THis is a great overview of the finding of the Ark of the Covenant.
I highly recommend it:
Enjoy and share with your friends.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Folks, this is about the truth catching fire and spreading like wildfire.
They will take out the source of it to stop its spread....
We must pray for all these fighters.....
And those who report on them.
They will take out the source of it to stop its spread....
We must pray for all these fighters.....
And those who report on them.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Folks if this happens, the gig is up....
A reader commented that the blog is really ragged lately.
This is true. I am doing it from my iPhone and occasionally from work during a lunch break.
Life is literally pushing me along careening down the railroad tracks. As we build our house and so much else. Right now I am up for an ibuprofen run in the middle of the night after a strenuous after a difficult footing pour in the garage under insane weather conditions. And we are doing the third level on our entry way. Totally destroying ourselves.
To rest on the Sabbath is a delight....

A reader commented that the blog is really ragged lately.
This is true. I am doing it from my iPhone and occasionally from work during a lunch break.
Life is literally pushing me along careening down the railroad tracks. As we build our house and so much else. Right now I am up for an ibuprofen run in the middle of the night after a strenuous after a difficult footing pour in the garage under insane weather conditions. And we are doing the third level on our entry way. Totally destroying ourselves.
To rest on the Sabbath is a delight....
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Wow this takes square aim at the Catholic Church and the sacraments.
This was for shock value - but nonetheless....:
This was for shock value - but nonetheless....:
Saturday, September 21, 2019
This is a real problem where I am at. My wife and I have prayed and fasted until worst of the work arseholes have left that have been toxic to Christians etc but there is still much to do to remedy an erosive culture which fits most of the bullet points in this article:
I am going to have a chat with the VP in coming weeks to deal with some of these issues:
A good article to get you thinking.
I am going to have a chat with the VP in coming weeks to deal with some of these issues:
A good article to get you thinking.
Whoa - this is great perspective:
I would love it if he would elaborate more on how he arrived at this conclusion:
We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
What a bunch of bunk. Truly, what is going on in China - and that which will be imposed on this "Christian" nation in the near future (read Visions of Glory for details), is part of the mark of the beast.
Some of you who do not hail the call to come out from Babylon and to not partake of her delicacies, will have the not-so-fun task of having your head cut off, the firing squad and so many other fun things if you do not deny the Christ as your Lord and Savior. These are really sick people. The first iteration is social scoring (not unlike the almighty credit score that every mortgaged person worships) and the final stop of that train is people literally losing their minds......
Here is a report from one of my intelligence sources:
3:23The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has forced Christian churches across Henan province to replace the Ten Commandments with quotes from President Xi Jinping in its latest effort to “sinicize” religious practice in the officially atheist country.One pastor from a state-run Protestant church said that the CCP’s latest move is part of a systematic plan to erode Christian doctrine in the country, adding that the ultimate goal of the party is to “become God.”
The government’s first step is to prohibit religious couplets” said the pastor, who spoke under the condition of anonymity. “Then it dismantles crosses and starts to implement the ‘four requirements’ by ordering the national flag and ‘core socialist values’ to be placed in churches.”
“Surveillance cameras to monitor believers and religious activities are then installed. The last step is to replace the Ten Commandments with Xi Jinping’s speeches,” he said.
“The Communist Party’s ultimate goal is to ‘become God.’ This is what the devil has always done,” he said.
The pastor could have also included another step in the CCP’s “sinicization” process: namely, the replacement of images of Jesus Christ with photos of Xi.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
This was a response to my wife over how I nearly bought the farm driving to my job a few days ago. She liked the quote at the end of my ramble - so I will put it on here as an Iraq original diary entry and quote. No plagiarism for once....:
Yep – the freaky part is timing. Several points along the road until where I found deer near Ft Mac I sped up just a little. Bumped the + button on the cruise where I was pretty sure I would not run into a cop. That put me ahead just a bit of where I would have been had I not bumped that control.
Within two minutes after I passed the deer, there was an oncoming semi. No way to use the oncoming lane and it would have been “bowling for bambi”. I would have taken out at least six of the ten of them to avoid a surely-fatal head on with the semi…..
Sheesh….. I had just bumped the speed up to about 120 thinking “I haven’t seen a deer in a while”….. Well – it just made my emergency maneuver that much more fun. I had about 100 feet to get fully into the other lane and shoulder going about 120kms/hr….. It did not push the Jetta to its handling limits – but pretty close. Thankfully they all just stood there and did not bolt into the other lane like happened with Neal’s car.
