I happen to call that bearing false witness - and it happens to fall just below murder/adultery in my book. Thank goodness for facts/data and reliable witnesses to refute the trash/trolls in life.
And a rear-view mirror to put them in.
"The Latter-day Saints are in many respects like other people who are not Latter-day Saints. We are apt to entertain views which are not very correct, and which may be the result of our traditions and preconceived ideas. This is a peculiarity that pertains to mankind generally, that whenever they deal with the things of God, or speak about them, or contemplate them, and especially when they read the predictions made by the servants of God concerning future events, or events that may transpire right before their eyes, they are apt to get... exaggerated ideas, in relation to them.
"... Are we not all inclined to look forward to many events which have been predicted by the servants of God as being of so great and wonderful, and I may say so supernatural a character, that when they shall be fulfilled they will even startle us, who believe they are coming, and will compel the unbelieving inhabitants of the earth to accept them as evidences of the truth?http://scriptures.byu.edu/…
"In our thoughts this seems to be the natural tendency. I notice it in myself; I notice it in others. When we read respecting the great events which are to take place in connection with this work, as predicted in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, are we not inclined to think that, surely, when these things shall come to pass all the earth, as well as ourselves, will be constrained to acknowledge this to be the work of God, and these events to be indeed those which have been predicted by the prophets?
"Now I would not, for the world, say one word to lessen in the minds of my brethren and sisters the importance of these events; I would not say one word to weaken your proper expectations; but my experience has taught me that the Lord works in the midst of this people by natural means, and that the greatest events that have been spoken of by the holy prophets will come along so naturally as the consequence of certain causes, that unless our eyes are enlightened by the Spirit of God, and the spirit of revelation rests us, we will fail to see that these are the events predicted by the holy prophets."
Iraq, just wondering how you would handle it and how you would treat you child if they told you they were gay and if they brought home a boy/girl friend?
"No person whose soul is illuminated by the burning Spirit of God can in this world of sin and dense darkness remain passive. He is driven by an irresistible urge to fit himself to be an active agent of God in furthering righteousness and in freeing the lives and minds of men from the bondage of sin.”I would love to know exactly what PPP meant by "the holy anointing".
-Marion G. Romney, In Conference Report, 4 Oct. 1941, p. 89.
“If I had been set to turn the world over, to dig down a mountain, to go to the ends of the earth, or traverse the deserts of Arabia, it would have been easier than to have undertaken to rest, while the Priesthood was upon me. I have received the holy anointing, and I can never rest till the last enemy is conquered, death destroyed, and truth reigns triumphant.”
-Parley P. Pratt, Journal of Discourses, 1:15
(Let me pause to say here, when I was four years of age I was afflicted with that dreadful disease, smallpox, and as bad as I could be and live. My mother took care of me all through this time, giving me sheep’s turtle tea to drink, which cured me, driving the pox out, and I recovered. I shall never forget that dreadful time. I mention this here, as it might be of some value to someone at some future time.)
My sister shared something with me that she saw on the Nephite Explorer program yesterday (Sunday, July 24, 2016). It is by Bruce H. Porter from BYU Religious Studies.
He said: "Individual wickedness is going to be judged in the eternities. But the sins or iniquities of a nation needs to be judged in mortality. When it's judged in mortality then it's the nation that has to be punished. We're told in the New Testament that there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood. Individual sin can be forgiven because of the blood of Christ. But the sin of a nation, and the blood that has to be shed in their turn from the absence of God, is the blood of the citizens themselves. The nation suffers because of it, not the individual. Individual sin is judged in the hereafter. The sins of a nation have to be judged here, because there are no nations in the hereafter. We see the same thing here at Gettysburg – the blood that was spilt from both sides was from the sin of a nation that began to turn away from God. As President Lincoln talked about returning to God – and the men that he inspired felt the same way – there was a need to defend not just the principles of freedom, but the principles of deity. The principles that God had set to defend the rights that man has."
AnonymousJuly 19, 2016 at 12:11 PMThe following verses in 2 Nephi 8 have always led me to believe that they would come from outside of the nation (political) of Israel.
