Thursday, December 5, 2024


 This is a quote from a fellow Boeing engineer that was a contractor and then went direct and became a manager.  When he was a lowly contractor, he would always say this:  

"You have to be careful whom you screw over, for tomorrow you may be licking their boots..."

This applies to all situations.  Especially all the beaurocrats that screwed him over in California and on his SpaceX ventures in Texas, etc.   He and Ramaswany (sp) are going to do a mighty work in cutting the fat - and more likely focusing on areas where they have been given hell by the useless parasites of DC.

To all the people who have thrown significant people or institutions under the bus (Joseph Smith, Jesus, etc), there will be a cummeuppance and it is not going to be pretty.  EVERY action has an equal and opposite reaction.  You cannot run away and hide from perfect Justice.  If you trash the Book of Mormon and the institution that safeguards it, you will have to answer to those who gave their lives over this.  NOT going to be very pretty.

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