That was that deer’s role – to be the impetus to get us moved to Cardston when things came to a head in Kalispell. I think of that and thank that deer for it’s sacrifice. I really see it that way. When I get to the other side, I will have a conversation with that deer and get all the details. Kind of like I did with the Dinara hit and run scenario….. I hate deception and love knowing things as they really are.
I will spend “days” analyzing how most of life’s critical moments catalyzed. All of the inputs; all of the outputs. That stuff fascinates me – and the reason I love airplane crash investigations. There are always multiple factors that go into the final event; almost as if orchestrated by a higher being to prevent – or allowed just to happen. Same thing with near misses. Many, many times as we solved problems during the build of the 777 or 747, I felt unseen hands guiding the decision-making process to an outcome that would avoid a future disaster.
When there was corruption in the process (good people, under the influence of the Holy Ghost were fired or suppressed as that 737 Max FAA Authorized Rep was, when he dug in his heels to stop Management from forcing the bad system architecture through to meet program schedule), that divine process was hampered or extinguished (we all have agency for good or bad) and the results were disaster, possible untimely death and a forced solution to try and root out the corruption. Same thing with the disaster that happened at the end of the Nephite run – avoidable death had a people rooted out the corruption and then followed good principle.
The answer to your question as to why there is always a cloud of controversy that follows me – is that I stop and take the time to point out corruption and then shine a spotlight on it. I usually end up in a firefight over it – but without being a source of contention (causing a problem out of thin air), I would rather be dead than to be one of those people who just “goes along, to get along”. Real men stand up for what is right. I count myself as one of them. Not one of the basement-dwelling soy-boys that society has fostered these days through coddling and excuse-making. The Book of Mormon commands us that “when we see this combination among us, to wake up to the state of our awful situation” and basically fight it. NOT to do the “good Christian thing” and to “turn the other cheek”. I hope people do not associate “turning the other cheek” with “turning a blind eye” to corruption around us such as giving up our Second Amendment rights, to going along to get along with corrupt POS that need a short rope and a tall branch instead of “acceptance” or “inclusion” or any other neuspeak term from the PC lexicon.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Just enjoying some 80's throwback:
Love me some Styx:
This song is about enduring through life and finishing strong in marriage, your quest for a Godly relationship with diety, and just seeking out truth and inspiration. Never giving up. Too many are giving up on these relationships. It is about sticking to it through the roughest of times. This is the test.
Here is another one of my favorites from the lead singer of Styx:
Love me some Styx:
This song is about enduring through life and finishing strong in marriage, your quest for a Godly relationship with diety, and just seeking out truth and inspiration. Never giving up. Too many are giving up on these relationships. It is about sticking to it through the roughest of times. This is the test.
Here is another one of my favorites from the lead singer of Styx:
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Got this from my doctor buddy who I first introduced to the idea of Michelle being a dude.
After watching the dance vid I think she was sold....
Yep, even a virginal, unmarried doc can tell the difference between a chick and a dude:
No cough test required....
After watching the dance vid I think she was sold....
Yep, even a virginal, unmarried doc can tell the difference between a chick and a dude:
No cough test required....
Saturday, September 14, 2019
I am really warming up to this theory. It nails just about every counter argument down
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Folks, this was a request by a reader that has been a source of illumination for me. He has filled in many missing pieces of information in regards to the last days timeline. I would very much like to meet him in person one day.
He asked if I had of more info on the travels of Joseph of Arimathea with the Holy Family (before and after the crucifixion). All I did was put "Arimathea" in the search box in the upper left corner of the blog and went from there:
I forget how much cool stuff I have been able to dredge up (have been led to) over the years. Most of it is in response to a question I have had. It takes on average a few weeks and I usually get the answer. God has always been good to me that way. Some answers take years - but I am added to line upon line, here a little, there a little until one day (likely when time is no more), I hope to have a fullness. There is so much to learn!
He asked if I had of more info on the travels of Joseph of Arimathea with the Holy Family (before and after the crucifixion). All I did was put "Arimathea" in the search box in the upper left corner of the blog and went from there:
I forget how much cool stuff I have been able to dredge up (have been led to) over the years. Most of it is in response to a question I have had. It takes on average a few weeks and I usually get the answer. God has always been good to me that way. Some answers take years - but I am added to line upon line, here a little, there a little until one day (likely when time is no more), I hope to have a fullness. There is so much to learn!
Well - major bummer for the Saints in Cardston.
We were given no special instructions other than to repent, from Elder Rasband.
The other Stake had a 70 that gave no special instructions other than to "do better".
I take that as a repent....
Obviously, people will have different instructions for different places based on what their individual circumstances are.