18 And none to guide her among all the sons she hath brought forth; neither that taketh her by the hand, of all the sons she hath brought up.
19 These two sons are come unto thee, who shall be sorry for thee—thy desolation and destruction, and the famine and the sword—and by whom shall I comfort thee?
20 Thy sons have fainted, save these two; they lie at the head of all the streets; as a wild bull in a net, they are full of the fury of the Lord, the rebuke of thy God.
AnonymousJuly 21, 2016 at 8:49 AMSpencer also mentions then potentially being members of the Quorum of the Twelve: "It was at this time that two prophets were called in Zion to go and alter the course of the Jewish people. I knew who they were at the time, but I have not retained that memory. I believe they were members of the Quorum of the Twelve who were then serving in Zion... They left with great courage, knowing their task was pivotal and that it would cost them their lives."
“One of the grand fundamental principles of Mormonism is to receive truth, let it come from where it may.”-Joseph Smith, History of the Church, 5:499
"A man in search of truth has no peculiar system to sustain, nor peculiar dogma to defend or theory to uphold; he embraces all truth, and that truth, like the sun in the firmament, shines forth and spreads its effulgent rays over all creation, and if men will divest themselves of bias and prejudice, and prayerfully and conscientiously search after truth, they will find it wherever they turn their attention.” (John Taylor"
This is Jim Thorpe. Look closely at the photo, you can see that he's wearing different socks and shoes. This was not a fashion statement. It was the 1912 Olympics, and Jim, a Native American from Oklahoma represented the U.S. in track and field. On the morning of his competitions, his shoes were stolen. Luckily, Jim ended up finding two shoes in a garbage bin. That's the pair that he's wearing in the photo. But one of the shoes was too big, so he had to wear an extra sock. Wearing these shoes, Jim won two gold medals. Just a reminder that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Whatever you woke up with this morning: stolen shoes, bad jobs, ill health, failures in relationships or whatever, don't let it stop you from running your race. God aims for you to win despite what the enemy throws at you!
“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” (Genesis 20:12)
There’s another story running through the books of Mosiah and Alma that we don’t pay much attention to, but it’s one that illustrates the fifth of the Ten Commandments.
In 150 B.C., in the tenth year of the reign of the wicked king Noah, we find Amulon and Alma serving under him as priests. Alma believed Abinadi, repented, and dedicated his life to covenant-keeping and serving God. Amulon called for Abinadi’s death by fire.
The short version is, Alma refused a kingdom, choosing to serve instead, and his posterity helped shape the rest of the history of the people of Nephi. Amulon seized whatever power he could, rocketed into power and influence amongst a much larger group of people, but his whole posterity were destroyed within about forty years. Both earned ‘honor’ if you define it as fame or respect. But honoring our parents most of all means honoring our Heavenly Father by keeping his commandments. Alma did, while Amulon’s power came through force and imposing death on others.
If you want the longer version, here it is:
Alma taught the gospel, baptized hundreds, and fled into the wilderness with 450 church members when warned by the Lord (Mosiah 18:35), settling in a place a little closer to Zarahemla, which they called Helam. They immediately began tilling, planting, and building, and they prospered to a degree that amazed Alma. They lived there in peace for between 23 and 25 years. At this point Amulon entered Alma’s life again.
Going back to the time when they split, within a couple of years after Alma’s people left, the Lamanites attacked Noah’s people. Amulon and the other priests, along with Noah and other men, abandoned their families in an effort to save themselves. There was a mutiny, Noah was burned at the stake, but Amulon and the priests escaped, living in the wilderness. Two or three years later, they kidnapped twenty-four of the Lamanites’ daughters and married them. The men stole food and valuables from the people of Limhi- either for survival or to impress their wives. They named the place they settled, Amulon, and 20-22 years later we find that they had ‘begun’ to possess the land and till the ground.
