Tuesday, December 3, 2024


 Good stuff in relation to the previous post, in that he will be there with the Savior to judge Israel during the time of tribulation, when the earth shall reel to and fro (the great EQ of VoG as taught in Matthew 24, etc?:

Joseph Smith,Jr.

Given by Joseph Smith, Sr., Patriarch of the Church of the Latter Day
Saints, to his son on December 9, 1834. Joseph Smith, junior was born in
Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont, December 23, 1805.

Joseph, my son, I lay my hands upon thy head in the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, to confirm upon thee a father's blessing. The Lord thy God
has called thee by name out of the heavens: thou hast heard his voice
from on high from time to time, even in thy youth. The hand of the angel
of his presence has been extended toward thee by which thou hast been
lifted up and sustained; yea, the Lord has delivered thee from the hands
of thine enemies and thou hast been made to rejoice in his salvation:
thou hast sought to know his ways, and from thy childhood thou hast
meditated much upon the great things of his law. Thou hast suffered much
in thy youth, and the poverty and afflictions of thy father's family
have been a grief to thy soul. Thou hast desired to see them delivered
from bondage, for thou hast loved them with a perfect love. Thou hast
stood by thy father, and like Shem, would have covered his nakedness,
rather than see him exposed to shame: when the daughters of the Gentiles
laughed, thy heart has been moved with a just anger to avenge thy
kindred. Thou hast been an obedient son: the commands of thy father and
the reproofs of thy mother, thou hast respected and obeyed - for all
these things the Lord my God will bless thee. Thou hast been called,
even in thy youth to the great work of the Lord: to do a work in this
generation which no man would do as thyself, in all things according to
the will of the Lord. A marvelous work and a wonder has the Lord wrought
by thy hand, even that which shall prepare the way for the remnants of
his people to come in among the Gentiles, with their fulness, as the
tribes of Israel are restored.

I bless thee with the blessings of thy fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
and even the blessings of thy father Joseph, the son of Jacob. Behold,
he looked after his posterity in the last days, when they should be
scattered and driven by the Gentiles, and wept before the Lord: he
sought diligently to know from whence the son should come who should
bring forth the word of the Lord, by which they might be enlightened,
and brought back to the true fold, and his eyes beheld thee, my son: his
heart rejoiced and his soul was satisfied, and he said, As my blessings
are to extend to the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills, as my
father's blessing prevailed above the blessings of his progen[i]tor, and
as my branches are to run over the wall, and my seed are to inherit the
choice land whereon the Zion of God shall stand in the last days, from
among my seed, scattered with the Gentiles, shall a choice Seer arise
whose bowles shall be as a fountain of truth, whose loins shall be
girded with the girdle of righteousness, whose hands shall be lifted
with acceptance before the God of Jacob to turn away his anger from his
annointed, whose heart shall meditate great wisdom, whose intelligence
shall circumscribe and comprehend the deep things of God, and whose
mouth shall utter the law of the just
: His feet shall stand upon the
neck of his enemies, and he shall walk upon the ashes of those who seek
his destruction: with wine and oil shall he be sustained, and he shall
feed upon the heritage of Jacob his father: the just shall desire his
society, and the upright in heart shall be his companions: No weapon
formed against him shall prosper, and though the wicked mar him for a
little season, he shall be like one rising up in the heat of wine - he
shall roar in his strength, and the Lord shall put to flight his
he shall be blessed like the fruitful olive, and his memory
shall be as sweet as the choice cluster of the first ripe grapes. Like a
shief fully ripe, gathered into the garner, so shall he stand before the
Lord, having produced a hundred fold. Thus spake my father Joseph.
Therefore, my son, I know for a surety that those things will be
fulfilled, and I confirm upon thee all these blessings.

Thou shalt like to do the work which the Lord shall command thee: Thou
shalt hold the Keys of this ministry, even the presidency of this
church, both in time and in eternity
. Thy heart shall be enlarged, and
thou shalt be able to fill up the measure of thy days according to the
will of the Lord. Thou shalt speak the word of the Lord and the earth
shall tremble; the mountains shall move and the rivers shall turn out of
their course. Thou shalt escape the edge of the sword, and put to flight
the armies of the wicked. At thy word the lame shall walk, the deaf
shall hear and the blind shall see. Thou shalt be gathered to Zion and
in the goodly land thou shalt enjoy thine inheritance; thy children and
thy children's children to the latest generation; for thy name and the
names of thy posterity shall be recorded in the book of the Lord, even
in the book of blessings and genealogies, for their joy and benefit
forever. And now, my son, what more shall I say? Thou art as a fruitful
olive and a choice vine: thou shalt be laden with precious fruit.
Thousands and tens of thousands shall come to a knowledge of the truth
through thy ministry,
and thou shalt rejoice with them in the Celestial

Thou shalt stand upon the earth when it shall reel to and fro as a
drunken man, and be removed out of its place: thou shalt stand when the
mighty judgments go forth to the destruction of the wicked: thou shalt
stand on Mount Zion when the tribes of Jacob come shouting from the
north, and with thy brethren, the sons of Ephraim, crown them in the
name of Jesus Christ:
Thou shalt see thy Redeemer come in the clouds of
heaven, and with the just receive the hallowed throng with shouts of
hallalujahs, praise the Lord. Amen

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, millions shall know Brother Joseph again.