We talked over dinner with our favorite peeps how we can repent. We talked about apostasy and how we can avoid that. More and more crashing and burning. Children, friends, family, church members that were formerly considered strong and firm in the faith are going after the world.
Many are just plain weary in doing good.
When all your friends are going "gay" or hooking up and you find yourself "missing out" on the worldly activities, you become weary. When all your friends are out at the bars, at sporting events on Sundays, playing violent video games, watching inappropriate movies and you feel like you are the only one holding the line, you weary and can let go of the iron rod. Thus wandering into paths unknown and getting lost in the mists of darkness. And so it goes.
The antidote is to surround yourself with good people who love what is right, and to repent daily. Constantly. Good music. Good activities. Strengthen yourself, your spouse and your family. Draw them close. Once good is gone (lost election or assassination) and the gads seize power, it is over. Then we will simply have to endure. They are having to in California. The battle for sanity is lost there. Thus the reason it will be among the first areas that are destroyed.
Those who are not rooted in good principle do not even see the danger or the awfulness of the situation they are in as they snooze away. All is not well in Zion - that it is, is the great lie of the Great Deceiver and the Father of All Lies.
We were given no special instructions other than to repent, from Elder Rasband.
The other Stake had a 70 that gave no special instructions other than to "do better".
I take that as a repent....
Obviously, people will have different instructions for different places based on what their individual circumstances are.
We talked over dinner with our favorite peeps how we can repent. We talked about apostasy and how we can avoid that. More and more crashing and burning. Children, friends, family, church members that were formerly considered strong and firm in the faith are going after the world.
Many are just plain weary in doing good.
When all your friends are going "gay" or hooking up and you find yourself "missing out" on the worldly activities, you become weary. When all your friends are out at the bars, at sporting events on Sundays, playing violent video games, watching inappropriate movies and you feel like you are the only one holding the line, you weary and can let go of the iron rod. Thus wandering into paths unknown and getting lost in the mists of darkness. And so it goes.
The antidote is to surround yourself with good people who love what is right, and to repent daily. Constantly. Good music. Good activities. Strengthen yourself, your spouse and your family. Draw them close. Once good is gone (lost election or assassination) and the gads seize power, it is over. Then we will simply have to endure. They are having to in California. The battle for sanity is lost there. Thus the reason it will be among the first areas that are destroyed.
Those who are not rooted in good principle do not even see the danger or the awfulness of the situation they are in as they snooze away. All is not well in Zion - that it is, is the great lie of the Great Deceiver and the Father of All Lies.
Friday, September 6, 2019
And here are 49 instances in the scriptures where the righteous had to leave. God never makes the wicked leave prior to destruction....
1. Brother of Jared
2. Lehi
3. Mulek
4. Saints in Europe coming to Utah. Many ancestors answered the call of Joseph Smith to immigrate to America and join with the saints in Utah. Left their homelands and relatives
5. Alma fleeing wicked King Noah
6. Alma's fleeing from Lamanite bondage. Mosiah 24
7. Puritans and Pilgrims
8. Children of Israel fleeing Egypt
9. Enoch. Moses 7:27
10. Mary and Joseph to Egypt
11. Saints fleeing from Jerusalem and Titus in 70 A.D
12. Limhi's people fleeing Mosiah 22:6-1 People of Limhi deliver themselves from bondage by departing into the wilderness with tents, flocks, families. They couldn't do it by the sword--were out-numbered. Went out the back pass. Mosiah 22:2
13. Nephi fleeing from Laman and Lemuel
14. Ammon and his Anti-Nephi-Lehi's fleeing the Lamanites Alma 27
15. Mosiah flees Omni 1:12
16. Joseph of Aramanthea in Jewish legend driven from Jerusalem in a boat with Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Mary Magdalene and others. (Fascinating Story
17. The ten tribes fleeing from bondage to the north
18. Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees. Hebrew 11:8
19. Another Jewish legend of Jeremiah fleeing to Egypt and then to England and Ireland before the destruction of Jerusalem.