The Lamanites ran across them and their land while searching for the escaped people of Limhi. The Lamanites’ first inclination was to kill them, but the priests’ Lamanite wives convinced them not to. They continued their search with the people of Amulon in tow, and next encountered Alma’s people. Next thing we read, the king of the Lamanites had not only given political honor and power to Amulon (ruling over Alma’s land of Helam, Mosiah 23:39), but had put Amulon and the others in charge of creating and running an educational system. (Mosiah 24:1, 4-7) This was in 121 B.C and the beginning of Amulon’s people’s meteoric rise to power among the Lamanites.
But let’s return to the time when Amulon ruled over Alma. Alma and his people were delivered from Amulon within about a year, and joined Mosiah’s kingdom in the land of Zarahemla. Alma became close friends with King Mosiah, and apparently helped influence the massive change in government there from a monarchy to a republic—the reign of the judges under a set of laws established by Mosiah. It was a shift that gave power to the individual. Alma’s son became the first chief judge, but voluntarily gave up political power after eight years. He did this in order to share what he saw as the truly vital power: the power that God’s word has in changing hearts, lives, and nations, and the power of the priesthood in providing saving ordinances. He, like his father, taught and served without pay. Alma’s descendants continued to do this for generations afterward, shaping the Nephite nation for the better.
In contrast, over the next few decades, Amulon and his children were involved in threatening to kill people of their own heritage (Alma’s group, see Mosiah 24:10-11), and in driving at least two other groups to kill their own relatives, as well: The Amalekites, who were Nehors, helped completely destroy the city of Ammonihah, which was full of Nehors; and the Lamanites, who killed Lamanites who had become converted to the gospel.
When Ammonihah was destroyed in 81 B.C., the Lamanites—the unconverted ones, plus the Amalekites and Amulonites-- killed all of those people but took captive Nephites from the city of Noah and the surrounding area. The Nephites chased down the Lamanites to retrieve the captives, and in that battle and ones soon afterward to drive the Lamanites out of the wilderness, “almost all” of the descendants of Amulon were killed by Nephites (Alma 25:4). The Lamanites, reeling from their losses, began to remember the things Aaron and the other sons of Mosiah had taught them, and many repented. The remaining children of Amulon-- likely the actual CHILDREN of him, who would have been between about 40 and 60 years old-- were calling the shots at this point and killed all the new converts in a fiery massacre. The remaining Lamanites were so incensed that they hunted down and killed whatever Amulonites they could find. Any who could, escaped to the ‘east wilderness’. Moroni probably inadvertently helped finish them off; between 72 and 67 B.C. he focused on driving all the Lamanites out of the east wilderness, and the Nephites moved in instead. This would have chased all the remaining Amulonites back to the Lamanites, who were anxious to continue the genocide.
So after about 40 years of enjoying significant power among the much larger nation of Lamanites, Amulon’s descendants were wiped out by battle, disease, burning, and being hunted down.
This was all prophesied by Abinadi, about forty years earlier.
“And now when the flames began to scorch him, he cried unto them, saying:
Behold, even as ye have done unto me, so shall it come to pass that thy seed shall cause that many shall suffer the pains that I do suffer, even the pains of death by fire; and this because they believe in the salvation of the Lord their God.
And it will come to pass that ye shall be afflicted with all manner of diseases because of your iniquities.
Yea, and ye shall be smitten on every hand, and shall be driven and scattered to and fro, even as a wild flock is driven by wild and ferocious beasts.
And in that day ye shall be hunted, and ye shall be taken by the hand of your enemies, and then ye shall suffer, as I suffer, the pains of death by fire.
Thus God executeth vengeance upon those that destroy his people.” (Mosiah 17:14-19)
Alma the Younger saw this prophecy fulfilled, and he taught his son Helaman, “O remember, remember, my son Helaman, how strict are the commandments of God. And he said: If ye will keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land—but if ye keep not his commandments ye shall be cut off from his presence.” (Alma 37:13)
Alma and Amulon both exercised power. One chose true priesthood power, the power to give and serve. The power that refines and brings honor “without compulsory means”. (D&C 121:46) The other chose political power and compulsion, the power to take. The power that very often corrupts.
Which one brought honor to his parents?
The virus that causes common cold sores may be behind cognitive problems and memory loss later in life.
