision, being immersed in the pillar of fire, amazing joy, love, or peace, and a new life.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


 If this is successful, things are about to get interesting.  According to Ezra's Eagle, the democrat prez is pulled out by death or impeachment.  Same death thing with Bishop Koyle's utterances (except the death happens after an economic collapse, while the prez is still sitting in the whorehouse).

Either way, if this ends up with major intrigue that is legit (not Trump'd up), then we have our answer:

It will be interesting to watch the next couple of years....  Truly the two parties are at war with each other as the Whitehorse Prophecy has indicated.

Monday, September 11, 2023


 I cannot remember the source of the prophecy I have read about (I think it was Joseph Smith) who said that the two parties (the Republicans did not exist when this was given breath) would go to war against each other.  Now, if ever there there was a party at war with the other, it is now with the left-leaning party basically trying to prosecute the main members of the other party for how they executed their time in office, with "Trump"ed up charges (see what I did there?) as well as getting into office and the first week just flinging out the Executive Orders to reverse 100% what was done in the previous four years.  If this were a marriage and one spouse had done that against the wishes and intent of the other, there would be a divorce decree in no time at all....

But it IS happening on the national political scene; big as day.  The two parties are truly at war.  The fact is this:  most Repubs are sick of the RINOs like Romney, etc  They know they are fake and will say whatever will get them elected.  They are slimeballs almost completely across the board.  Most lefties probably feel the same about their candidate and only support a corrupt, demented, child-sniffer, has been as a prez because he will give them access to have their uteruses scraped after breaking serious commandments during a wicked stint while sitting around in govt subsidized housing and counting the loot they have gotten from others' hard work.  The only one that stood up to the gadiantonesque system (stealing and murdering to get power and gain - free stuff - and upholding such in places of power) has been Trump.  I don't care so much about his tax returns, that he said something mean, that he has a comb-over and orange fake tan hues, other than he is strong enough to actually lead this nation instead in Xin Ping or whatever Chicom is in power in the country that owns us...

The second part of the prophecy is that after these two parties have gone to war, the people basically will get disgusted and bring about the rise of the American Independent party.  This article may be pointing to this very action:

Only time will tell.  I have been waiting on this event for some time now.

Friday, September 1, 2023


 We will yet see these visitors here again.  This post is for all the DoC trolls out there who hate Brigham Young with a seething hatred.  Get over yourselves and repent!  It is easy to do!  Just humble yourselves and then move forward (stop your backsliding):

The Doctrine of Christ Mob love to persecute members of the church and beat them over the head with all manner of false accusations about the Church and ordained leadership of Brigham Young. This is just one of many diabolical tactics they use to convince members to let go of the fruit of the tree of life ( or in other word’s to get them deny the sacred temple endowment).
The most oft-repeated accusation is:
“Brigham Young wasn’t a Prophet because he didn’t have any revelations.” Just like the Pharisees in Jesus Christ’s day, the DoC Mob demand signs. And, Like the PHarisees, the Doctrine of Christ MOB deny the fulfillment of prophecy as it is happening.
Here are the facts:
On September 21, 1823, the angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and instructed him on many passages of scripture chief among them was a prophecy derived from a vision shown to Isaiah. ( see Isaiah 2:2-3) This is the vision of the temple built in the Rocky Mountains in the last days.
Not only did Moroni quote this passage of scripture to Joseph Smith, but Joseph Smith even had visions related to this conversation and we are informed through the prophetic records that at one time the Prophet Isaiah himself appeared to Joseph Smith to personally explanan his biblical prophecies. Jospeh Smith was told by Isaiah that the Church would one day build a temple in the Rocky Mountains. This is why as early as 1830, the Prophet Joseph Smlth expressed his desire to gather the Saints to the Rocky Mountains.
It was also well known among the membership of the early Church that Joseph Smlth planned to establish a literal Zion in the tops of the Mountains, in fulfillment of Prophecy. God had promised Jospeh Smith that the Rocky Mountains would be a land of inheritance for the Saints.
After the death of Joseph Smith, The responsibility of leading the Church on their exodus West fell upon Brigham Young. Once, When President Young was fasting and praying about the upcoming exodus to the west, the veil of heaven was parted and the following manifestation took place:
President Young had a vision of Joseph Smlth, who showed him the mountain that we now call Ensign Peak and Joseph said, “Build under the point where the colors fall and you will prosper and have peace.”
Upon reaching the Salt Lake Valley on 24 July 1847, Brigham Young was shown another Vision by the gift of seership just as Joseph Smith has beheld it previously. During this confirmatory vision a “Spirit of Light” rested upon Brigham Young and upon this occasion he saw the future glory of Zion and of Israel.
On July 28, 1847, Brigham Young and seven others ascended what is now called Ensign Peak and hoisted a symbolic banner that represented the Ensign of the ancient Israelite prophecy.
Two days later, Brigham Young crossed The Valley and stood on what is now Temple Square. Upon reaching that spot, the Prophet was shown yet another vision. He later declared:
“I scarcely ever say much about revelations, or visions, but suffice it to say, five years ago last July I was here and saw in the Spirit the Temple not ten feet from where they laid the Chief Corner Stone. I have not inquired of what kind of Temple we should build. Why? Because it was represented before me in vision. I have never looked upon that ground, but the vision of it was there. I see it as plainly as if it were in reality before me.”
DIRECT REVELATION: Brigham Young was shown a vision of the Salt Lake Temple’s structure and he knew that it had a complex of towers that were symbolic of the worker of the Priesthood. In Brigham Young’s Heavenly vision he also saw some of the symbols that he incorporated into the building’s exterior.
The cornerstones of the Salt Lake Temple were laid on April 6, 1853.
Elder Parley P Pratt saw a vision during the cornerstone ceremony that the Prophet Joseph Smlth and many other angelic visitors were standing above the Temple’s Foundation and observing the rites.
Exactly 40 years following Elder Pratt’s vision, during the Salt Lake Temple Dedication, President WILFORD Woodruff revealed that during the services his eyes were allowed to see within the veil. He beheld that Joseph Smith had returned with many others from the Spirit world to witness the dedication of the temple. Among this Heavenly Host he saw the Savior and the Prophet Isaiah.
The Salt Lake Temple stands as literal, Physical reality of Brigham Young’s prophetic mantle and the prophecies he fulfilled.
To deny the ordained leadership of Brigham Young, is to deny the Sun at noon-day.
*Erastus Snow journal entry for April 12, 1893 confirms that the Son of God was with the Saints during the dedication.
Many other Saints also recorded angelic visitations during the Salt Lake Temple Dedication. For references see ”Temple Manifestations” Joseph Heinerman, 1974 pages 125-57.