20. Lot from Sodom and Gommorah
21. The Nephites flee from their homes and gather together to fight the Lamanites and Gadiantons, pooling all their supplies for 7 years
22. Alma and Amulek flee Ammoniah. Alma 15:16
23. Zoramites cast out and flee to Jershon. Alma 35
24. The people of Ammon vacate Jerson so the Nephites can battle the Lamanites there. Alma 35:13
25. Ishmael and his family join Lehi in fleeing Jerusalem. 1 Nephi
26. Noah flees the world on an ark.
27. Jacob flees to Egypt to get food.
28. The saints flee Kirtland to go to Missouri
29. Then they flee Missouri to go to Nauvoo
30. Then they flee Nauvoo to Salt Lake
31. Adam and Even have to leave the Garden of Eden to start a new life. The pattern was set when Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden of Eden and into the wilderness, a journey that must have been quite an education in the school of hard knocks
32. Hyrum Smith received a revelation saying his life was in danger and to move his family from Palmyra to Colesville, N.Y. He packed that night and left the next morning. "Life of Joseph Smith by His Mother
33. Father Smith's life was in jeapordy. He was warned to flee but didn't leave soon enough and was thrown into prison where he spent a month. After his release he immediately moved his family to Waterloo, NY and most of the Smith family would never see Palmyra again. "Life of Joseph Smith by his Mother
34. Joseph and Emma flee Palmyra with the gold plates to live in Harmony, PA.
35. Joseph flees from Harmony to Colesville or Fayette?
36. No sooner had the early saints settled themselves with good herds and good homes in Salt Lake City, UT than they were called to leave it all and settle St. George, Arizona and other places in between. One group of great grandparents were called to St. George to settle there and then again were called to colonize Arizona making 3 callouts.
37. The saints fleeing U.S. marshalls into Mexico to save their families.
38. Moroni flees the rest of his life from the Lamanites.
39. Zoramites find out which people believe Alma's and Amulek's words and cast them out of the land. They go to Jerson. Alma 35:6-9. Verse 14 "Those who repented were driven out of the land."
40. Peter, James, and John, "And straight way they forsook their nets and followed him." Mark 1:16-18
41. Jesus fleeing Nazareth when they tried to kill him, never to return to his home town.
42. Omar is warned to flee because Akish and his secret band are going to kill him so Akish can marry Jared's daughter and give Jared the kingdom. Ether 9:3
43. The people in the city Moroni fled to the city Nephihah. Alma 51:24
44. Jacob fled when Simeon his son killed those who had abducted his daughter Dinah.
45. Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, fled with "the residue of the people of God" and "came out from the land, which was called Shulon, and dwelt in a land of promise..." Moses 6:17
46. 2000 strippling preschoolers left the Order of Nehor and Amulon to be taught by their mothers following the missionary Ammon.
47. The saints at Haun's Mill were told to leave by Joseph Smith.
48. And the prophet did send out a letter to the nations calling for the Jews to return to Jerusalem. If they had listened they would have been spared the holocaust
49. The saints fled from Johnston's Army back in Brigham Young's day.
1. Brother of Jared
2. Lehi
3. Mulek
4. Saints in Europe coming to Utah. Many ancestors answered the call of Joseph Smith to immigrate to America and join with the saints in Utah. Left their homelands and relatives
5. Alma fleeing wicked King Noah
6. Alma's fleeing from Lamanite bondage. Mosiah 24
7. Puritans and Pilgrims
8. Children of Israel fleeing Egypt
9. Enoch. Moses 7:27
10. Mary and Joseph to Egypt
11. Saints fleeing from Jerusalem and Titus in 70 A.D
12. Limhi's people fleeing Mosiah 22:6-1 People of Limhi deliver themselves from bondage by departing into the wilderness with tents, flocks, families. They couldn't do it by the sword--were out-numbered. Went out the back pass. Mosiah 22:2
13. Nephi fleeing from Laman and Lemuel
14. Ammon and his Anti-Nephi-Lehi's fleeing the Lamanites Alma 27
15. Mosiah flees Omni 1:12
16. Joseph of Aramanthea in Jewish legend driven from Jerusalem in a boat with Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Mary Magdalene and others. (Fascinating Story
17. The ten tribes fleeing from bondage to the north
18. Abraham from Ur of the Chaldees. Hebrew 11:8
19. Another Jewish legend of Jeremiah fleeing to Egypt and then to England and Ireland before the destruction of Jerusalem.
20. Lot from Sodom and Gommorah
21. The Nephites flee from their homes and gather together to fight the Lamanites and Gadiantons, pooling all their supplies for 7 years