New research published in Neurology on March 25, found people who had higher levels of the herpes simplex type 1 virus circulating in their blood were more likely to have cognitive deficits than those who had lower levels of the virus in their blood.
"While this association needs to be further studied, the results could lead to ways to identify people at risk of cognitive impairment and eventually lower that risk," study author Dr. Mira Katan, a neurologist with the Northern Manhattan Study at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, said in a statement.
Cold sores are caused by one of two types of herpes simplex virus. The other typically affects the genital area. People with the herpes simplex 1 virus may not show any symptoms, but some develop painful cold sores that are often unsightly can last a week or more. There is no cure for the virus.
Researchers conducted tests that measured memory, thinking and processing abilities in 1,625 people who were on average 69 years old and lived in northern Manhattan in New York. Tests were given annually for eight years on average. Participants were also given blood tests that looked for five common infections the researchers considered low-grade: herpes simplex type 1, herpes simplex type 2, cytomegalovirus (a virus that can cause serious illness in people with weakened immune systems), chlamydia pneumoniae (which can cause the common respiratory infection pneumonia) and Helicobacter pylori (a bacteria found in the stomach that can cause ulcers).
"We found the link was greater among women, those with lower levels of education and Medicaid or no health insurance, and most prominently, in people who do not exercise," said Katan.
People who had higher levels of the infections were 25 percent more likely to have a lower cognitive score than those with the lowest levels. The study only showed an association, not cause and effect. Infection was not associated with any changes in memory or thinking abilities over the course of the eight-year testing period, the researchers also found.
Katan said the findings suggest exercise and childhood vaccinations against viruses could reduce risk for memory problems later in life.
A 2011 studylinked the herpes virus that causes cold sores to increased risk for Alzheimer's disease. Researchers tagged viral particles with fluorescent proteins and watched them under a microscope, only to find the particles damaged nerve cells in ways that may lead to Alzheimer's.
Dr. Timo Strandberg, a cognitive disease researcher at the University of Helsinki in Finland, and Allison Aiello, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan, wrote an editorial accompanying to the new study that called for more research to look at the interactions between disease pathogens and damage to the brain.
One& expert cautioned while the study was intriguing, not much can be made from it at this stage.
"My concerns are, who are these people who are drawn into these studies? Because they're not a representative population," Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert who chairs the preventive medicine department at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, told CNN. He was not involved in the study. "I'm just very cautious about what we can conclude from this association."
"for what can our enemies do? Only kill the body, and their power is then at an end. <3 span=""> STAND FIRM, my friends; never flinch <3 span="">. Do not seek to save your lives, for he that is afraid to die for the truth, will lose eternal life. Hold out to the end, and we shall be resurrected and become like Gods, and reign in celestial kingdoms, principalities, and eternal dominions.”
- Joseph Smith, June 1844
"What then will be the condition of the people when the great and dreadful war will come? It will be very DIFFERENT FROM the WAR between the NORTH and SOUTH. It will be neighborhood against neighborhood, city against city, town against town, state against state, and they will go forth destroying and being destroyed. Manufacturing will almost cease, great cities will be left desolate. The time will come when the great city of New York will be left without inhabitants... When that day shall come (when the missionaries will be called home) there shall be wars, not such wars as have come in centuries and years that are past and gone, but a desolating war. When I say desolating, I mean that it will lay these European nations in waste. Cities will be left vacated, without inhabitants. The people will be destroyed by the sword of their own hands. Not only this but many other cities will be burned; for when contending armies are wrought up with the terrible anger, without the Spirit of God upon them, when they have not that spirit of humanity that now characterizes many of the wars amongst nations, when they are left to themselves, there will be no quarter given, no prisoners taken, but a war of destruction, of desolation, of the burning of the cities and villages, until the land is laid desolate."- Orson Pratt - Original Council of the Twelve Apostles-under Joseph Smith -Vol. 20 of the Church’s Journal of Discourses:
(J. Disc. 20: 150)
Gotta love the subtlety of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon. I think this commenter nailed it down. I have never picked that one up before - but in this context, I think there is little to debate about.