Tuesday, December 3, 2024


 If you have not, please read the previous list of items that Joseph Smith will be involved in.  Being written by a "Gentile/Jew", it is uncanny how close or rather spot on it was at predicting Joseph's role and mission here on earth.  The thing I want to focus in on is the statement of this Ben Joseph (Son of Joseph = Joseph Smith Jr) going with Ben David (Son of David = Jesus Christ) to do some kick butt over in Jerusalem after the forces are gathered about the Holy Land:

    14. when Messiah ben David appears, the first person he will resurrect is ben Joseph, and together the Saviors [plural] will stand on mount Zion and mount of Olives to fight and destroy Edom. This is Armageddon; then comes the Great Sabbath of the Lord. messiah .

So, Joseph will be the first person caught up in this phase of the Resurrection.  Then those who have been raised with him will constitute an army that will fight those from Syria, Turkey, Iran and southern Russia who have come against Israel (Edom = Children of Esau/twin brother of Jacob and traditional enemy/foe of Israel).  I find it interesting that there will be a massive EQ on that side of the world such that the Mount of Olives will split in twain.  Could it be that this same EQ is what is the residual felt from what hits the West Coast in the VoG narrative?

I just read another account of what people see happening in Utah County.  Massive land subsidence and growth (mountains disappearing and some coming up where they were not before).

So, if Joseph is physically (Resurrected) in SLC after the big EQ there, does it not stand to reason that the two EQs are in the same time frame?  Does it not make sense that the nations of the earth feel that the time is right to attack Israel once Israel no longer has the protection of the USA?  If so, what is massive enough to take down the USA such that they cannot come to the aid and protection of Israel?  I think the answer is given through deduction and plain logic.

It will be monumental.  It will be sooner than most think.  In the lifetime of President Oaks and President Holland.

1 comment:

  1. So when they stand on Mount Zion and the mount of Olives to destroy Edom (Armageddon), is that event concurrent with the witnesses (two sons or prophets or candlesticks at the head of the streets of Jerusalem— the only ones in Jerusalem who faint not)?

    Are Ben Joseph and Ben David the two sons/candlesticks/witnesses/prophets who are like a wild bull in a net at the head of the streets?

    If they are, they cannot die again and then Nephi’s translation is best.

    If the two are not the same, then not sure. All I know is that John the Revelator’s version, which was translated how many times by who knows who, is the most quoted version of this event.

    Isaiah is quoted much less, yet Jesus Christ commanded us to study the words of Isaiah.

    And, of course, I have never heard Nephi quoted in relation to the two prophets or sons in Jerusalem—odd.

    •Revelations 11 says they die in the streets and are raised up after 3? days.
    •Isaiah 51 says they faint and are at the head of the streets like a wild bull. I picture a unicorn even the footnotes say antelope.
    •2 Nephi 8 says these are the only two sons raised to Jerusalem that faint not.

    I am assuming that these are all the same “two sons” and not six different ones where two die and in 3 days raise again on their own, two faint and then raise, and two are the only sons not to faint.

    Are these two things:
    1. Armageddon and
    2. prophets or witnesses at the head of the streets — like a wild bull,

    at the same time and place (Mount Zion/Mount of Olives/head of the streets of Jerusalem)?

    Isn’t Mount Zion in America?