22. Alma and Amulek flee Ammoniah. Alma 15:16
23. Zoramites cast out and flee to Jershon. Alma 35
24. The people of Ammon vacate Jerson so the Nephites can battle the Lamanites there. Alma 35:13
25. Ishmael and his family join Lehi in fleeing Jerusalem. 1 Nephi
26. Noah flees the world on an ark.
27. Jacob flees to Egypt to get food.
28. The saints flee Kirtland to go to Missouri
29. Then they flee Missouri to go to Nauvoo
30. Then they flee Nauvoo to Salt Lake
31. Adam and Even have to leave the Garden of Eden to start a new life. The pattern was set when Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden of Eden and into the wilderness, a journey that must have been quite an education in the school of hard knocks
32. Hyrum Smith received a revelation saying his life was in danger and to move his family from Palmyra to Colesville, N.Y. He packed that night and left the next morning. "Life of Joseph Smith by His Mother
33. Father Smith's life was in jeapordy. He was warned to flee but didn't leave soon enough and was thrown into prison where he spent a month. After his release he immediately moved his family to Waterloo, NY and most of the Smith family would never see Palmyra again. "Life of Joseph Smith by his Mother
34. Joseph and Emma flee Palmyra with the gold plates to live in Harmony, PA.
35. Joseph flees from Harmony to Colesville or Fayette?
36. No sooner had the early saints settled themselves with good herds and good homes in Salt Lake City, UT than they were called to leave it all and settle St. George, Arizona and other places in between. One group of great grandparents were called to St. George to settle there and then again were called to colonize Arizona making 3 callouts.
37. The saints fleeing U.S. marshalls into Mexico to save their families.
38. Moroni flees the rest of his life from the Lamanites.
39. Zoramites find out which people believe Alma's and Amulek's words and cast them out of the land. They go to Jerson. Alma 35:6-9. Verse 14 "Those who repented were driven out of the land."
40. Peter, James, and John, "And straight way they forsook their nets and followed him." Mark 1:16-18
41. Jesus fleeing Nazareth when they tried to kill him, never to return to his home town.
42. Omar is warned to flee because Akish and his secret band are going to kill him so Akish can marry Jared's daughter and give Jared the kingdom. Ether 9:3
43. The people in the city Moroni fled to the city Nephihah. Alma 51:24
44. Jacob fled when Simeon his son killed those who had abducted his daughter Dinah.
45. Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, fled with "the residue of the people of God" and "came out from the land, which was called Shulon, and dwelt in a land of promise..." Moses 6:17
46. 2000 strippling preschoolers left the Order of Nehor and Amulon to be taught by their mothers following the missionary Ammon.
47. The saints at Haun's Mill were told to leave by Joseph Smith.
48. And the prophet did send out a letter to the nations calling for the Jews to return to Jerusalem. If they had listened they would have been spared the holocaust
49. The saints fled from Johnston's Army back in Brigham Young's day.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
This is really important info to read:
Wisdom from Thomas B. Marsh, after he came back to the Church:
"if you will take my advice, you will stand by the authorities; but if you go away and the Lord loves you as much as he did me, he will whip you back again.
"Many have said to me, 'How is it that a man like you, who understood so much of the revelations of God as recorded in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, should fall away?' I told them not to feel too secure, but to take heed lest they also should fall; (Deut. 4:9 1 Cor. 10:12) for I had no scruples in my mind as to the possibility of men falling away.
"I can say, in reference to the Quorum of the Twelve, to which I belonged, that I did not consider myself a whit behind any of them, and I suppose that others had the same opinion; but, let no one feel too secure: for, before you think of it, your steps will slide. You will not then think nor feel for a moment as you did before you lost the Spirit of Christ; for when men apostatize, they are left to grovel in the dark.
"I have sought diligently to know the Spirit of Christ since I turned my face Zionward, and I believe I have obtained it. I have frequently wanted to know how my apostasy began, and I have come to the conclusion that I must have lost the Spirit of the Lord out of my heart.
"The next question is, 'How and when did you lose the Spirit?' I became jealous of the Prophet, and then I saw double, and overlooked everything that was right, and spent all my time in looking for the evil; and then, when the Devil began to lead me, it was easy for the carnal mind to rise up, which is anger, jealousy, and wrath. I could feel it within me; I felt angry and wrathful; and the Spirit of the Lord being gone, as the Scriptures say, I was blinded, and I thought I saw a beam in brother Joseph's eye, but it was nothing but a mote, and my own eye was filled with the beam; but I thought I saw a beam in his, and I wanted to get it out; and, as brother Heber says, I got mad, and I wanted everybody else to be mad.
"I talked with Brother Brigham and Brother Heber, and I wanted them to be mad like myself; and I saw they were not mad, and I got madder still because they were not. Brother Brigham, with a cautious look, said, 'Are you the leader of the Church, brother Thomas?' I answered, 'No.' 'Well then,' said he, 'Why do you not let that alone?'
"Well, this is about the amount of my hypocrisy—I meddled with that which was not my business. But let me tell you, my brethren and friends, if you do not want to suffer in body and mind, as I have done—if there are any of you that have the seeds of apostasy in you, do not let them make their appearance, but nip that spirit in the bud; for it is misery and affliction in this world, and destruction in the world to come."
