Sunday, May 26, 2024


 Well, well.  Mosiah 23:14 popped up in this week’s reading:

[14] And also trust no one to be your teacher nor your minister, except he be a man of God, walking in his ways and keeping his commandments. 

[15] Thus did Alma teach his people, that every man should love his neighbor as himself, that there should be no contention among them.

If the minister kicks the man on the side of the road while he is down, while obliquely enjoying the spoils of the initial robbery, or does not correct those who passed by and did nothing, is that minister a Just man?  

I was talking to my old landlord whose husband is a temple sealer and pointed out that the move above was worse than the original indifferent act by the Levite and High Prete who passed by and acted indifferently towards a moral obligation to help, instead of hinder.

I cannot name the number of hours of sleep I have lost with my condition, let alone those I have lost due to worry about how to get my project finished with the Cardston weather and the threat of lawsuits from a friendly neighbor pressing the county.  And some of my neighbors have the ability to use their means to put some legal hurt as they have full indoor sports courts/gymnasiums.

All of this is a kick on a guy who literally is flirting with the increasing specter of death, much like the man on the side of the road, bleeding in the ditch.

Life is a bitch…

1 comment:


    Joseph Smith Foundation —Alma and the Utah War Pioneers Divine Rescue

    Great quotes, great scriptures, great message, Mr. Woodzone.
