Sunday, December 1, 2024

Messiah Ben Joseph

 (While I was attending Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies [Chicago], the rabbis taught whole lessons/classes on messiah ben Joseph - the latter-day Ephraimite prophet; and I have written several papers on him. Here are a few of my findings that I am just remembering off of the top of my head:

1. messiah ben Joseph is the fore-runner to, and suffering servant of Messiah ben David.

2. He has many symbolic names, e.g. Breaker [Daniel's prophecy], Taheb [Ingatherer - for Israel will be gathered for the last time] Rem [wild bullock with the black and shiny horns; the symbol for Ephraim is the wild bullock, the symbol for Judah is the lion], Asiph [restorer], etc. but his name will be Joseph, after his father - a descendant of Joseph of Egypt through his first born, Ephraim

3. “Messiah ben Joseph must prove his identity not by miracles, but by his historical success.” Klausner; whereas MEssiah ben David will be known by his miracles. 

4. according to the Dead Sea Scrolls, beacuse he knows nothing pertaining to things divine or religious or the correct way to worship G-d, that when a lad, while on his knees in prayer to ask G-d what to do, the heavens will open and G-d the Father and the Son of Man will appear to him; and that, like Moses, he will be afforded the privilege of asking any question he wants.

5. he will deliver a new Torah, given to him after "the many lectures" [Ginzberg] by the hand of Manassah on the 1st of Tishre. Joseph will translate the new Torah by Urim and Thummin. It will be delivered to the people on the 1st of Nisan.

6. he will lay the cornerstone of the temple on the 9th of Av, thereby negating the Black Fast.

7. he is the 2nd Moses, and will have two counselors, twelve advisers, plus the seventies.

8. he will restore prophecy, priesthood, temples and deliver a new tora.

9. both Moses and Elijah would appear to him "in the self same hour" on the 15th of Nisan to restore the keys of gathering Israel, including the return of the lost ten tribes, and the keys for Elijah's sealing powers to straighten out our genealogies.[Ginzberg]

10. he would send an envoy to Jerusalem in 5600 [1840] to call the Jews back home.

11. he would suffer much at the hands of Armilus.

12. he would become a general in the army. 

13. he would live about 40 years, be martyred while doing battle with the enemies of Messiah ben David; but Joseph's death will have no atoning effect what-so-ever.

14. when Messiah ben David appears, the first person he will resurrect is ben Joseph, and together the Saviors [plural] will stand on mount Zion and mount of Olives to fight and destroy Edom. This is Armageddon; then comes the Great Sabbath of the Lord. messiah .


  1. As much as I want this to be true. It is not. Go to the site. You will see.
    sorry for being Danny downer

    1. Comments by Jews who are in a state of apostacy is of little interest to me.