-Remarks of Thomas B. Marsh, Journal of Discourses 5:207
Wisdom from Thomas B. Marsh, after he came back to the Church:
"if you will take my advice, you will stand by the authorities; but if you go away and the Lord loves you as much as he did me, he will whip you back again.
"Many have said to me, 'How is it that a man like you, who understood so much of the revelations of God as recorded in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, should fall away?' I told them not to feel too secure, but to take heed lest they also should fall; (Deut. 4:9 1 Cor. 10:12) for I had no scruples in my mind as to the possibility of men falling away.
"I can say, in reference to the Quorum of the Twelve, to which I belonged, that I did not consider myself a whit behind any of them, and I suppose that others had the same opinion; but, let no one feel too secure: for, before you think of it, your steps will slide. You will not then think nor feel for a moment as you did before you lost the Spirit of Christ; for when men apostatize, they are left to grovel in the dark.
"I have sought diligently to know the Spirit of Christ since I turned my face Zionward, and I believe I have obtained it. I have frequently wanted to know how my apostasy began, and I have come to the conclusion that I must have lost the Spirit of the Lord out of my heart.
"The next question is, 'How and when did you lose the Spirit?' I became jealous of the Prophet, and then I saw double, and overlooked everything that was right, and spent all my time in looking for the evil; and then, when the Devil began to lead me, it was easy for the carnal mind to rise up, which is anger, jealousy, and wrath. I could feel it within me; I felt angry and wrathful; and the Spirit of the Lord being gone, as the Scriptures say, I was blinded, and I thought I saw a beam in brother Joseph's eye, but it was nothing but a mote, and my own eye was filled with the beam; but I thought I saw a beam in his, and I wanted to get it out; and, as brother Heber says, I got mad, and I wanted everybody else to be mad.
"I talked with Brother Brigham and Brother Heber, and I wanted them to be mad like myself; and I saw they were not mad, and I got madder still because they were not. Brother Brigham, with a cautious look, said, 'Are you the leader of the Church, brother Thomas?' I answered, 'No.' 'Well then,' said he, 'Why do you not let that alone?'
"Well, this is about the amount of my hypocrisy—I meddled with that which was not my business. But let me tell you, my brethren and friends, if you do not want to suffer in body and mind, as I have done—if there are any of you that have the seeds of apostasy in you, do not let them make their appearance, but nip that spirit in the bud; for it is misery and affliction in this world, and destruction in the world to come."
-Remarks of Thomas B. Marsh, Journal of Discourses 5:207
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
This guy, for not being a Boeing guy, is spot on. Great analysis:
Just an interest piece. I flight tested the 737NG and worked on the 737 Hor Stab in Flight Controls.
It was the departure of the Hor Stab from an MD-83 that saved my job after 9/11. A miracle of sorts in our inconsequential lives - but it was HUGE for our family at the time.
Just an interest piece. I flight tested the 737NG and worked on the 737 Hor Stab in Flight Controls.
It was the departure of the Hor Stab from an MD-83 that saved my job after 9/11. A miracle of sorts in our inconsequential lives - but it was HUGE for our family at the time.
Folks, we are living in interesting times.
Some months ago, President Nelson told the Saints in the islands to prepare for the persecution that is coming.
Doing my favorite Sabbath thing, I was hanging out in the temple Visitors' Center chatting with my peeps while meeting new and interesting people coming through the center. I am not there every Sunday - but my wife and kids were away, so I decided to pop in for some afternoon entertainment. Usually there is a reason I am prompted to do so (other than boredom, etc).
Sure enough a family came in that was from Sandpoint, Idaho. Prior to moving there, they had lived in California on the coast. They had six amazing children with them - good kids with good countenances. I asked them when they were going to move to Cardston. I always hit people hard, measure their reaction and then go from there. They were in. I told them, "you will be coming here anyway - might as well get on with it up front". I asked them if they understood how salmon migrate over falls. They got it. I asked them if they had observed the explosion of people moving to the area north of Sandpoint, up along the border. They were like YEAH!
I said that all were being moved upon in preparation for what is coming. They were eager to understand more. I asked them if they had read VoG - and they said they had not. So we talked about that book. Then they shared that they had just had a 70 come to their Stake the previous week and that they were told to "prepare for what is coming". That this was the only message of the visit for the special Stake Conference.
