Sunday, May 26, 2024


 Did y’all know Jesus was a disruptor? Yes, that’s right. That’s a new term I learned for Him in church yesterday. Jesus came into this world to disrupt the norms of hypocrites. He disrupted so much that those around Him were angered to the point of wanting to kill Him. And they did kill Him.

So remember. If you’re disrupting the hypocritical norms of our day, like Christ did in His day, you too will be hated. No parades for you. No special months of recognition and celebration. No flags on every other house and in every school. No festivals, no parties. No, it’s the hypocrites with the power who are openly and endlessly celebrated for their hypocrisy. Just as they were in Christ’s day.

Hypocrisy such as declaring themselves “inclusive” and “tolerant” when in reality they exclude, protest, and mock all who disagree with them. Just the same as did the hypocrites in Christ’s day - nothing’s really changed. Different words, same behavior. 

So, knowing this, it makes sense then that Jesus Christ gave us the Family Proclamation. His words in this document absolutely disrupt the hypocrisy of our day. And when you stand for it, you will be hated, just like Christ was in His day.

Yes - Christ was literally killed for the truth He spoke. So if you, like Him, are protested, persecuted, rejected, and mocked when you stand for truth, take courage. You’re in good company. Be grateful that you have the faith to do as He’s asked of you. I know I am.

#thefamilyproclamation #wearemurray #believeinmurray #standfortruth #disruption #disruptinghypocrisy #WWJD

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