Wednesday, December 4, 2024


 I have a few former friends who were too smart for their own good that have completely (arrogantly and stupidly) rejected the Book of Mormon and Joseph and the Endowment.  Basically, they got mad at the Church's position on the wackseen and decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  It almost sucked in a few people that I love, so I went on a brutal attack - which they then turned on me and tried calling me out for "not understanding" their insane "journey".  Man, I have come to hate that word...  It is code for "letting go of the Iron Rod and doing a cross country jaunt through the mists of darkness".  When they finally pull their heads out of their asses (like Martin Harris finally did), the wreckage is often too great to overcome with what life they have left, if in their older years...  Most start this insane "journey" about the mid-life crisis time.  

Basically, I have found in the case that hits the closest to home, that there is excessive attention to worldly pursuits like Christmas celebrations, B-days, etc (thousands of dollars for each shindig) and you will rarely find a church book in their library to balance out the the Sunday sports, the Harry Potter BS and other mindless fantasy.  You will rarely find food in their pantries because they are so busy partying like it is 1999.  Hardly the take I would have considering world events and warnings from those on the watchtowers that Jesus' coming is imminent.  This makes them easy to deceive because they do not know the doctrines of the Kingdom and usually come to the wolves and charlatans to receive their "knowledge".  They are nice social Mormons (people I actually enjoyon a casual basis, just not the ones you want to be around when the crap hits the fan).  Because they will be on your doorstep asking for food and family connections will be strained by the response of "heck no, but sorry!!".  Jesus was very clear that we are not to share our oil (knowledge/spiritual and food/temporal) after the door is closed against those who were foolish.  That mindset might be easy to maintain considering those in this position would hardly give a "crazy" guy like me the time of day while giving out the rhetoric I have been assigned to distribute by God himself in a temple of the Lord.  When the hammer falls, I hope the separation of the sheep and the goats will be very stark, so things are not messy in the interrim.

For such, I hold no respect.  They never followed the Prophet (at least to the level I think we should be doing towards the Lord's mouthpiece), so why should they criticize him for telling everyone basically that they are on their own (because the Church likely has been infiltrated and they are not allowed to say what needs to be said without the Deep State shutting them down) and to seek out the best medical advice and to get a response on the jib jab from the HG (and not man).  In my opinion, anyone over a 120 IQ could see the scamdemic for what it was:  a manipulative ploy to foist something on mankind - the entire world population.  So much hysteria and BS.  So, the response by the Church shows that something was clearly illogical.

So anyway - here is to baby that got chucked with the bathwater.  Tread on sacred things very lightly!

Here is just one video and book that backs up the Endowment through history:

Enjoy!  And hold fast to the Iron Rod!

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