I then found out the wife is from Cardston and informed her that she is Canadian and told her how I brought my family north. Easy peazy for her and not too bad for the rest of the brood - though being driven here under the circumstances we were under still kind of pisses me off to this day. We lost our shorts financially - but we are making up for it and finally building our home to the specs that I have always had in my head.... and to the specifications that the Lord has given me (lots of people storage).
Anyhow - they were sent on their way with the information the Lord wanted them to have and they will have to follow any promptings they have from here on out. My job is done.
When I told my wife later on that evening, she put two and two together. We were supposed to have a normal Stake Conference later in September but instead were given a cryptic warning a few weeks ago that the normal SC was cancelled and we have one on 9/9/19 at 8:30am with no adult or leadership meetings on the prior day. The Cardston East Stake is having the same thing on the same day at the same time with a different 70- and our interest is piqued. So, my wife (not being as social as I am) booked all our favorite peeps for a dinner afterwards to discuss the expected message. Some from each Stake, so we can compare notes between the two 70s that speak. It kind of surprised me how she took that one by the horns.....
Anyway - I am all excited for this weekend. I believe we will have the same message as they got in Sandpoint. I believe the Brethren are pounding the pavement to keep the fold together and focused at a time when there is a division among the wheat and the tares. And, oh man, what a division. The apostates are out in force with just about ever reason to give up the Good Ship Zion - and I am glad. I am quite frankly sick of the mushy in the middlers that keep the meat from being served at the banquet. I tire of milky gruel. Way to spiritually vegan for me. I need me some good spiritual barbeque - and middlers are holding all of us back. Shed them, and we can collectively move forward to Zion and the good things to come. More sweeping, less spoons required. Less broth, more meat..... MMmmmm.....
This idea of the Brethren pounding the pavement was put forth by Bishop Koyle who said it would happen around the time of the economic collapse as the stock market went up and up and up as if on stilts and then collapsed to the ground.
When it does (and the left wants it to do so), Trump will not make it. All those who support him do so because we worship the beast (the economy) and our only hope is in that. When that evaporates (as it must), then his support slithers away.
When that does, then comes draconian things like social credits that will attempt to get at folks like myself who speak out or who have "dangerous" opinions against the established swamp-dwellers and the official narrative. The Church, harboring many of us, will come under attack.
When we lose our 501c status, and they put the hurt to us finanically, the Lord puts the hurt to those who control or give life to the beast and the US and Canadian and likely the world economies collapse. The Law of the Harvest goes into effect. The per Tom Harrison. This per John Koyle. This per many of the prophecies since the Restoration. Bring it - let's get it on. Real men and real women of character do not shrink from a fight over bedrock values. We give it all - and give it good. There is no other option when the back is to the wall. To cower and tremble is for soy-boys and luke warmers that will be spewed out. No spewing for me, thank you.
Enjoy - and I will report on the results of our dinner and information gathering this Sunday. So very excited. I need some ammo to give it to the luke warmers here in Cardston so I can start lighting them up. And I will give it like I have taken it. I am a little too "Law of Moses" like that - with a generous helping of charity, when I am moved to dole it out.....
Some months ago, President Nelson told the Saints in the islands to prepare for the persecution that is coming.
Doing my favorite Sabbath thing, I was hanging out in the temple Visitors' Center chatting with my peeps while meeting new and interesting people coming through the center. I am not there every Sunday - but my wife and kids were away, so I decided to pop in for some afternoon entertainment. Usually there is a reason I am prompted to do so (other than boredom, etc).
Sure enough a family came in that was from Sandpoint, Idaho. Prior to moving there, they had lived in California on the coast. They had six amazing children with them - good kids with good countenances. I asked them when they were going to move to Cardston. I always hit people hard, measure their reaction and then go from there. They were in. I told them, "you will be coming here anyway - might as well get on with it up front". I asked them if they understood how salmon migrate over falls. They got it. I asked them if they had observed the explosion of people moving to the area north of Sandpoint, up along the border. They were like YEAH!
I said that all were being moved upon in preparation for what is coming. They were eager to understand more. I asked them if they had read VoG - and they said they had not. So we talked about that book. Then they shared that they had just had a 70 come to their Stake the previous week and that they were told to "prepare for what is coming". That this was the only message of the visit for the special Stake Conference.
I then found out the wife is from Cardston and informed her that she is Canadian and told her how I brought my family north. Easy peazy for her and not too bad for the rest of the brood - though being driven here under the circumstances we were under still kind of pisses me off to this day. We lost our shorts financially - but we are making up for it and finally building our home to the specs that I have always had in my head.... and to the specifications that the Lord has given me (lots of people storage).
Anyhow - they were sent on their way with the information the Lord wanted them to have and they will have to follow any promptings they have from here on out. My job is done.
When I told my wife later on that evening, she put two and two together. We were supposed to have a normal Stake Conference later in September but instead were given a cryptic warning a few weeks ago that the normal SC was cancelled and we have one on 9/9/19 at 8:30am with no adult or leadership meetings on the prior day. The Cardston East Stake is having the same thing on the same day at the same time with a different 70- and our interest is piqued. So, my wife (not being as social as I am) booked all our favorite peeps for a dinner afterwards to discuss the expected message. Some from each Stake, so we can compare notes between the two 70s that speak. It kind of surprised me how she took that one by the horns.....
Anyway - I am all excited for this weekend. I believe we will have the same message as they got in Sandpoint. I believe the Brethren are pounding the pavement to keep the fold together and focused at a time when there is a division among the wheat and the tares. And, oh man, what a division. The apostates are out in force with just about ever reason to give up the Good Ship Zion - and I am glad. I am quite frankly sick of the mushy in the middlers that keep the meat from being served at the banquet. I tire of milky gruel. Way to spiritually vegan for me. I need me some good spiritual barbeque - and middlers are holding all of us back. Shed them, and we can collectively move forward to Zion and the good things to come. More sweeping, less spoons required. Less broth, more meat..... MMmmmm.....
This idea of the Brethren pounding the pavement was put forth by Bishop Koyle who said it would happen around the time of the economic collapse as the stock market went up and up and up as if on stilts and then collapsed to the ground.
When it does (and the left wants it to do so), Trump will not make it. All those who support him do so because we worship the beast (the economy) and our only hope is in that. When that evaporates (as it must), then his support slithers away.
When that does, then comes draconian things like social credits that will attempt to get at folks like myself who speak out or who have "dangerous" opinions against the established swamp-dwellers and the official narrative. The Church, harboring many of us, will come under attack.
When we lose our 501c status, and they put the hurt to us finanically, the Lord puts the hurt to those who control or give life to the beast and the US and Canadian and likely the world economies collapse. The Law of the Harvest goes into effect. The per Tom Harrison. This per John Koyle. This per many of the prophecies since the Restoration. Bring it - let's get it on. Real men and real women of character do not shrink from a fight over bedrock values. We give it all - and give it good. There is no other option when the back is to the wall. To cower and tremble is for soy-boys and luke warmers that will be spewed out. No spewing for me, thank you.
Enjoy - and I will report on the results of our dinner and information gathering this Sunday. So very excited. I need some ammo to give it to the luke warmers here in Cardston so I can start lighting them up. And I will give it like I have taken it. I am a little too "Law of Moses" like that - with a generous helping of charity, when I am moved to dole it out.....
Well, Trump just stepped onto my bad list. Maybe he had to do this for political expediency - but this will not end well.
Hello - China is using this system..... (head smashing against wall).
I had hoped Trump would slow the idiocy of the left....:
Hopefully, there is enough pushback that this gets squelched. What part of "shall not be infringed" do they not understand.
They will continue the false flags until they have their way. Once the next gen is voting en masse, it is over. They have brainwashed them well enough in school that they will finally have their way.
Oh well, one step closer to the Millennium. It will be a rocky ride between now and then, though.
Hello - China is using this system..... (head smashing against wall).
I had hoped Trump would slow the idiocy of the left....:
Hopefully, there is enough pushback that this gets squelched. What part of "shall not be infringed" do they not understand.
They will continue the false flags until they have their way. Once the next gen is voting en masse, it is over. They have brainwashed them well enough in school that they will finally have their way.
Oh well, one step closer to the Millennium. It will be a rocky ride between now and then, though.
This is from Samuel the lama nite. I really like his channel. I think he is a lurker on the blog.
Many people do not realize they are falling right into prophecy.
Not sure why they do not see it. I have another acquaintance from eastern Montana that is crashing and burning. Same basic modus operandi. I study these apostates and can never figure out what makes them tick. Me thinks this is a good thing.....
Very interesting quote at the 5 minute mark.
Amanda Wilcox likely quoting Heber C Kimball or Joseph. I happen to believe that this is referring to the same thing that Spencer spoke of in the third session in VOG.
Many people do not realize they are falling right into prophecy.
Not sure why they do not see it. I have another acquaintance from eastern Montana that is crashing and burning. Same basic modus operandi. I study these apostates and can never figure out what makes them tick. Me thinks this is a good thing.....
Very interesting quote at the 5 minute mark.
Amanda Wilcox likely quoting Heber C Kimball or Joseph. I happen to believe that this is referring to the same thing that Spencer spoke of in the third session in VOG.
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